<br />~~~ ~~i~~:~s~
<br />L~der`s written agtxxmesst oc appiicabts law. Borrower shalt pay the amourts of ail mortgage insura>xe prcmiutm in the
<br />tttargter prodded under paragraph 2 fsrxeof.
<br />Arty atnotrnts disfxrraed b5r Lardu pursuant to this paragraph ?. with interest therexin, shah be:comc additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower aeeurtsd 6y this Mortgage. Unless Borrotv'er and I_cader a to attrer terms of pavrrtsm. stxh
<br />tansatarnts shalt tx pltyabie upon rsotice fran I.errdcr :a Bnrt•ower requesting pavtrrent thereof. and shall hear interest from the
<br />date of s:tsett~rst at thG rate payable frmrt time to rime ts=.t ountanding prittcipa! uatkr tlx !+ttxe unless payngat of
<br />irttmastt at attch rWe wwid iz contrary to applicable law, in which evrnt such srrtousts shall hear ineerest at the higilesi rate
<br />pace tinder applsexbk law. *itxiting rnrr[airxd in this paragraph 7 .hall require Ixnder to incur any expense or take
<br />aay acYroe! tstxrtades.
<br />i, Ttr~~edw. Leader may make ctr cage to tee made reasrnable entries upon artd'snsputians of the Property, prrn~tiai
<br />that Lender shat! r;itre Harrower ntXice prior so any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor relatal to i_rnder's
<br />interestrn the Praperey.
<br />9. C'aaiemeatloa. The prtxeeds of any' award or claim for damages, detect or ctmsegta;atia{. in rnnis~ion with anY
<br />c-ortdesrtrtaiiotr ar utter taking of the Property, or par. thereat. nr ,tor conveyance in lieu of candtmnatian. arc hereby, assigtreci
<br />and shall !ee paid fie Leader.
<br />In the event of a total taking of ttrr_ Property. the prasceds shall he applied to !fie sums secured by this Aortgage.
<br />with the excess. if any, paid to Harrower. In the evens of a partial taking of the Property, unk;ss }3ormwer and Ixntkr
<br />otherwise agrce in writing, there shall tx appticd to the sums r:•cttrcd by this Mongage such praponion of the proctesds
<br />as is equat.to that proporiian which the amount of she ,ums ,ecured by this 4langage immediately prior to the due of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value e,f the Property immediately pnnr to the elate of caking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />pairs to Borrower.
<br />If atte Property is attaerdotted by Borrower, nr if, after notice by Tender to Rarrnwer that the candemnar afters to trgtke
<br />an award ar settee a claim far damages. $arnwer faits to rrspc,nd to l.erlder within ?0 days after she date such notice is
<br />tnaitt~, Lender is authorized to cotiece and apply she prtteeeds. at Lender's option. either so restoration ar repair of the
<br />Property ar to the sutra sceltrr:d by this Mortgage.
<br />Ilnkas Ixrrdtr attd Harrower olfxrwise agree :n writing, anc such appht:atton of prctcreds to principal shall not extend
<br />or prntporte she doe dart of lire ttutnshly insta@rncnts referred to in nara¢raphs and '_ hereof er change the amount of
<br />tacit instaiinxats.
<br />li. iWSSwes''.Mo1 Reiraaed. Fztenxtnn +„' the trine stir payment r,r mc,diticanan of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by Phis Mortgage grtsntext by l tarkr to anY crxcesx,r .n interest ,,f Barraaer shall nor operate to rekast, in any trtartner.
<br />tttt tiabi#iiy of the arigtnal Harro+trr and Betratver'c Sua~cezstus .n rntertst lender sha#! not s,t required to camtnenee
<br />--"--- - ~ stx-czs~:.r - vase cox rnd •-~'_ ~ ... i.e.....,~ .+A:f+. i ftu_ c
<br />prOVCi'~TPga a~#rrvr +tW;xr r - : .,: ~.. .. .... R. ... ^.:, .. ... ..~ttttn n. _ums
<br />ecured Ity this !Ntsngage 6}• reason ~N ,rny demand made ~h+ the r,+netna{~ Barmwtr^and Anrrrnver's successnrc in interest.
<br />ti. pwAw>_rt Ay [fader Yat • Waiver. ins f.',rf,earnncc by i ender in c:crctsina anv right nr remedy htrcuntkr, ar
<br />eXher+vtse aficnndad hY a}spttsabk taw. ,hall nos !x ,r waiver ~.+t ,:r -recltade the ecercrse of anv such right or rrnledy.
<br />'The praxurentenr of iraeuraace ur she t+avment ,u taxes „r :xhcr !yens nr : iIaIRCS t,v {ender <hall nM he a waiver of I.cnder's
<br />ngitt fo acsetCrife teat maturity c,{ the rnacistt3ness recurred by rh:s htengagt.
<br />IL itAstas~rr CaalWvt. 11t remtdtes t+m,rdtd :n rhea Stortgafic arc +t istinct and u:rtnVAtive to anv rnher right nr
<br />rem;~h• und%r tarn !4ltutgagr nr sffnrded by Pxw ,.r euu,tc_ .,r:d mae~ tx cserc~ved ~oneurrcnt`sv. mciependentiv nr =.ck.cQizivety.
<br />t1. 4eres'Aetrett tetrad Alter Baa!ad: Itrbat attd 'iererd t.is60ky; <'ytlras. -the ;ovenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shall hind. and the risChts tserturs~t shall :Hare sn. rate rs~speCt:vr stlcces~r; and a:s:ens sat !ender and Harrower.
<br />subj+xt to the prnvisrsm of Para&raph " bettor ail ~osrnantz and a¢tetments .+t &,rrnwcr ,hail t-e Ir`mt and several.
<br />'Tile crytvirra and hestrfmga :*t .hc puaaraphs ;=t ~hn stnrtgage art f..-=r .onvrnstrtce ~+niv anal :rc Hers t:+ t,e used to
<br />mterp£et ar define the prttviskrtts tssttttt.
<br />11. 'tiartlee. Fseept far any nonce rcqurred ::viler ,ppricahk taw to tx gtvrn :n another manner ',rr :,nv notice to
<br />Borrower pmvrdtd !ar ~n this Mnnga{te +haii he y;~vrn by rnal{ing sorb nnuct '+s .crtrfitd mars addrrased +o tierrowtr at
<br />the Pmpeny Address nr at such ratter .ddr:z. ss Barrnwer rnav dts:gnarc by :,tutee t,+ 1 ender .rs pnwided heron. ,end
<br />4b} anY ruottcx sa t.endtr <haii :,e grreat F. ~crt,fied marl, rcturfr tereept regttestcd. t zrst;tts adtres~ s:sr~d llet=ir: <,. ?:t
<br />i~ti~r c -a :_~-~. , ,. s. ~ ._ ~-:. .. ~ .~-e `. B£'.'r*~uvr ~a t... ":d.~i. -- _-_- anY' __° -g nn,vt~ieYi fir .n !hie
<br />Ma;tgage shalt tae dtett:tsf err have r=e,en )Raven so tiort.+wct zr i rstder °.+hen grvcn in the manrrer+:ies:gnated ttercin.
<br />tS. litetifarae Moraga~r: tarerai; Iasi; SeveraAiifr. f }t is fntm of mangage c,,mbino onrfarm ;+,venants for Hat:oval
<br />,cart asd tarot- -`Dint .-~=Yetsarsfs =tih i:itttt t ~srsatn?rs l?s rcrrtsi:~:tt~t t<. ;~nstst;rse a a:~:frrsn =__n~xarttr a_~tt:.trans Covering
<br />-mot .._. his *~.-~ta~_ ~ti ~ u__..tr~__t n.v tip ;3_,, =f tns !urisztl;=ttnn fir whtcr tree ?racrett: ;s :exceed In thz
<br />avant that ans' pre,vrzrats or cts-u~ t,t the,+'.iattg:ge +~e tree ?e net conflicts :sith appt:cahk itaw. ,:f-h icrfttttit shall r-t aff~t
<br />iit~ ~a'~nriris ~ _ ~-s$a~ - ~ ~.,: _,. ~a :cte t... •- --... .~ __...,.., ~ - - ----• this
<br />ii. Igwrerratr`s Cagey Bea•ttirwtr .halt hr form+htti a tent"orrntd copy ref the `Sots oral nr rhea Mortgage ai tree time
<br />of exoctrttott ter after rt~ttrdaiipn trartat.
<br />11. Teata~er ei Mr thapsty: Aaewt~liaa. if ail or any pan nt the Property or an interest tfetrein is utld cr transferred
<br />tsy Barrawcr wdhaxte I.trtder's pt~or wnttcn ctmstnt. tzcirtdin>§ Cal the ~rcaeion of a {stn nr enctlenbranar subordinate to
<br />this 'altxtgagr, tbl the crcstlart of a purchase money secunn entetcsf tot hcasetr<r{d appliances, tct a tramfcr by devise,
<br />dtaedrt cu try operation of taw upasn the death of a scant tenant nr +Ji tree gram ~•1 any Veaaehold iMercri of three years ar less
<br />riot cotttairtirrg an ttptiatn to purcitrpe. Lender may, at [.ertdtt's .,awn. declare alt the sums secured by this Mortgage to he
<br />rmmtssiiatety dtx assd papabk. Ltmder shall ttavro watved stub rrptrun sn aa:eterau ef. p*itx to the +ak or trttnaftr, tender
<br />oral the prrszxt sa wttotrs tree Prt>pe;ty n act 0t sold ar transferred reuh agreement to carting that ttu crtxtit of such person
<br />is ttatisluton• ra Letrder and that rite interest payable nn test sums secured by obis Mortgage shaft he at stub rate As !.ender
<br />shall rsstttzrt. l[ Lt~r has waived the npttan to acczieratc provided in this paragraph i7. and if i3orrotvar's steccesaar in
<br />itttereat haA exrxutzd a tvrttten asr+umpetar agretrrtettt accepted in writing h)• Lemke, I.rnder shaft release Borrower from aft
<br />obtigatiava unxkt this Me+ngags ate the Istate.
<br />If Leader €><Erciae~s craft aptttus to accateratt, t_entkr .halt matt Horraatr nonce of acceteratton in accordance with
<br />paragraph is hereof. Sttcfir rtoeice shall provide a period of rn t leas than ?(f days from the date the retttice ie mailed within
<br />wtrieA Barrotsar ltgy paY the sums dzzfared doz. If Borrower fails ro pay such sums prier to the expiration of such period.
<br />l.aadrr tray, with6Alt futtirer rwtuc ter detntrnd oa Btxrttwt:r, usstttte any r^mcrfits permitted by paragrapt+ t $ hereof.
<br />'.vrat+-LtTretraasa C;ovartaarrs. (iorrevrer anal Ltttder further ct>venant artd agrtx as follatrs:
<br />IB. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ t>~ i9 Satrawere ~x6 ai saty c6^YtFiizit ar
<br />ttpaaarerA d !ae#ertear ~ tA4 . iarlaiitrR eAe cavrrarwts to pas wAes dar sat}' sturaa srcrtetN br !Air !Rtari~s,
<br />iar~ gqw a azaaietra~tts tied! twrtq aadire ea ttt~rre+war r pray-frgea Ar parsgr.I!A rs Aeeer s}e~eita:ferK: il) tAt Are>at~
<br />fA tier ttrdia~ as~ttietM rs rasa eteteb larar~ fit ^ rifts. Hat Zara tttea Je tYgn feaar rAe dabs fix rrltMkY is tasilyd M Beet!wwer.
<br />vtiisir ttostlt Awry! ttaitad k eaerdt tad fri! CAM itedirrtt to cane saeA btrrac4 na ar bd:rrr• eMe tlMr spaciieA rs tAe tatetlre
<br />~Rf rraalt ~ ~ tAt r as+•+eted A1' eerie ~ faeetiaawx 4}' f tt~rkM praces~erg atM srM of CAe Penperfy.
<br />T1M aed-ar rAtal! i izisait iarrawar ei eAr rlglst !g n trrtiea atsrisrstdaa Gard isAe ritdst to attrrrtt fa tAe feteaairsars
<br />grapfiktte Ar srr~erre ad a tirdatttt ar ray ~Aes efielarwr alt liaatswrer Us ltrx~eradsa red ferrderare. ti Ne MraeA
<br />k arri r'aami a~a p leedrres rite doer aprrlAed it tits aerire, I.radrr ad I.rlrreder`s apfiow gray docizet aft of Her taeor treated by
<br />Asia N is irrra>t~dtt>~' der toed paya4k wiiAnW itprtirt dretusri aad racy Iaravieae try jndit•ta! prazee~alt• I.eadrr
<br />sild~ U- ttetfi!31e9 or ik eatcfr pesew~ittg ail ram ei iarrdwtrar+e, ireciatYeti, 5att art li> fa. zrssq a? daeaseatar3~
<br />rrltlitatua. airYrHa atM +NB!t t+a0as+be.
<br />I~ IitutFSSeata 1~! b ~+tirteirrtr. '~~w#trtatsdittg ienr~r's actritsatron rx# zeta +utsu sectucai try rhea Morxitagc.
<br />sfsalt tt~tv6 tAr rlt~tt to taut any prtsmersf#tt>ks itett+sn by i.crsdta tx+ cnfr+rct this *++t[tttgagt: disc-tznunucd at any amt
<br />