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<br />ihi5'CALLi-9g:N T PC;RCi~nSE; ,~:~REE~7EhT
<br />THIS AGREEFtENT is made and entered into this 1st day of ~~larch, 19$0,
<br />by and between VERA R. HANC}LISEIi and F;DW:~.kD HANC?USEK, wife and hus-
<br />band, hereinafter referred to as "Seller", whethr'r one ar more, and RCGER D.
<br />HANOUSEK, hereinafter referred to as "Auger",
<br />Seller agrees to sell and convey to the Buyer and the Auger agrees to pur-
<br />chase. and accept from the Seller,, the following described real and personal property
<br />in Hali County, Nebraska, an the terms, conditions, covenants herein contained,
<br />to-wit:
<br />1. A. Description of Real Estate.
<br />SW}NW} of Section 20, Township lI North, Range 12, West
<br />of the 6th P. M., subject to eevenanis, conditions, restrictions,
<br />reservations, easements and encumbrances of record.
<br />B. Description of Personal Property.
<br />Irrigation well oral pump and gear head
<br />interest in T 8e L ten tower circular pivot
<br />Misceiianeous pipe below and underground.
<br />2. Consideration. The total purchase price of the real and personal property
<br />is the sum of aF~ rty-two Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-eight and no(I00 Dollars
<br />($42,5E.$,00~, which purchase price the Buyer agrees to coy s fnii~ws:
<br />A, Six Thousand rive €iundre:t Sixty-[iKlii ar:d ni~ii~)ii i~aiiars {`.~`v,~SY,,JOi
<br />paid by Buyer to Seiler on or before the date hereof, '•.tre receipt r,t such sum being
<br />hereby acknowledged by Seller.
<br />B. Ttte balance a€ the purchase price betng lhtrty-six `Chousand and
<br />no/Ifxl Dollars {$36,Cf;0.00} shall be payable by Buyer in installments as follows:
<br />Three Thousand Six Hundred and no/'100 Dollars {$3,600.00? on the first day of
<br />April, I~$l, and a like sum of Three Thousand Six Hundred and noJ100 Dollars
<br />{$3,fi~Ot1.00) an the first day of April each calendar year thereafter, until t he entire
<br />purchase price with interest is paid in full. The unpaid balance of ehe purchase
<br />price shall bear interest at the rate of seven percent (7~} per annum, commencing
<br />April 1, I9~, and shall be payable April 1, 148# and annually thereafter at the same
<br />time principal payments are due hereunder.
<br />C. Fn addition to the cash consideration above recited, Buyer agrees to
<br />pay Lhe unpaid balance of Lfta mortgage together with all interest and charges that
<br />axial against the property W Federal Land Bank Association which mortgage covers
<br />both the real estate above described and the circular pivot system above referred to,
<br />and by the execution of this agreement, Buyat assumes and agrees to pay said mortgage.
<br />D. Huger shall have a prepayt>zeni privilege of paying any sums in addition
<br />to the principal payments retluired hereunder at any time in multiples of One Hundred
<br />and no(100 Dollars {$100.t?0), provided that ail such prepayments shall bq applied
<br />to the payments than unpaid is their inverse order of maturity.
<br />E. ip the event of crop failure due to draught , insects or other conditions
<br />outside the control of Eluyer, Seller agrees that the principal payment due for such
<br />year .shall be postponed provided Buyer makes the interest payments due for such
<br />year and the term of the contract shall be extended accordtngiy.
<br />F. Should the auger fail to pay ar.y installment of principal yr interest
<br />due hereunder, :vhen due, then the amount of such installment .=.hall bear inierast
<br />at the maximum legal rate during such period cf delinquency.
<br />3, 1'assession, E3uyer shall tx: tee;titled to full pcsses=ion of the real and per-
<br />sonal prvlierty an the data herec,f.
<br />