<br />(8J~ Z~at in the event any awards era made to t2;a ttorUgagors or theft suor.,essors 1n interest for taicing or damaging
<br />by the exerrlse of emkneut domain the whole ar any part of the mortgaged premisea nr arly easement Cherein, the °a1d
<br />awards are hereby aSalgDed to the Mortgagee; the Mortgagee is hereby nittharized to roil.er,t, receive, and 1`eceipt
<br />therefor sail to apply the same In payment of any SndeDtedness, matured or unmaCUred, aecuraG Dy this mortgage.
<br />(~} 7~hat-Sn ttte event Mortgagors defatllt 1n the payment. of said principal sum, or of any Snstailment thereof, or
<br />of-a»y-Sntarest.-tharabn, at the time when the same sha11 De due-, ar with respect to any ^avenant or condition here-
<br />of, tfien,at the optlan of :,ortgag~e, the entire irdebtadness secured hereb,Y shall forthwith become due and payable,
<br />shall bear interest at the default rate described fn Said Hate, and the Mortgagee may immediately foreclose this
<br />rtrortgaga br pursue alyy other available legal remedy..
<br />(83 Thst !n the event actlan is brought to foreclose fhis mortgage, the Mortgagee shall De entitled to immedSate
<br />passasslan of Ghe mortgaged premises, end the court may appoint a receiver to take possession of said premises, with
<br />the usual powers of rec_ivers In like cases,
<br />(¢ ^k4tat fal-lure or delay of Martgagee to axerct.sa-any Cf Sts rights cr prlviiegas shall- Hoc ba-r_pitstrued as a
<br />waver Ctaareot; that any art nt Mortgagee waiving any-speaiflc default ^.t Mot*_gagors sha11 na± De construed as a
<br />waiver of any t'utiu~^a defaults; that 3n ease of default Sn the paymer,C n,* any amartiz~ttlor. installments or interest,
<br />or in case of payment try *tartgagee of atty 11en,Judgment,tax. lnstiracre,east ar expense, ar rents, tees ar~charges:
<br />said-Mortgagee-sha11 have the ^rlvl lege, without dec faring Cha whrie fndebtadness dt:e and payable, to foreclose on
<br />aedounL of such specific default Lor such sums as are Sn default. ant such foreclosure praca edings may ba had and
<br />Ghe Sa^d described here', r,.m,ay De sold, suD~a^t to the unpaid lndahtedness her?Dy secured, and this mortgage sha11
<br />continue as a-Sian for %ufy unpaid Da1p.,nce.
<br />161 That the Mortgagee ray extend antl water the maturity et and renew :rd raamarf,l~za saiQ tndebredness, release
<br />t~-llabl ki.ty arty party liabia thereon, and release from the lien hk;rapf ;;actions at the praparty covered hereby,
<br />without affertl~g the priori ty harem -Cr *.he itabflity cf MarL.gagors or a;yr ~.*,her party for the payment of-said
<br />i ndebtedness, ali such extenslans. deferments, renewsls, ~t, r, ;-eamart.'. ar.i CRS to be secured hereby.
<br />^•) Trsnsf~r of SeCUr!ty. :± ?s agraan ner_wnPn the parties ~Y1P?'ato, th?tr heirs, legal representatives and assSgns,
<br />that the Sntegrlty sod responslbSllti-:. the ttart.gaeors .on: t.l tuces ;: ftha consideration far the Hate secureG
<br />hereby, and that ir. tDe e,an r. 'he MorLgagara snail coil, r2nsfar. =n-e-ey t*.e ;,^a; arty deerrfbed herein, the
<br />Mortgagee may at Its option deaiara the anttre ic:deDtedress Srmzdlata~l~-: ~~d~.;a nrrd r:aya,*,le and may proceed in the en-
<br />LOrdamenL of 12a iglus aS an 3nV 6th8C CFf°t]iL Sn :h? .!?!'!'~s i :hP ..,, _~ ~s^:,^..^,!or _gBRP.
<br />(12) A8s2gnment of PI'aCBada y!Rera1 .,eas P, f Sa'_,t^.,r Pe%Y 3.. 'e^ ;, - and t'G1tVP.y to Mortgagee all
<br />rents. raysltles, barusas, and da:ay ranevs ~*~ _21 '^ :.,e ~ d payable +Tdar any all, gas,
<br />or other miners! lease of a.,y ~Ssd Raw -.xl~t.r:g ".at. a •x':, e,,..,~_ ^ve^1ng tna abbva land
<br />or any part thereat. A71 ..uch ~.c4 a received v - LRagP
<br />said Morgagee map A.t Sts ^p.1~~.; ,vet 2nd ,_11~er '. -- D a..ress secured hereDY: or
<br />- e s., z ~__asse._ !R lot=rest, any ar all
<br />c''s*xh su,~2s wf ihat.t ~r ,ydi-e ,b ~iy - '~art~,aFee ~- zr ., _x R u its. ~.d wi thcut pre,udice
<br />to any a1 Sts other gh ~ e'er Y o; gage - .. ,cngagee bt said rents.
<br />royalLles, bonuses, ar.~ -.,e_ay ;.,Cneys ^?ia11 be --^cas.,, .. e-.. ~ ,ay roan.. ;.r rgduct; nn ei the mort-
<br />~ge debt, suD~,err ra the •^ ^•.eaaea~? ~pt1c-n ss "?ereSnoa.° - .~e,.c ^ar*_gage Tian on said real
<br />estate. ilpon payment the mortgage aC; us^. ±.. 3_.. ,.. - ,, -.¢~e ~rcrd, this conveyance shale
<br />became lnoperatlve aadyaL uo f,.rther force and =ffa_r ~
<br />(Yards and phrases herse*: ri.wiirp ,. :xcttna~tzd¢ne. ,r - -.- -,-;~e~ -.. ,.s zts.: .
<br />1'as~erc and as ause•.is*.a, `r at :. ra, ., e• ,. - s•-ngular er pZ>:rat
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<br />).'k~---° `` - -. . _ ., ~ anty and
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<br />Quandt), husband and wife,
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<br />the same as their •.,,luntars >.t a:;d daeG.
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