<br />THIS DEEd OF TRUST, made and entered into this ?0th day of ,7 r ~ 19 Al
<br />Daax -. -abkhtrrrt and ~a^lene "E, Dockt±orn, htrsband. and erife as joint tenants
<br />by and between yith rim o_f taLr•~stvarahin r~ rl not as t~ an .g tn~oramon Trustor,
<br />~?~~st ~rr..~,~su' ^,.a; ~c,,.-_Ts,~"~=~z'o C~,'sr.,.ICy~',,;,,v -._ ~----- ---- - - Trustee.
<br />and BENEF[ClAL FINANCE CO.OF NEBRASKA, a Nebraska corporation, Bene!iciary.
<br />W[TNESSETH: That the Trustor, by these presents, does grant, bargain and sell, convey ana confirm with Power of Sale unto the Trustee [he
<br />following described Rea! Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now or hereafter erected or placed on the
<br />real estate, situated in_ ga,].], !_`County. in the Stare of tiehraska
<br />°~testerly' Thirt3-£ive arfl six tenths feet (3~.ot of Lot `Pwo (2),~nd ti2e
<br />„aaterly i'h.irty-fi-re and four tenths y"eel (3~.1Y' 1 of ;.,ot ~''nree (3~, ire
<br />;lock rPhirty-seaen (37, of ~tassell r::eeler' ~ r`Ldciitior. to the 'amity of
<br />\ Grand Island, ;jell Cottnty, itebeaska.,
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<br />and possession of said premises now delivered unto card Trwtee:
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with all rights, privi{eges, and appurenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee, his executors, admin-
<br />istraturs, !teirs, and assigns forever. And tttc Trustor hereby expre>s!y w'atves, releases , artd relinquishes unto the Trustee all right, title, claim.
<br />interest, benefit, and estate whatever, in and to the above.lescribed prenuses snd each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from
<br />all laws of the State of Nebras!a pertaining to the exemptren of homestead..-snd the "frustor convenan[s with fife Trustee that he will fvrever
<br />warrant and defend the title to the same against the lawful claims of a!! persons whumse~ecer.
<br />!N TRUST tiOW1;VER, for the following described purposes: wHERf .AS, the Trustor on .his date txe~uted a promissory Note evidencing a
<br />aoan for the Principal Amount of Loan of S _~??,;~~.~:7 _ __ __ __ and interest thereon
<br />atearding to the terms of the tiote. Such note is pa)ablc in equal monthly insta!{ments st the office of the Benefieiary~. with final payment
<br />_.
<br />tremg due on Ji11.Y ~=1. ~ ~ ! ~
<br />tt is agreed b5 and between parties hereto that untd Silrng o1 a tiotiee of Default. the 1lustor shall: t l i pay al! present an.+. future taxes and
<br />assessments, general and special, against said property befUre the same beecmes delinquent or actionable: (') keepa[l improvements erected
<br />on the !and insured as ntay he required frurn tune su ttme by Bene!iciai sKainst loss by fire and other hazards, casualties and cuntingen.ies, in
<br />such amounts and Cur such periods as are reas<rnsble and ma be reyu.~ed by Benefieiary, and to keep all pu6cies of sur!r insarance in Corce
<br />ur-~efiect upon the property herein described constantly assigrcd and dci:.crcd to Beneficiary-, i,-'s) pay and c~intpty wit!t all the toms and
<br />ee~tt~iitions of arty lies, claim or indebtedness tha; rosy he lemur to or take precedence of ?Iris Trust [)ead as shun as any such payment on or
<br />vY'tuth lien, claim or indebtedness shalt heeonte due. !:pun failure nfTnrsror to keep an; said -agreements, Benetinary ntap pay such tax, pay
<br />frtt`auelt insurance or pay ~rFf wch Gens <r clauns or urdebtedness es the case Wray be, and the ntuney sa expended with interest at 4'r- per
<br />aartum shall he securest by this Trust [krd, snd the 'frustur agrees to repay the same upon demand. [tpun iuilure to do s<: the balance of the
<br />loan irnrned_t4tely shall become due and payable at the r+ptiun of the Aeneticrary, Trustor specifically amfers u[wn Trustee the power of sale as
<br />pr~tided in Nekrra~.a taw. and shall retain pussessivn of tlrc premises and collect the rents and revenues theteirnm until Cding of such Notice.
<br />Bar ~ htE-7 Ed. 48;. '80 :.. ... _,..€ »;,_. _. -- - _.
<br />