~1=t~C13672 ~vl~~tTGAC~E
<br />This mortgagtsinade and entered into this.` 15th ~,,y of Ju1y ,
<br />t9 81 ., by and between Gharles F. Lange and Colleen M. Goodwin
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Commercial National Bank and Trust Company
<br />(hereinafur refereed to as
<br />mortgagee); who maintains an office and place of business at 424 West 3rd stmt in Grand Island,
<br />Fiatl County, Nebraska.
<br />Wt'1'tVE5SEftt, that for the consideration hereinafter staged, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />does hereby, mortgage, seH, grant, assign, and convey -unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all of the fo1-
<br />lowing described property situated and being in the County of Hall
<br />Stets of Nebraska.
<br />The Westerly One Half (W~) of Lot, 't'hree (3} in Block One Htmdred
<br />Seventeen (117) in Railroad Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Lot Four (4) in Block One Hundred Seventeen (lll) Railroad
<br />Addition to Grand Island, Hall County Nebraska
<br />together with all the tenements and appurtenances thereto belonging, all the :cots, issues and profits thereof, and al!
<br />easements, rights, royalties, mineral, oil and gas righu and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, ar_d including
<br />ail heating, plumbing, refrigeration, lighting, equipment and all fixtures of every description belonging to the
<br />mortgagor now or hereafter attached theroto or used in connection with the premises herein described and in addition
<br />thereto the following described properties which are and shall be deemed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a portion of the security for fire indebtedness herein stated. (if none, state "none") Nene
<br />To have and to hold the same unto the Mortgagce, as herein pravided:
<br />Toe mortgagor is lawfully seized and possessed of and fias the right to seG and convey said property; that the
<br />same is frce from al! encumbtanixc except as hereinabove recited; and that Mortgagor covenaztts to u ~. rant and
<br />defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against the claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />This instrutrieat is given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated July 15 , 1981
<br />in the principal sum of S 51.400.00 , signe=d by Charles F. Lange 6 Colieea M. Goodwin
<br />in behalf of thetaselves
<br />also, as such Dote or notes tray from tune to time be modified, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />In the event the tick to said real estate is uansferred, or contracted to be transferred, from the undersigned for any
<br />reason or by auy ttuthod whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at Dace become due and
<br />payable at the election of the holder hereof. Faihtre to exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated
<br />in one ittstance shalt not coasti±ute a waiver of the right to exercise. the same in the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br />1. 'Fite mortgagor covettanta and agrees as follows:
<br />a, To promptly pay the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note at the times and in the manner
<br />therein pFOVided.
<br />b. 'Fo pay all texts, assessments, water rates, end other governmental or municipal charges, fines, or
<br />impositions, fast which provision has not been tnattc hereinbefore, and wiU promptly deliver the official receipts
<br />therefor to the said mortgagee.
<br />e. To pay such expenses and fees as rttay be incurred in the protection and rnaintenattr of said property,
<br />Ong the fees of shy auurney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or a-I of the indebtedness
<br />hereby setiured, or foreriosure by mottgagee's sale, or court pro.eedings, of in ate} rlthrr iitittation .?r prcx~eec#inµ
<br />affecting said property.
<br />