<br />~~~'"'~E~3~~
<br />9. £owitmt+s:tirn. Tx prxttds of any award or c'.a=m 'or damages, dtrtct az constouentii}, :n rnnectior. with any
<br />costtlesnatttian or af',ntr taking of the Property, or part thtrtcf, ar for tanveyanrt in ::tt: of eandemnation, are ntrcby assigned
<br />stiff shalt be paid to ?.endtr.
<br />fn the tutor a; a lotat 'aktng of +he Property, ;ht proceeds steal: bt app!itd to t.*.t sums stcured by !his^•eed of 'Cn:s!,
<br />with [ht cross, if any. patd to I3o(rowtr. 3r, rtes tvert a(a partia~ tak;ng of !ht Property, un'.tst Rorawtr and t.tnder
<br />otherwise aEree in writing, thart sba!i ~e app`:ed ;o the sums seturtd by this JetC of '~:ust such praport:en. of the practeds
<br />a3 is equal to tit:t propor.:on which tht amaunt ,3f the sums s¢curta by th;s Deed of Trust +mmeaia:ry prior to tht date of
<br />takitsg bears to the fa+r marks value of the Property mmtda!e:y prier :o :he ::ate a! taksng, w+tn :he aa:ance of the proceeds
<br />paid :~ t3ormtrer.
<br />ff fist fs(openy € abandantd 'Sy 9arrawer, or ff, ahtr nct:ct by Lender !a r3orrawer =hat t!;c candcmnor offers to makt
<br />an award or st[t's a c!a:m 'or cfamagt:, garrowrr `-a,a !o retpand to Lender wi: n:n ~~ days after :he date such Hotter is
<br />mailed, Ltnder :s authoru~ to cotter and apgiy the ,nrore¢tfs, ,,t Ltndef s oo::an, c![her to ctstoration or repair of fht
<br />fsroprtny or .o the sums sauced by rh;s :>eeG of Tn3st.
<br />;;mess l~tndtr and floerow¢r ut`-trw sc :grst : , wr,ting, any such apP`,cat-on of proceeds so prim:oal rtes`.' Hat extend
<br />or postpone [ht due date o! :he mantn'y nsu':Iments referred 'o .a paragraphs and heraa:r ar change the amount of
<br />sorb instalments.
<br />10. &arroartr Nat Rzltased. Ezter.swn of *hc time for raymrn! or mod;fica:tun of amortiration of the sums secured
<br />by this E)ttd of "rust gtanmd by Ltnder !a any snecessar =n €.,,,rtst o! 3orrowcr roes:' no; operate to release, n any manner,
<br />ihr liabiiiiy of tht o.* 3iea: 3arrawrr an4 3orrowcr s ;u:ctssars n n:eres• . t~der S.^.a' !tu`. bt crass: red to commence
<br />pracetd;ngs against su_h successor or *ti+ar 'a ex[Cnc +•mt 'sr paym;•n: o; ,nherw•s_ ^tod:fy amortzat:on of the sums
<br />secured by [has rJetd o! Trust 'ay rcaaan Jf .;ny ~rrn«n~? made 7i-'.hr :; ;;~na` 1or*awrr .;nu I3arrawcr's successors it. interest.
<br />It. Forhtarancs ba l coder V 1 e tt's)ver. Any arbea ins 3y - ncc .. x.r=.- g say r.ght ar remedy hrreunder, or
<br />aiherwise at'arctt: !?y ..ppt,cah:t ''w, sh;::' 'fUt -)t a w3:vt: :.E nrec'uu.. 'c exe.c~.ar of any such right of remtdy.
<br />Tfsr p(acitremtnt o` :r.s:rran^.t Jr t*,e payntcn: 1st 'axss a: athcr : r^<. ur rharses y '.xnCtr xha!! ^.ot be a wa ver of L::nder`s
<br />right to acte!trate trtt m tssr.:v a{ e -. ~~hrc -n s~ ,e-c. ev ~ry t s ~ c ~ :
<br />f2. Remedizs C'a.mutatece. A' en•et cs , ,..F .'.v a ?,.tc r~ s ..r, tut:net and cumu!auvt 'o any other right
<br />or rttntdy under t:^:s i?eed 1:' Trust _+, ....:zrded ~y ::w ;>r equrf, .f nd •~ar be ezereaed concurrcnt!y, 'aadtpendtntly or
<br />sucrtssavefy.
<br />tJ, 5uctexsnrt and Assign; Baund; !Dint and tievera! t ~ bility, Captions. -r'~.c .over.ants and agreements heron
<br />contaantd rtes?'. tffnd, anG tht r': i'nts 'tr+tu rtd sh.r!' ::r !c 'o. the ' :: -~~c esson -ne. ass;gns of ::nder .4nd kf orrower.
<br />sub)trt tv 'ht provsnins of nazagra.+rs !=rrro: :~' .nvenants ..~. .,grtc rt:ena :.. '.3orrowcr shat! nt .); r,t and several
<br />The iaWruns and ".flu ngs uE :'v ;3,tagra~ s ., !his ;cd ,- ..._. ,rr ., :'vr^ e--c .~n'Y .,~a are n;x to be uud to
<br />interpret ar deflnt the pray:s:ens hertat
<br />ra ±y,r.rz f=zcenr ?r __ r.•a ,;_ anai~.4ab:c 'aw t^ br ~rven n anomer manner, 'a) any notes to
<br />Borrower pro vrded !or ,h.s r e¢u u? an :x ~. er ;v r.. at sot^. net : c `,y ' cr !;sd rnaf~ addresatd a i3vrrawsr at
<br />ihr Ptopettp :hd:~t.ress or a: aucn a":cr~ adifress as !lurrawer ~iay .lea:gnarc ',v '..,..cc .o Lcncrr as prav:ded `.erten, anti
<br />!b7 any native lC'~crdtr .teat' x 'se-n ^; a:rr.t'.ed ' - 'rtcr nt r ueatec` _. i_erscers adr_ress strtd a.ae:n or :o
<br />stseft other address ss Ltnce: h•a :ps,grc= e -.y ::vt•~. v :3u:r- c- ,r.;::u} '1ere;^. Ant ''-Drier prav:dcd `.ar !n this
<br />Gerd of Trt;st soar' ;)e Uttmec? u e ::ern a:ve;+ ' .t,,r~ wr - n::•c• .n .'+'en n 'nc :fanner c:cs•s.^,ateti Herrin.
<br />!S. [;rutorm iyeed u!'~rusit Gavsrning Law: Zrserahliity. '=: s 'i)r:+r ~'•~.;tC ~-- `,,ist iom6:n"t ,;mfartr, cavenaats tar
<br />nnt3anai 12ae :4nd nart~-ai::Cifn ~UJr^a'.'5 -x . ;:.e4 .: :,':$ ~: 3r:Sii.C''Ur -.3 ~Jna' 1u:C .t tLrm SCCUf!ty '~nsi{umtnl
<br />cOYtrmg real - -sipCrty r~;a !~te - la: 3 a ".P y(3 C' :Y - .C ~:iW '.] t -"i4 :3n :1 W- -. f ".he }) apt Y `a Oc.aftd-
<br />In Iht v"tlt^., hdt ar'Y pt,.y.s-;)rt -auS@ ~, s f~.a „s: -): ~`fC '`E'L'I Z. _. .... aGV'aa.. 'r iw, )ui. ': ]r:'1;it )hd!1
<br />Hai sitter attar raruv~„t)ns a; t.. 'te_ . " ?•ut' ,+ -.:r. '.o:e ., 6 . . _ c _ a;, t.: ., _+ct^ '?!e 1:uno~~:-aq n:unx:o!t,
<br />aRd to fh!s end :he ^rCV-s:-~'ts -3` 1.t ~ c r -. -r>: ~ ``a '.f c r ver '.:e.
<br />li. Burru+ter's tarp, ter, >wer s ~a ,*c ..r '~s < .f .a.. i.; n,.:.:.>y .+ ,t .).. -. u J! :hs Dttd c! Trust aI the time
<br />of tareulian or aite.• teoada: un 'screo!
<br />I?. -Tnnstrr ut t!+e 1°rnperta; l esumpt3un. -,- .;r any air u! tie Pronet'r .: ., •r, retest ?heron -:s suit! or rransta'ted
<br />hY f1UUirow rr w hUU' ~ , ... ._.. . , :at ). •r.C..;.:: _ ..r,. ... +).urn `)farts i.):H)'1!'r: a%C tJ
<br />[h#;, fZl:CV :I, T t%,'--, ti. -.t o..`ca-- ..S- ~ s. _ __ .- -~t1^.i .~f :'., ae':~ ti: .aiV ra, -, ... 'ra Hal C! `Vy .~C Vlal',
<br />dgctnt ur by upsrat:on c. aw .- _r'.~ t'=r .:c_. .,. _ .. 'au:. ~. _. 'at gr.uv ... •:y ,.art°.e.ii :'serest v: 'nrrc years r --
<br />nol 6,[~ril5tfi--Y~ afi ODt:4 T. ''v - -.. rc: .C, :. v. _'tt'.. _ .... ., ,.~.,. .'-} + .__.., - a~tt 'stir
<br />_'n- ~.~:fif4 - .<-._ - _ •~ w ~ ~ _`h_., „ ..tt Cr .. r _ _ 1.: ~~._ .•a'11!Cr. utnllC!
<br />aRd [nt peistl^f 'a if t'r~-> .: JC au. _. .n,!r"c ... - "C .. '.K `'ta. .h. arl'... .,- all~'t iK rt V:1
<br />~a fiat?Sf actarp ru ;_r:5~ .. .:, --:C --)`tt a. _. _ . -.- -. ,~ ... u.>. ::§~ _a -." ' _. ~'r ..-atf <t
<br />: - Es,_• _ ____. a _.. __tx, .. ~_> - esp.; .._ .. tau: •awe k' sue:rssaf
<br />.. 4 ~ :
<br />=n niCS@a3'-ras Cier ~!r1 ,• wi~ -. .. ... ... se..:... t, _ _. _ :Cr , , a. _,,;> .s J .u.vrt .ion:
<br />zr a ', - - -
<br />,. i_tnder ..xC. t::Sr3 SL..i n ~. :sir, ~ li.e* i T,.,: tt(5:ririrc. - _ i~t-er.,!!oir 'r .i.tocdrnct sY•in
<br />~r';g~r' - - _- u_z .,t . - :.. -:a _ ~ ... .u r c ~r„t. -n ~ ~ ;,t .,...
<br />1..tRUft may, wthaut -u ..+rr iris, ~t r :-tt!`a+; t, :,n tic: ru., ~-- ..,z. ~,,y-tt. 1... ... •x.,..,,scci ~t aararra,,!, k -rsrct;f
<br />NUrir(,`Nf Y{TRM fv UYCNAMTS, l3o((owtr Ind Ltnl'.tr 'Jr'. a;er vJVtn.F!a{ a'ir` agcer 59 ='OitaWt:
<br />Ftl, AccYteraiitsat Ksrnedass. 6?errpt as prnridttl in paragraph '•' [arreuF, upon Burrewcr's brracn of any covenaat ur
<br />astaamtns of $arrvwzr to !his !]srd u. Trust, :nc!udane t!:r ceavenants ru pay wnrrr dos any sums weursd by this t7ted
<br />>rt 7Tusi, Leniler prtur fn rxcrleratiun aleat3 nwi3 nuGer :u t3urru wrr,~ ,rraridsd m fraragrapta lJ hereof specifying: C!1 rtes
<br />Rreych; (Z} thr artiun rtsfuired to sure aura brrart.; t ~3 a ltatr, nor !uss tf:rn 3U r!ays frurn the doff tht nuticr ~ matted to
<br />Borrower, by w3iictr sua'h Lirsatsh .Host Ua ca:rrd; and idy rhea fai`urr :o lure rush brznt`if un or [refors the tints aptcified
<br />in Ilse rwties may result in accs3eratxun u! t!re susnt acs urcd !a. rh#s t7eril ut 'rust anJ salr of the !'ropcrt y. ~ihe nuticr
<br />ttsaf3 (nrrhrr inform $urrtawsa srf nc~ r'i{;?,r nature after act s:crar:un and thr ri~r>t '- terror s tours action ru assr rt
<br />the nun•r sisteflz`e of a .letau!t ur ,vy ..t:tervdr'euu of ilurruwcr :u <. rsir ratiurl and salr. !f thr Drsach :i nu1 lutrd
<br />uo sr trs€orz tht dart .a-peei'.ts;t i thz no:::.:, l.r:x!ef ~. taav<-rr'- „ptiun :. _ ,tre!3ra utf of the sums sscurcil !ar thu !teed
<br />DP Tfnft to Cat rmmetiiatrly dur and uayabtr wirhu,:~ 'unhcr dnnnn,; and nrat a:n.ukc thr power of sulr and any oUitr rrrnedies
<br />parrrnrted by apptirabft ?aw. F.,uider +!+aif !x c-nt':tra '•a .u•ir t: nl :rawnab!r <ua!s enci rspnesss tree urrtd in !'!anuih~ n,a
<br />rs~dres peur:dtd is this psrsxgr'apt --, !.r- a -E, -ar sra '-tn 1rd -~r. rr.#t+ a !t atsornry't fees.
<br />Et stet p$sver of sass it +nvufred. - -r vtrca a.i rs or a nut tr >f r:rt:at - ::rte 'trurxy is which rtes E'rnpsrty ur aomt
<br />pWt t3ssnat it Sortritd '+rrd ttratf marl cnpert u! .urn Hirt+ts ;u rrir r ;,. f pr x:l by applic able 'aw to ftorrr, avrr :n:3 ; [hr
<br />WiMr perxans }vrtfcrit9ed !ty appiicab3e 'an. if trf thr -alsYC us s ::rnr r rota? 're :rqu:rcd t,y app;acabir !aw, f rustre sbrYl
<br />kart pr63ic nutize trf talc !a the prrsuus and • t 'hs r+rannzr ~rcacr,!rsd shy app';c ab!r 'aw, t-ru;trt, arishuut drmnnd vn
<br />!larruwtr, skalf stll tht Yrapent ar public rurliun iu thr :f,girrst trtddrr at trrr t.inr au,i plict artd undzr the Irtnas dctignrred
<br />to lhdt nzatlte of salt ifl Bnr or more port cis end irr r1r. '.+ .xtirr as Tnrsiee rosy =l rtrrehint. -f'rvattr mry posaponr salt uS ;zit
<br />a:' asq E.,s:a:t .;/ t:s-~ f^r,' arip bq pu'•tir anna:sact::srr.! a::... .._._ _u•+ ~_ _, ..{ .-, prtviy.,tl, tc htduisd satr. ".rndrr ur
<br />ltwdtr's dtsi~,ac-, mry purrhwre rtes lRoperty at any Baia. ~^ •.»" _ ~, `,~ ,H.
<br />Ltpen arczi~gt of payment s! t#ar price t3iu', t xutisr shalt ,ts3irrr ru ihr pureh~zr S~rusrre's tired c4nveying thr !'re>perty
<br />aoiQs ~ttrr rcr-i#p:Y ;f1 the ClnHet c elerl3 ,hakt ttr ptr+nr !af_e <:,Jtarcr t1( rtes rru+_h a=". !f,e stafenusnu mrdr ihrre[n. t~rusie<
<br />tea apply rAt proceerl# of toss salt fn ester fottuws~K urdr+: Is3 +u u(t roasunabte ,. oats and rapansza of 1hE tats, inrtudin>:, but
<br />n~f 3f~sittd isf. 'I-r'pst-serf tans tsf nQr rtifare Yhrn ~ of nc~ arou sates vz:rr, •rasuustrir s!fornry's 'ess rind cuatt u[
<br />title ts~sstet ihr irr a!! sores x;'3'ursd by atnit tlrrd o! 't'russ; aril !r! rear r=. r'?s, _,; rf t, !u :hs prison ur pcnons :rgaliv rnrirler!
<br />spatttas.
<br />4!3. Bott€rwtt'r R~ttt ts~ 6ttirts#lert. *:t5iw;s'sstand±ng Len{ir:'s aft:e+at:an 1; :ht s,:mr atcurt4 try his L)rtd of "Treat.
<br />&€tsscsbsGr €tra} hart , t rigor tai 'tour any n,•inttil:r;gs hrr:.. ';y .rr,,.r c+: ,,rs.r ':n (?sec: ., ..,5'. ..~:>ni:r,r:ed a1
<br />illy ierttt pr:fir ~a}±lrC tai frEt tL) Gi_r eft Z' {'; nF - it?e ;;6y tx4't,a;~ ..air ~:''1 r '~'Ck Let't> :st:IS::a P; .;f 'tC ;tuwt s,, ,.-'f I- ii~C is
<br />,m s3sas F.tit-tt! al Tres=s' ur - 1 to*a•y z.r a ,:.<3g! .t f ~ r, u•= 'tF •.... '). .. r ,- u. w -... -rt '-... ..% : u•n ~, rr Ats i. .
<br />Ste S.'tC=i 4:ssa t'.y¢}~ ',.•S.£ -9tfi~.sz L f-fi.ki: '%C ~:9tY ... - ,L...4 axv. l _..: £ ~r~ -- „y .. .£tiw. G- 'f:,
<br />5trf ~rtr:+nE _ .i?rg# w >ray'''Ct ._t ~:q w. ., .aF i`.'a -- a~.f; - r - ,ww. ~u...,+ ~i, .~. "1 >s.. .~, ...
<br />tea;'car't , a -€-a_mva:~.=»:C <~#-~. ~a,t .:...~:,, .! ..s ..:i -.,._ :-'a c~ - , .:-_' .- .e _
<br />tiss€rrasa._rt= s~rr.=:•€rr z ,:x~9 c=- ..-.s- .: :, c{., r:.,,,s_ r .. - --.. »a:t~ . r .rt:.:s .. a,.aiz. ~ . ,•ur.- 'i
<br />i$°£vf. f1)a.,;Ha: iRi r.Jk k'I rK,ir-... 3 GV. -eV, v2, L_ htf _-". ,... ~i AC; r:._ c_ nS ~.• .. .'.) .. ~. .. •. s
<br />r+.3}.ir1^ i.f rf~s-,,.E :~Lp }. hE ~ _r *s,t '_r:x x- .. ::yt - Er. ~: ~~' - _ -~ +. - _ .: .`h r' _, .-.. - .:
<br />