<br />
<br />TRUST DEE,~ Q
<br />THiS TRUST DEED trade this a 7~ day of July 1981, between
<br />AMERICANA iPiVESTM~T GROUP, I.iC. , as Trustor, whose address is
<br />2608 Old Fair Rand, Grand Island, "iebraska; .TOH': K. SROidCdEi,I., as
<br />whale address is 2121 Varth Webb•Road, Grand Tslard, Nebraska, as
<br />Beneficiary.
<br />That Trustor carveys, sells, and warrants to Trustee in trust,
<br />with power of sale, the following described real property:
<br />Lot Faur (4) in IIlock P7ine t9}, Continental
<br />Gardens, an Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Zsland, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee
<br />simple, togetixer with all iuildings, fixtures, improvements,
<br />and appurtenances thereto 'aelongin,.
<br />The Trustor covenants and agrees with the said Trustee and
<br />Beneficiary that txe is lawfully seised t;f said premises; that he
<br />has good, right, and lawful authority to sell snd convey said
<br />premises; that said ;~ramises are free anti clear of all liens
<br />anti encumbrances; and that Trustor will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises unto the Trustee and his successors and
<br />assigns forever against the claims of all persons,
<br />FOR THE PURZ'OS£ fJF SECURING performance an each agreement
<br />of Trustor herein contained and the payment of One FIundred Seventy
<br />Five Thousand Dollars t$1?5,ODQ.30}, as evidenced by a promissory ,'J
<br />note bearing even date at the rate a: eighteen percent t18g) per y~
<br />annum until gai.d; the principal sum and interest shall be payable`
<br />pursuant tg the terms of said promissory note dated
<br />1~cR1, .~"..c.sw~ven 's'riFa~wr and $r:e3-Mary, a~ such f5f3tE z--a~X~
<br />tended, tlified, and rgne~ve.~. %~11 pays~nents shall t±e made at the
<br />offi4e of the Beneficiary, ii::i ~3orth v7ebb toad, Grand Zsland,
<br />ixabra~it~, or at such ottx€r place as the :raider ray designate
<br />in writing.
<br />It is agreed, by and between the parties hereto that while
<br />title is vested in the Trustee and until filing of Notice of
<br />Default, the Trustor shall:
<br />1#. Retain gasseseion of the premises and collect the
<br />rents and revenues therefrom_
<br />!Maintain the buildings and improvements located
<br />thereon in goad condition and repair.
<br />C. Pay all taxes acid special assessments levied ar
<br />assessed against or due upon saki premises before
<br />delinciuency, and to deliver to Beneficiary copies
<br />:;f rec.$ipts sh€r+~izxy payment of such taxes.
<br />t3. Procure and maintain policies of insurance against
<br />the usual hazards of fire, hail, windstorm, and
<br />other similar rizrks, in sums and underwritten toy
<br />companies aeceptataie tr, the Beneficiary , with loss
<br />payable to the parties as their interest .^.~ay
<br />appser>
<br />E. t?$y to the Beneficiarv, if Beneficiary sa r~uires;
<br />taye~~r with and in addition tQ the re~aular monthly
<br />