<br />Tii1S INDENTURE, made thin.. tbt}1
<br />day of ._. _ duly.
<br />
<br />i9 $_1_ by and between
<br />galmi~nd._~~a.Xhe>"+ and_Karen A. Mayhew,_hu-sband and-ytf~.,_ __ _ _ _
<br />of _-~dll____ County, Nebraska, at mortgagor __S___._.__. and Home Federal Sav;ngs and Loen Association of Grand island, a corporation
<br />trrganized and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal eCfice and place of business at C,ra1 Islartd. Nebraska, as
<br />monBaB~;
<br />WITNESSETH: That said mottgagor_._~._-__.ior and in consideration of the sum nf_FI_FT Y_NINE, THOUSAND EIGHT ____
<br />-, ....u....----+„s.
<br />HGRDRED NIi7ETY TWC AND~1.00-------_--------_---~-`--°w-,#~Iw~a+Neaa~------i~
<br />the rettipt of which is hereby acknowledged, da ____ _ ___ .__ by rhea prexnts mortgage ~r[d warraift'dtitz~ s~d moct$>~5es+ts-sors and assigns.
<br />forever,all the following described real estate situated in the C9unty uj Hall r~ ~ `-~ ~'~- ~-'~ ~--_t-.,._:_:.__E-
<br />andStateofNebraska,to-wfr Center bne-Third \l~l3J O~Lot ~E `T~ 0 1~-W~ i1dOTp~1 5 U 1V1510n 0~
<br />Part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (WzNE'-a} and a Part of the East Half of th
<br />Nr1H}'IAWGGt nr[artar tFr,NWyl of Section Fourteen (141, Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ni
<br />(9j, West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County> Nebraska, more particularly described as foil
<br />Colrenencing at the Northeast (NE} corner of said Lot One (1), running thence l4est of the
<br />North line of said Lot One (1), a distance of Eighty-Three and Seventy-One Hundredths
<br />(83.71) feet to the actual point of beginning; thence running South parallel with the E
<br />line of said Lot One (1), a distance of Nine Hundred Seven and Five-Tenths (907.5) feet,
<br />running thence West parallel with the North line of said Lot One (1), a distance of
<br />Eighty-Three and Seventy-One Hundredths (83.71) test, more or less, (said distance beinc
<br />the Center One-Third (1/3) of said lot at this point); thence running North parallel wit
<br />the West line of said Lot One (1), a distance of Nine Hundred Seven and Five-Tenths (90i
<br />feet to the North line of said Lot One (1), being Eighty-Three and Seventy-One Hundredtt
<br />(83.71) feet East of the Northwest (NW} corner of said Lat One (1}; running East on the
<br />North tine of said Lot One (i), a distance of Eighty-Three and Seventy-One Hundredths
<br />(83,71) feet to the point of beginning.
<br />Togethec with all heaung, aic corufttruntnK. i[ghting. and plumb[ng eclu[pment and '. txtures.:rcfudinK scr!s•ns. awnings. storm windows and
<br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used on or rn rerrnecnon wrth said pn,pertp. x hrtt[er [ hr same are nux tnwteA on sard property ur here .
<br />pieced chertx,n.
<br />'1'O HAYE ANU Tf? HOLD THE ~AMF;. eager hez wt[h el{ anti s[[[gulaz ti:e tenemrn[s, iereditaments xad appurtenances LhereuoW t>e-
<br />tonging, or m anywise apper[ainir[g, forever. and warrant the retie w the sarrr. :,aid morgagvr 5 hereby ruver[ant - with said
<br />mortgagee that tJ[e ~ dre at the del;:-rry :^.erenf. the laxiui r!wrxr 5 _ .~f the premrses above conveyed and drsenirx3.
<br />and __ _ .are.. seized of a gawd and indefeasib7r estate ..( :nhentancr therein, free and clear +if alt rtxumbrances. and that__ the ~! _ well
<br />warrant and defend the title Lheretn forever agarmt the rlaimn and drrnands of all persons whomsoever.
<br />VKaL' i DED ALYd AYS, and thus rnsxran>im :s enrated and deirverrvl ter sea:u re Che pa} men[ vt the sum ut _ .._
<br />Dollars (3 - - ..
<br />with interest tl[eraon. Wgethrs with such charger and advances as ma} tx~. due anti payable tr, said mo:tgagee under the terns and condition.
<br />of the promissory rote of even date hrrrwtih and .e.:ur..1 tcerebv, eaccu:y.: by said mortgagor _ 5 _ to said mortgagee, payable es rapressrd
<br />in said note, end tc sacttra the perforr.[ancr nl >il! the terms and cunditwna contsinotf therein. The terms of seed note are hereby incorporated
<br />fcernin by thin re#ereuce.
<br />IC is the intention and agree[nent of the partues hereW that this mortgage shall also scicurr any future advnncra nwde W said mortgagor 5 _
<br />by said rn[rrtgagtx. azad eay and akf [ndebted»r~s m addiuur: tv the auwuat atwve ..>ta red xbicf. sard martgagun. ur ant of them, ma}' nwr to
<br />said mortgagee, however evidenaxr, whether by nu hook accc:um ur utbarw [s-r. Thu nwrtgsgr shall remain ur tall forte anti rfti 't between
<br />the patties hereto and their heirs, perwmi reprosentaUves, suecessur.; and assign, until all an;uunts secured hereunder, :nciuding futwr
<br />advances, are paid is ful: wrth interest.
<br />Tile mortgagoz.~-- hezeby assign tv .raid rnu:tgagur all rents and incosr ans[ng a[ any and all lrm[s from said property and
<br />hereby authorize said mortgagor or its agent, a: ,ts nptron, upon default, tv tske charge of said prupecty and collet[ all rrnL~ and rncumr
<br />therefrom anti apply the same to the payrr[rnt of rnterest. principal, in urance premiums. rases, nssrssmrn[s. repuus ur imprutemrnt,
<br />[a'<xssaty` W 4eep said VtoP~Y m temntabie mudrtron. ut w other ctutrgrs ur payments provided fur hereira yr in the no W hereby secured. 'Chen
<br />rent assignment shat! ctantinue in force until the uapa;d balance of said rate is fuliy paid. The wkmg ui possess;ur. h[:~eunder shall m nu n:anm•r
<br />prevent or reined sard amrtK4gee m the culht t;u:: .~: >ard sums try forecio_,rre or othemise
<br />The failure of the mortgagee W assert any uE its rights hereunder at any trine shaIl net tee construed as a waiver of rt8 right to asses the
<br />same at any later time, and iv in>[,t upon and rnlor ~ strict rempi.anct with aL the terms and pruv:lions of sard note anti of .iris mortgage.
<br />if said atottgagor 5 shall cattsr` to br peed W said mortgagee ihr rage amount due :t Hereunder. and under the terms anti provu;onE
<br />of said twee fttreby secured, inciud,ng future, advances, and ary extensions or rroewaL, thc~rerf in arc:ordance with the ter..^.:s and pnrv uiun~
<br />thwmf, a~ i1 avid mortgagor 5.- shat' comply with all the pruvv ions of said note and vt this mor[Kage. then thex~ preseris ::hail b,• t~coil.
<br />otberwine to remain m full tortx grad eHetl. and said mortgagee shall be entitled to the p.rsvrs.?ion of at1 of said pru{uYty, and may, ref. ns option.
<br />declare the whole of said sate and ail indnW.cdcesa reprexntecf thereby to bP immrdieteic tiue and payable, and may Corttlusr thin mortg:it;r
<br />w tarite any other legal action co protect its right. Appraisemeat waived.
<br />This mnrtgty,a shall he bmdurg ufxm ant shall enure to Fhr benefit of the heirs. execrtors. administrators, success:,r± and urs:gr~ ~~[ th.
<br />tesprctive~parties htretxe.
<br />EN WIl'\k:_ti5 ti'iii:KF~UF'. sard Rfartg-egor S. ha Yt~ hrrrumv sea
<br />tvritwn.
<br />tl)e1C ban:; S. :'r.,: day ,r, n,{ }-ear tir~t ;,.,,.-.
<br />'~a~t
<br />,.t .,
<br />ran +_. R^tayhew ~~~~~
<br />