<br />,:
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<br />= JUE 2 3 ;a ~=,~
<br />t ~C.i_n.~
<br />17 ti
<br />,~ 81 = ~ f~i l County, Nebraska
<br />'a Ir Date and Time
<br />~~ y v .
<br />~%,~, ~~ ~ r Number
<br />That Carolina A. Hanfelt, an unmarried woman, of Kuester's Lake, R.F.D. ~3,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, Debtor, for the purpose of securing the payment of $4,500.00,
<br />and interest at 8 3/4~ per annum, computed upon the unpaid principal balance,
<br />according to a bond described as follows:
<br />Dated the 22nd day of Juiy 1975
<br />in the original amount of ;4,500.00 beariag interest
<br />at 8 3/4;S per annum, comput?d upon the ur.aaid principal
<br />balance, and payable in equal monthly installments of
<br />S~?5.00 per month, •~hich :viii apply first Upon interest
<br />and the balance in reductior, of the principal, the first
<br />such monthly installment payment payable on the first
<br />day of August 1076,
<br />.vhich band was given Tiie Enuiiable Building and Loan .association of 6rar,d Island,
<br />Nebraska, the debtor does hereby grant, mortgage and assign unto said secured
<br />party the residence house, being an improvement upon a leasehold and all appur-
<br />tenanCeS the ret0, Sdid residence ?1G US? being Si t;i^==.1
<br />_ upon Lot T:veniy-Seven (27),
<br />of the ;lest side of the cast portion pf ~uester's Lake, R c
<br />-:•D- :=3, of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, and being situa*_?d on a part of t:nP _a~t Haif ~E'-z) South;vest quarter (SW!;,)
<br />of Section 13, Township 1 -t; °.an~., a
<br />1 'tor >> ,. ~, Nest or" the 5th P.i~l., in !fall County,
<br />Nebraska, including any accessions, accessories, parts and equipment now or
<br />hereafter affixed Cheretc.
<br />The debtor warrants the above ~esc~iveJ pro~,~:-,, is free and clear pf al]
<br />liens and enCUmbrdtlCeS; t?ldt Stle ?vlil pay ail pe rS On o"1 taXcS befOCE the Sa;Tt~
<br />became delinquent; that Sh?'ratil tr:aint?in gnu pay the prefiiiU~iS .Or flre and
<br />extended coverage insurance on said property in an a,:iount not less than the
<br />unpaid balance of the indebtedness. That if she fails to gay any such taxes
<br />or premiums, that the secured party may pay the same and any such payrr~r?ts by
<br />the secured party shall be a part of this indebtedne;;, payment of which Khali
<br />be secured by this financing stateraznt and interest thereon shall accrue at the
<br />rate of interest provided in the bond of even date herewith, pay;rrent of which
<br />this financing statement secures.
<br />It is hereby agreed that if default be made rn the pay;;,ant of said bonJ
<br />or any part thereof when due, or i f debtor far is ;,; uay said taxes he*vr'e `ir;:
<br />