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<br />Thfa made and entered into this /~' ~ dq of ~ « iy
<br />19 ~( , by a~ ~+~ C,IIJPRA,I, I~BRASKA GOOi7WII~ II1DtISTP,1)~, INC. , a Nebra_~ka r~x-profit
<br />;7arporatiArt
<br />(hereieafter referred to as mortgagor) and the Administrator of the Small Buaines Admmeaiatratios, ae age of the
<br />Governsamt of the United Staua of America (hereinafter referred to as mortgsget), who maintains ad ~t6x snd
<br />ply aE bari:tar at FYt¢~ire State Building, 19th and Farnam, ~laa, Nebraska 68102
<br />~It'a, that for the consideration hesefnafur etaud, receipt of whieh is heeel7 aekaowied®ad, the
<br />soatgagoe dines berelty mortgage, sell, Brant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, his weeesean aid arigos, aU
<br />of the folbwing deserihed pr+aperty ritnated and }kid in the Coanty of HATS•
<br />Suu of ~RAgQ.s
<br />A tract of land, prising a part of tt~ Southeast S~uarter of the
<br />Southeast ¢ta_*'ter (SE 1/4 SE 1/4) of Section '~t,,~nty-one (21) , Towns"t3iF
<br />Eleven (11) worth, Range nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point six hundred -c~>pr, and five tenths (637.5) feet
<br />thirty __
<br />with atxi three trirxlred and tv,~enty-seven (327.0) feet 4;rest of tt~ sa~.theast
<br />coxrter of Block Sixteen (16), Pleasant Home Subdivision, an addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; thence southerly parallel to the
<br />east line of said Section `~taenty-one (21}, a distance of one tuutdred
<br />(100.0) feet; thence westerly parallel io the saitt~~ line of said Pleasant
<br />Home Subaivision; a distance of ttn hundred and sixty-four (264.0) feet
<br />thence northerly parallel tz> the east line of said Section Zta+ertty-ors
<br />{21), a distance of are h~uri*-eri (100.0) Beet; the easterly parallel
<br />to said souti, line of Pleasant Hctae Subdivision, a distance of two hutxzred
<br />and sixty-four (264.0} feet to the place of beginning oral containing 0.606
<br />acres, rmre or less.
<br />Together with and including all buildings, aU fixtures incfuding brat not limiud w all plumbing, heating, light•
<br />ing, ventilating, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditioning apparatus, and elevators (ihe mortgagor hereby
<br />declaring that it is intended that the items herein enumerated shall be deemed to have been permanently in-
<br />staUed as part of the realty j, and all improvements now or hereafter existing thereon; the hereditaments and
<br />appurtenances and aU other rights thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and re-
<br />versions, remainder and remainders, alt rigltu of redemption, and ihe rents, issues, and profits of the above
<br />described property (provided, however, that the mortgagor shall be entitled io the possession of said property
<br />and to colleet and retain the rents, issues, and praSts anti! default hereunder). To have and to hold the same
<br />unto the mortgagee and the successors in interest of the mortgagee forever in fee simple or such other estate,
<br />if any, as is orated herein.
<br />The mortgagor coveeanu flat he is lawfally seined and poseeaaed of and hoe the right to eeU amd eonvey said
<br />property: that the same is tree from all eacumbrancea a:cept u hereinabove recited; and that he hereby binds
<br />himself and hu successors in intereat,to warrant and defend the title a[oreeaid thecetw and every part thereo[ against
<br />the claims of all peewplt w6omaoever.
<br />Thin innttumeat wa given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated April 29, 1981
<br />in the principal cum off 226, 600.00 , aigaed by President and Secretary
<br />in Irhs+IF of Central Nebraska Goodwill IIK1U^atC1eS, 113i..
<br />+aA ferm 4YT (9--10/ Pmfow Ed1,1ea. .xo OYaolo~o.
<br />