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[" <br />i <br />. ittis ;arm is used in cvnt~x- j <br />tiara xiLh martgAgt•s i;.suretd 3 <br />1[ (~'~~'' ~ i utu3t:r tt:e =acre- tc ffsur-farttiiy <br />q~ i~ presvisiarts of t#te .tinLicra; <br />~~. ~ ~ s~ ~! ~ Haustrttc Aet. <br />a~ {'t~iZi~ii DF^r£f*iwt, ItFi~T Patdf3 IRICREA.SIf~#t, t~f3~Y Z23.STfsI.Lt+~tr'1'S3 <br />T}{fS M~RTG~t€'iE. rttade attd executed this 29th day of July ,A.f3. <br />#9 81 , #?y and berveen Aobext E. Ptilta22a atad Susan J. Ptt2talla, husband and wife <br />of the Cotinty° o{ f~112 .and State t;f Nebraska. pant of t#u fryer Peat. hereinafter ca##ed <br />the 4{ortgagrx. area ~Sortgage Plus Incorporated <br />a carparation arganiztd and existing under the #aws of the United States of America <br />party of t#te second part, heteinaftet caf#ed the 'i°urtgages. <br />1'i Egg TH: That tht said '.4feattgaKtx, for and in consederatean of the um of Thirty r our Thousand <br />4t?~1t'~th&----------------°'--------°------ #kt!cars iS 39, 000.OC ). Paid by the Mort- <br />met. the reselPt r*f which is fiercby acknou#edgtd, has Granted and 4old and by these presents does Grant, Bar- <br />gzin. Ss)#. Convey Ord C'unfirm unto the 4fortgagee. its stlectssots and assigns, forever. the fallowity~-described <br />yea! carats, siluated in the ('aumy of Hall .and State <br />of Nebraska. isa wit: <br />T}te Southerly Sevsenty-two and Six tenths Feet tS72.u') of Lot <br />Thirty-six (so), in Anderson Second Sttbdivisian in the City <br />of Grand 2sland, !{all cattnty, Nebraska. <br />Also Knovnt A5: <br />111Q Sae?ih Ee~ana <br />Gland Island, tr`E 68803 <br />t7EFF•RRAL Cat IN'i`E:XEs'T t•#AY 123CE~JtSE 2'Fb: t'RINCtPAL ;3AT.AI~tCE TO 536.045.85 <br />uft#teixthPnnc?{+at4fcr;dran.;unta>rttnsm:rlt wiry grogerty .;~fe;a:ccxdin#rtaGu+;srn- <br />ntentsurvty: <br />Tt) H,~~`#::~*tt) f'ti #{ti# () €hc prcmrses ;.hove ciev.:rrtscd, .rrth .dt ttte .,ppurtenanc:es thereunto tsthtngifl~t and including <br />a{{ #featigg, pium#~ing and i;g}tfing iixtt:te•.:utd c€tuipmcnt n:*sv .:r hcseafter :;tta~hect lu cry €;srd in cunnectiun with satd rani cst:ttt <br />stntn fits Mcvrt~;aget:_ 3tttf tc? its *ucceA~trs ::nd ,;sstttns, f+trrver fihe 4#ufttt-+F:iu, reprrsrnts try, acrd cuvettants wifh, the More~a- <br />_ _ , ,sue, .tom r~,y~,_x, #,3s rti-.rt ;,sp.f to SaSt ~nft =unvcx tatd nrem;sea; this ?hev =-rc frce front eacumbrattce: ~tnd t#tat the <br />i{t~crr-~i2# ~,-arr~.a4 and dtfcnd t#~ ~~r-n?t ~aitnt t7te '_;+artul ~fR+ms r,i ai pefsnns wissamsuearr: and tip seed ~fvrfgS'r i'tcre~ <br />fir: r@tsin;u - xc et# r.~nt3 a;. n~ Cs :, , ~: ed n ~: - 'x` ts, c:t=`rzz ::: =ate a•: ~ = eq sa_s. ~~~ z#.t •:e 6; - ~;.°=e'° - 'tt~t =~, <br />k{rertESf~f la to t#tC a#?t14'e dta '{t#?ed'11fCmrFC*.,ititt intdnni/n tY/ttg tU 4UnVCy' tiC{ebv an :in51Y#Ute {{tIC, en ft't fimp{C, mCnid~ <br />irk ai# rig#tts of nomesfead, ,nd rsr#~r ruts end tntetrst, :.- s#iere.aru <br />f'RQ1")LIE.f) :~t.W'A5'S, and ihtac pteunt; ere evei.,;.:~ .:nd delisered upon t#r foiWKingcundItians. to wit: <br />The i4eurgagex agrers to Pav to the ttangagtr. ;,r rwdtr tht ;ertnriPai ,um of Thirty Four Thousand <br />aztd t10/1Qt)ths---------------------------#wltarstl 34,Ot)D.CX3 <br />w tth intstsst bunt crate at the rats ut sixteen Per ,:cretum ( I6.OQ `.~ 1 Pty annum on <br />t#et unpaid ha#atlt~t unti# t+aui. "#ltt said prirxipat sad intsfest sha#1 he tsayat€ie at the c?t2ice of f~#artggge Plus Incot'~ratecf <br />to Engletrroprl, Colorado ,rat wch tuhtt p#at:e as the holder of <br />the ncsie tna) desltttttlee In urnsng, sn monthly tnstatkmtnta ut {according to schedule "A^ attached to sail <br />mote) --__.-____------__,+A>iiars t6--------------^-_____-____ !. sommtnringon the first day o <br />Se six i~ Bl . ;;nd ~~n the fret day u# each month thertaftcr until the principal and irr <br />tzttst ate tuilY Pte. cxctpi ?ft:et tx final Paynttnt r,f Ptimipa; ::txt tnterest, if ncH szx3ner Pal.{, ;hall t+c due and <br />payatae nn thr tit~st day of August ?011 -. ail aa:clxding to the terms of,a certain promis- <br />sory rtoae of cs-eft date turew€th a recueeci Ay the ,a€d Mcxtgattor <br />s ~-.°~`_';'~s-tom ter` ;~r,:-.'stS t:€lly try ~~a`..~~Y tise'~~€t'.t"i c?f t:-: ~ ~-~-`~,~tq~s~. .+t"a~_-- <br />i. That tlt wf#l Pay the tnd+rbtsdtsr.s. as hefeinhefnre tsfovedeet- #`rni#sge is rexerved to Pay the debt m w#ecfle, or in an <br />att•,atittt ttat to t ~x court munch#y payntcnts trn tint €+rir.e~al t#tat arc next dos an the note, .m the titer day u# any munch <br />prt•_?r to rtuttur#y: f'ttra>. Bever. ;''lfat written t€otict of an intennon to excreter uch privikgt iti ~vsn at !cast thirty t H11 <br />days Pritxr to prepaynleM. <br />,'. :`~:t< ttfser witA. atuf in sdtiit:etts ta, t:~ce :ntsntEt#y fi~yntent+ of 1~.tirtcipa# and interest pavab#c under t#€t ttrtrts of t_h_e <br />m~€ secreted htrthy, the Mcertg~ wifl pay te? i#tr ?Fttrctt¢eget. +n+ the first day rrf each month unri# the sai#i nMC is fu#ly paid, the <br />fsriic K suets- <br />#!er Astvatxnf ~ttf{k~rst rCr ptr.:sefda t#tc ttaldef ftsrzcrf vrtth furx{s to Pay tltc re:xt atom €€tsurartte grstwum ff this <br />?tt4tfttaatsxst seta! tht note fa?cutcd here#ry are inaesttd, ur a mrrnt3tly char~r {ire iieea u) a mrtrt trt!ttt~ice l:~rr- <br />ereturtat _; rtt~ at>~ hr?c{ thy- the Secretary ;::t ##rr#t~it?g acrd t'rhatt #:icwltrpxttent, as Icrt#tmrs <br />f ti (f _3 at< ~ fatty' 13{ ev€n date acrd t#t~ tlk3rcgrtnettt are tfeafred :~ €Irt remsttred under t#re prc>. <br />~...,~~ .n €,- wt ~ t~~., ~ a~;. ,... ~~r 9tt -: st, ~ „~€er: t~ eS,r E~rx#a sf the hntsfar :+rte <br />'?+Ersr+a~r t r:.w~7 taaatt rn±.se ~x tat Nmrsr wrsrr+v ,% • ^~+*~ :s`TATI<; {i~'tiA $RA:iRA <br />r1i?t?tF21 a?RA ti-78t <br />