<br />b1ORTC.AC.E. _ ___ _ __ _ _
<br />i ' M ~ ~~~ MORTGAGE LOAN NO. ~± 23, 972
<br />IQJOW ALL MF3t1 BY Tf1ESE PRESENTS: That Bonney C. Townsend and Virginia Townsend, each in his
<br />and her oWlt right and SpOL3.SE' of each Others Mortgagar, wlteiErer one ar store, in cattsidetrtivn of [tu smre of
<br />1?o Six T~QUSand Nine Hundred and noJ100---------~-------° _ ~y~~
<br />---rt ----- --- --- -------__ _- -------- - ------
<br />baited to said mortgagor by The Fgttitabk Building and Ltsan Astocatfon of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 469 shoes of atdxk of
<br />said RSSOCIATION, Ceriifuatt tie. L 23,972 , da IxrtbY grant, rattrey assd mortgage tmto the ~ ASSOCIATION the foBoavig
<br />deseribeA real prate, sittntrd in Hall Cvunty, Nebraska:
<br />In, t Seventeen (17} And i'1'le titiest Half of
<br />Lot Eighteen i18) All In Hlock One tl)
<br />Of Knickrehm Addition To The Ci~~ Of
<br />______ Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />to~ther with all iht ttrxmmts. heredRasvents and appurtenances tlsramto hetongmg, incitrdirtg at[arhed flswr arvetittfp., all window srleetts.
<br />witdow shades, blinds, storm wrrtdaws, awasrsgs, heath, ax cundsttorung, and plumbing and water equipvsnt and acoesaories thtreto, ptttsps,stow,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and tgstspr[snt now nr tsertafier aztactsd t.t or ttscd in cunnectton with lard real elute.
<br />And whereto the sad ntortgag[rr tus Mimi aixf dues ixreby agrte that Lhe nxrtgagor s'zali arsd will pay aB taxes and as~ssmenu levied or
<br />ataessd upon said prcmaes atd apes this rnortg,>tiz and tfse bond stcstred therehYY before t1-,e same shall become dotivgtsvt: to furnish approsed
<br />ittwranw upvn the bsxildiags as sad prtevsez srtttated in else sum of S 46, 900. U~ {~avabk to sad ASSO('IATiON and to deliser w said
<br />ASSOCIATION the pulteies iw sad rnsurance: and stcx to camsmn of perms any a-ass- un ur about aad p: ettsges:
<br />in f:as< of default in the prxfoi____:ce ut anY ai the terms and c mdtiraas ut thss enurtgage nr the bond secured hel,eby, Ifx mortgagee shag,
<br />ua dstrrand, rte entitled to immednte poaemon ui the tiasrtwgted premises arsd ttst s±xxtp3ttur isrreby asalgtia. uanafers and sets om to the
<br />r~artg,o__ a1 €!te trots, rsvstts~ a_-fd ;?~.- to e.t dtreve=i fraut the r.uMt3 r:rt.vssts dw~ stt;:lt ±tntt as Et±e mash mdsbttln~ *_~!! ret»
<br />unpad: atsd rite martgaftee shall hatti the power to apprtutt atsy agent cr agents sr arxy desist fur the purpose of reptairittg said premises and renting
<br />the Butte attd cutttttveg the tents, teventxs and trtcumt, arat et try pay f.ut rtf sstd eomrrte alt espenses of repauirrg sad premixes asp neumsy
<br />i~tseantitaefv[ts wd expenstts mcwreaf in remuq[ aml rtssnagtttg the saver :rri r:f cutkctrng rrn[ah ttsreirom; the baLnee rervaitgttg, if any, to be
<br />applied toward the disdsarge ui lard morlgagt ertskbtefirsess; these rsF,ls€s cf tht ttxxtgagee tsuy bt exercised at any this dtt[ittg the existeatx of such
<br />default, irrespective of any tertsprxny wanes ai the saas-
<br />Theae Presents, haarcvtr, err opal the ('fmddiun.-l'hat of the rani Matg~ur sfult repay Bald loan un ur before the maturity of asiri shues'oy
<br />payrrxnt; pay rnfxtthly to sash ASSiIClA"17(}N ct etx surtsvpectftr,! to t}x &rsd secureff htrtby ss nttesest aid princfpat on said loav,vn or before
<br />the Twentxth day ui ear~t arsd every mimth, until Bald loran n fu3ty patd: pay all axes asxl sssessmmts kna3 against said premises and on this Mortgage
<br />and the 13orxl stcuteG thereby, before drtinquencY: f urnssh approved snsuranex? upon zisc btnidings thecettn in the assm of S 46 r 9~d • ~a payable
<br />to said ASSOCIAT1tHv: repay to sad AS'StX:1ATION upon demua3 aA malty by st p'aitl for strut taxes, asaeatteuts and irswrance with uttsrest at
<br />the stnaivittm legal rate thert*.m from date ct! paymeat alt of whtt2s M3ttgsgur txreby agrees as pay: pe:rnit s>u w~te on said pstvvnn; keep and coitysly
<br />with all Iht agreements asp efxditsuus of the $[md fur 546, 900. Q~ ihn day gven by the aad Mortgsgrx w trap ASSOCIATION, and oougsly
<br />with a6 tfx «quirensetsts of the Ca[atitution artd By-[~ws of card ASSLS(:LAl1aN; dean tlusc presents shat became ntdl and nod, othsrwise [hey
<br />Buell rattsa in furl ftxt~ artd trray ~ fart-`,used at €lx upEhr;, of the seat ASSfCIATION after failure far throe tttantlts to »tai[e arty of said
<br />payments or :it three mtmths m areeus in tnskfttg sad t»onihty Suyments, sx to keep ant cumpty wish the agraments and conditions of said Bond;
<br />std Mortgagor agrees to lust a receiver appouned t`arthwsth in suCli furedcvutre proceedings.
<br />If there is any change w uwrxrsitip of the real elute tnsrtgaged heteiis, by salt: or utherwiae, itsst tts entitt rem__.=9 intkbtadisss he[eby
<br />securui shag, a[ the up[iesn of Tht FgwtaWe Ituildtag atxl l,uan Aswcsattan of Gratal IBland,Nebraska,beasme immednteip due and pryabk without
<br />ittKher nitia, and the amuuat rcmaistvtg disc under said bond, and any uttser band for any additional advances atade thetetutder, shall, from the
<br />date of eaescisc al said option, bear sAttreat at t_ht taa+.*rra=at raft, attd the simrtgagr tiny thin bt t.~Q : to satisfy the atiiamt due on said
<br />boad,atd any otliu toad for additwnal advaaets> tugettxr vnih x13 Batas pad by Bud The Egt[itabk Buddiq; std Loan Aaociatian uC Graod Isl~d,
<br />NeMaaka fw inaurantx, texts and asseswssnU, and abstrattirtg ex[e:tsiai cbatges, vnth interest tlsaeoa, from date of payment at [Is rrtaxiewm
<br />k8r'd nu.
<br />As provided itt tax Bond sectsstd hereby, wl~e than rmxtgags rttttaias in tffetx tts sttatgagtx msy tsreafter dvadrx additional wins to the
<br />irwkers of sad YlSenl, their asst~ns rx sssc:fxurvs d inietesi, wb;!rb sums slsali be within tfx secsuity of this ttinrigrge the satoe as ill fonds originally
<br />stcasred thereby, the total atitourtt of PTVk'iWl debt oat to tzoted at anY nmt the wigitul attrxmt of the mortgage.
<br />f thts r7u1y t. D., tv $1
<br />I e~
<br />V a 'lk~t~,serld /
<br />STAT£ f?F NEBRA,cICA, ~. an thts ISth daY of July 39 $1 .before toe,
<br />fX7F3KfY f1E fIALL
<br />flit tttuktitgtsd, a Notary Public w ami fat acid County= Ix[W~Y tatrne
<br />fey u. It>w~s~ru3 and virginia 'ItMmsertd, eac}t in his and her own right and as spesu5e of
<br />ei~11 Q~7L'Y whts . arm -1°r~lY k~wn to
<br />r
<br />ms [o Etc tls tdeatitwl pertrm 8 wlttisc naax S are affustd to the about istviauIISk[ITaamtxtgagtu S atx3 thk'Y severally
<br />rise still in~twtti:n3 iv be their tmtaty act oat dead. l1_
<br />ikzTt~fASS ray haru3 anal ?~tatariad .'+eai tAt date afssrtsanl. w ~ ~ f
<br />My Cinmsits~afi expires .-'- ~ .'° ,~; '
<br />,sarzassrt ..y ~',.fSiIRRAttF[1is9Y.SiataafitlaAtaslts
<br />'~'~; '" ,Tt /~./r,:'~`' ~ ~ tom- ;RMES W. tJLSGN
<br />t~ Mr Ce+!~tm f F_ tr^v t: ='si~ i
<br />