<br />
<br />4ia8YL:A`;;~€
<br />THIS FMfi}LNTURE, rnade .his $!~
<br />.=av ai Jsxlp 19 $j
<br />fxtsveeT: Carl ~. 4exah atJd Luella 9S. Yls3als, husbaaci and sdif8,
<br />,i the €tnt~ as Ratl .lnr3 titatr at tir;~rrska. }:ar•.y tR the I:TSt }K[rt, at[d
<br />ttc R~i~3"i2C3FOI_ITz\.'~ F.Ir''F: i:~ti.`K.-A!(`F~ L+ R11P.;.A'1'..x rwr{;~ratfic~n tt thr State of tied- ~"ark. u7th its
<br />ilrirtei(>a3 otiur ]orated at 1 .Lia2liu>n ilctxlr, .`:.-.~ ~:,r1,, \ xr i:ar.: .d thr ,rcandi Tart.
<br />VfiIT9rIESS~T#i: Thor the ya[d i7ath; ~3f thr fir[ itHrt_ ut ronsidcratvln ai Inr sum of-~
<br />~ S{T Fes! TB003 `~,- L)wsilars
<br /><~ j~,~.QO ,. :n hanf4l;at:l, the mrr-;1?; ,:lirrc:~1 ~ !u'n>?,-. .,ri:nua!;K:>;rti, =1~;f-s ltrrels~ grant. liargam.
<br />se`li, cexrcev. and tc2rstirnr dal t)xc ~ai;3 i,aTtt Lei ±hr .rt tnxl hart :t:;;t !, ..t,~rr;t:,, the iullf:xFns;-~iescritre~21 rat! euate.
<br />in the Cvurtty Ott Sajj :!nr+. '-iatr -n \eLr;t,ka, ro wit:
<br />'!fie xcrth~ost s7usrtsr of Sextitus ,6, Rbv®shfP ? Borth, Aattgt 9 West of the Sizth
<br />Priaeipal I~Eer3diaes.
<br />Tl~e 1~0~ secured harebp ezpzsssslp pmvidee that th!e psrtp of the second Fart ~Y[ p
<br />~l az iya v~sic~= ais dau.xar;3 i, ='-~7a "srss.sci i., i°~iaa, dafiura?ia is 1~+: dzFii:mc-~ 1s 17T~9r
<br />311tt~t~r j, j~9'p e ~ dsauaxy j, 24UQ zeQaira the Parties of the first part
<br />~• tlssir is interact in the real estate heroin 8asoribed, to eZ7liGUte
<br />asegtr msate far tine pant of :sstexsest, mad tho faijtzre or roiltssl tcs ~rsecute
<br />asa3s ~t$ o+e msg' be requfred svp the Far'tY of tFte eecand part nay at ite option
<br />bat CrE1+e~Rd a default and authorize *-ho patty of the seaottsd part to declas» the
<br />~tisv i~sde2[tes#dssa ia~edia4lp due titigtd psgable.
<br />Tt is e~ that all irrigation pusgss, $lectria srotore, en~faee, pipes, ~prinkjers
<br />all rst2ter trrigatis~ ~ufplatoat rct~sct,aal *,.~arosrith terse r]r izaro3fter planed ar
<br />installe8 ~ saint praaiees ts~getleer witA all suer aa+i watering rights of eves} triad
<br />srtd datseriptitm shal3 Ae canstrtx~ed ate affixed to and $ part of the real estate hem-`
<br />imaaove described and abject tc al.j of the yrorisions of tdsia !lortgmge.
<br />'~ beta eocs~xisd bs +,ttis l4eart[~e is a'tcrLhor secreted by a Finastafzrg ~tatewont and
<br />FieosszitY 3~aratarent of erstt date brretrith, oorerl.ng pertacnal property as described
<br />in maid yiasncing Stateaent amd ~etcuritp ~teoaslat.
<br />~_. ;~rT ss 33:.:=~ sc ~;::.~ .ef~=~d ;=~v:.a~ a~ :~.e. ~,ic ~p awns
<br />h~:i>t >sdv~a~rd Acv t~n~d>rsru ~` _t+r t}ds ha_ la~lRng nP LFr rn;_.~re~ahasa r3ri ern ni~2 in
<br />~63p~43.S~ ~. at~ f.~ ~ li+E d-e_e_~~_ aiFEr~ fur the ±>r~Talssss ~rfce t2as
<br />omaatim~atf~ of that csrigans3. ronaors a iiaat as said proaisee.
<br />~~ ~'I/~~~r a~~F~ ~~ }'FQL~ '.°}r ..f7[[[. '•2.-17 t: dl:r ..j,t!ir rtt'dr:itll c- 2i3C TCtn !rt•{tittle Iffy[ ttt' 3;3 .!C3 )-l41~r =tllilCT-
<br />t3::2[n'~T, i[SCs~ii"rs'[~ itTi+i ,~iFi ~,. ,ra xcF,'x..xz. an<1 . ~rrF r irt,.i~~rnfi r'fi~-%!i c.T - -.taFt -,..-:Ctn. uritu ffir s:lul ,~rY~ ;tt [ht
<br />,ai`l'iNiit ~:la)ri. rtttt~ #l.4 d-131KnM i~DTt°L?"[-. 2i?R" to [f1A[IttLi 'K'f!t(' i~` <~~El \'C'.' :i:t .Sil ~/finlP F:I it' E:1 71'Y 2ft tht' jil14i ilTCt[!dnCS-
<br />rusL2. ti[F: >~td }At['f4 7t tt[e F[[~st (kirt iKPFfY4' t~di-rtlax.dl t11Jt t[IrT LTr faN t;!ti\' \f`E!i'lt a[ tiM -3rf1 1!y`YdI23>rs :373d
<br />h[4xntt;Ixvc! ri~il# Fp CL37)L'e5' C}l7 -a.R£XiQ': Fh$t itM ~&#ti i*Lfi111~N& fit tCx`5' .cditl Cit`i7t e;t :it? !.Tt'URltI#;yik't4: $[I(i F{tZt
<br />that .,~x~11~q~'arxa[tt ~ttc! tlelenr"s itt€` aas[ac a~adn«t ittc i,darts't tkrdrr:s <=r a~ii i~r;aJn, c.'i7une;arver
<br />~_"Ktf~~~~.~, H~~12.~~*'-~. ? 1;3t '.. the n2rd (:~Ti'< :., Il.r '.. =t jhaFt ~ra.l 1:1t". +3[ ~ iG:~P •,.t !C ltdrtt. 15i :iik'
<br />~rit+~ l.i the sxEti ~+at't, !xr itx ;E~:~r2t., ri[r X22222 a,i
<br />cts u[s~t~~x~elt~. the =it[ai fi[[stah[~m due. ,~.. 1~... X72.... .
<br />ar'i€:i [~dyt~;4'tF# &hrreduut, k[[ YYr'tr1t, :FUd[)p's' xri [Fir i.:l}II2 :3 ;`St~tCi. l: ith P!tCh~i1~'f,' ttS1 L[11' L. !t1' f"~l .ti t'K' 1:~t~;.. r1.1:5 (x
<br />e1'~ tze #3 i .r_sG ti?iG *~uFrtrtitt ezi ~i, =;e$st~.a a'#[i =:ue . l~alitt~ .idass dtfcv~it`._ at tier amntr a~7 ;., .:raritt. a=f°~=e=ttci~
<br />+YE `+o t[li ar~ffii nt f i3r+3nuatcsiry .`t<?t{• [.;e't'wttpii .z4 t:re• 7,tt1 i:Er7.a• 232 [$li' !!ri i=ad't. ~r+':1t il1~ sr;i ifa[t`
<br />tr+YiiE, s'arl ~tdti ".a@i•'lnsael. ;,ii aTw,3 ~2°•ti<i;i8[ ti'lt` ~:=s-e'isal*t~ .;tense _ylfiligyt rHi: -:_ _-. fit . _4' tai ~+~ ;s..itta-.z ,f:~li
<br />~,~.. ~ .~ ~.-` ~ - ~'~.. ~a ii- 2 ._r~.. ~ xr. i .=i .~. a _ -. ,..:z rx, a['f F .. - _ r.~ T ..i _,.
<br />1
<br />..s- a'te`€f
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