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'~} ~ St#t3R7 ~GRtrt Loan Number-- ~,'~-'~,-~ -- ~ --,,- -. <br />"." } Pf~OPfSf2TY tINPROVEM)gNT ---`6,.n~. <br />FowM tJO. 27 7 tl2ty. 12i(i0z <br />E.EAL ESTATE ~VI~I~.T~AGE <br />$1- ~ t13 $ 5 3 IiN(TS'V ALL MEN sY fifiF,SE ~ ANTS <br />THAfi_.,'~i.e,kia~a...3.,...:.~.RdxtaA..arad._.+t~~X:a..?~....E:~~:.t~...auS.b.~Ra --:?nci---~:%s;?.~..,ointl-y . Vinci-. etch----.. <br />i:: their own right, <br />hereinafter called Mortgagors, in conaaderation of the sum of ..ila.^.~ _~o?k~ and-. U i t Hundred. 9nd , 00 / I00 <br />($ g,t~p,pp ) DOLLARS, the receipt of which is herebyp ackrrowledged, do hereby MOATf3AGE <br />p'EDERALESAVING~IAND LOAN A95~CIATION OF oLI c ~ NEBRASKA. heieinafter called <br />Mortgagce, its successors and assigns, the following desczibed real estate, situated in._-.....}~st:.7~,..... <br />County, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit:ft> tract o* land ~ =Meet =r. width by 132 feet in lengtr,form- <br />erly being tl?at Bart o#' Hest 11th :;reset o£ the Cit~,~ o.f .,rand Island, Hall t,ounty, I~iebraska, vacated <br />by said City os Grand Island on the `nth .ray cif October, 1;%6o by ordinance X37$4. described as fellows <br />Beginni~5 at the 3outiiecst corner of Lot 1, 31oc~ ~ , West Fark_ Addi±ion to ?.he City o: Grand island, <br />14ebraska. training thence `nest nn `he .;oath line of ,!-..i .i i,ot 1. `or dist:snce of 13" feet. to the <br />$oitthwest corner cf said Lot i; nintiing r_hence ;>outh, nn •i ;;roionaation o: `he West line of said Lot <br />1, for a distance or- ~~`~ feet to the dortiiwest ^orr-er o' Lot -. Bloc_F 16, c>f ..aid West Park Addition; <br />running thence :art on the 'lor*h line ot` ~.._.. rot =,. ice ~~-lance cf 132 -set 'o -rte "3vrtheast <br />corner of ssid Lat , . riauzir.~ thence •iorttt-for ~ 3i~tncF^ :_ ~•*. ee*_ zr. ~. prolori~at:,or. of +~-ne past <br />line of ssid Lot -i.l`c the Coutheast ~orner ,t ~_~;d ,nt J.. 131ock ~?. Wes+. '.'ark :addition. being the <br />point of T6 fiAYE AND T(3 HOLD the neat egiatc above desctilied, with ail appurtenances thercamto <br />beginnin~elonging unto the said Mortgagee, forever, provided always, and this mortgage is upon the eapzess con- <br />dition t37at if the aforesaid MortgatCcirs, their heirs. executors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause <br />to be paid to the said Mortgagee, its succe~ors or assi&tis, the rincipal sum heremahove set forth, all <br />according to the tenor and effect of a-certain installment note of said ortgagors hearing eves date with <br />this mortgage, sad shall pay taxes and assessments levied upon said real estate, and all other taws, levies <br />and aasesairienta levied upon this mortgage or the polo which this mortgage is given to rotate. Izefore the <br />same or any irit?iallrrient thereof liecaines delinquent, then this mortgage to Ize t•oid, otherwise to remain. <br />in full farce. <br />IT IS FI."fiTHER AGREED ! I) That if the said Mortgagor shall fail to pay such taws, the <br />Mortgagee taay pay the same and then earn so advanced with interest shall be paid by said Mortgagors, <br />and this mortgage shah stand as security far the :isms. (21 That Mortgagors covenant with the Mortgagee <br />that they are wtuliy sized of said real estate acid eoveuant to avarrant and dt-fetid the mid r~l estate <br />against the lawful c.lairris of elf persoi~ svhc,irsaae=-ar. f3) R`hat in ~ «f a fore~loqure of this ziairtg, <br />the plaintiff in such proceedings shall he entitled to take ;xu~~aion of the prerr»s€xi, pmtort the carne and <br />collect the rents, iasttc+s acid profits thereof. td) That ci elf Lure to pay any of said money or any install- <br />ment ther>?of when the ~riia hacciriitea dtte.::r a failure to c~nply vntli arty of the foregoing agr~!~flta, <br />s~,ell ~ *1?e ~,,t corn €if rnnney hP-r~lri -cured to lrecnme dos and «ile.~tiblr at once at the option of <br />tlsa Mortgagee. <br />TIRANSFII2 t)F THE I'ROPER'I't`; ASBUMPTIt7iV. ff all or any Imo; of the 1'~pgrty or an <br />inte~test. therein is sold ar tranisfetzed by 4iorfga~or cr-ithout ~lortgage~e'= prior w-rittctl c~angent, excludi33g <br />(al the creation of a lien or encumbranai suiwrclinate to this Mortgage, Ihl the creation of a purchase <br />money securit interest far household applianciize, (e) a transfer by devise, d~x.~ertt or by operation of lsw <br />open the t~th of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of any lext,aehoid interest of three years or leas not caon- <br />taining act option to purihsse, Mortgagee may, at Mortgageee's optinn, declare all the sterns secured by this <br />Moiigage W be immedia#ely due and payable. <br />If Mortgagee egett'iaas such option to accelerate, Aortgagee shall mail Mortgagor notice of <br />aucelrration and such notice shall provide a period of not leas than :10 days fmm the date the not-ice is <br />mailed within which Mortgagor m~a}'• pay the stia~ declared due. If Mortgagor fails to pay such sums Prior <br />W the expicatioa of such period, 4[ort~agee may, without further notice or demand on Mortgagor, invoke <br />the power of sale and any ohree ramedtes permitted by applic~bie law. <br />Signed than. .::?±tl;.- day of .-:~>t1,;a~_- <br />.-,. .... i ~i ...... <br />/' ~ .~ fir"rr't•~.-/_ f~.~/J, <br />fill K' I'l.o n ~_ _. ,. <br />.;,,.. <br />~'ihT$ C3F f~T~S3tAs4KA <br />t377 tii~ ._...~ut[t.__,..- daY d ..._~i~~..._..___-._.... 11..'~~_ beforo tea, the uadesriQnnd. a Noteq Pic, in aril for <br />'!~i c. 1 n - <br />(.~smtS. Du1Y etsme ~,_..~1~f=n....?~....=:~~SA_.;~s~..1.~.Yd,7';~t_zr.,..-.:a.~sSf.~..;'tll~,lip_raiAi's...ii.1.1.:~-'-•--.---- <br />~ereoapIiy ftaatm to roar io tea ton identical Pawns xhosn rwares nn, eked to the nbow sad - isareauin; ixtsttvmen~ r <br />~R sad eaar37 asknerrriedtrd eakt irurtramsat to he his as her wltratary act sad deed <br />Wilr~ aV brad sad s3ii~f~e'*,+_ :`hR,L't~£t#i.:e . _. _.-.... ... <br />...+ <br />ihn dtrar taK rd~ve w-rlttoa. ~strstt~cttiBiep titet.r>i~+wl -.' .... <br />Ct~ 5 ta:.~s 1. <br />.: - - <br />- - - NMarg tic. <br />4.~ir zr, e~rvz~-..-. <br />