<br />. ~.: ~..
<br />a. DEED OF TRUST 81~s~tt3632
<br />THIS I3E>=13 OF TRt1ST is made this........13th . .. ..... ..day of ....Ju1Y ......... . .... .
<br />i9. $1., among the Trustor,...TR~B. 3._ ,WflITASZEi7SKL,~,RQBIId R. ,WDITAS.ZEWSKI. Cbuaband, and: Wffe)
<br />ATTORNEY AT LAW .............. . (herein "borrower ) , ...F4#~. ~i •..$$9F~kT,ri ...... ..... .
<br />• .................. (herein "Trustee"), and the Beneficiary,
<br />., a corporation organized and
<br />.. ..........................
<br />~~NEBRASKA~-
<br />existing under the-laws of ...................................:....... whose address is...2121.N.. W,ehb
<br />Road,, P.6.. ,Box 971 Grand Zsland ,NE 68861 .... (herein "Lender").
<br />Boaaowsa, in consideraHOn of [he indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably grants
<br />and canveys to Trustee, in trust, with powtr of sale, the following described property ;orated in the County of
<br />..... ... Hall ...........................State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot rive (5}, Potash Subdivision, Hall
<br />County Nebraska
<br />which has the address of ..... - 72~...... St=as~~tQ4d . Driye ............. .Graust. ,Lsla$d, . N$...688Q1.
<br />t •. tsrreau te,rvt
<br />..........:............. (herein "Property AJdress'");
<br />tsuta anu rw Coaat
<br />Toc,Eratttz with ail the improrcmenu now or hercatter created on the property, and all easements, righu,
<br />appurtenances, Bents (subject however to the rights and author;ttes given heron to Lender to collect and apply such
<br />rents}, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and ail 5xturci now or
<br />herea(t~r altach¢s! to the property, all of which, inctuding replacements and additions thereto, shalt be deemed [o be
<br />and remain a part of the property covered by this Drcd of Trust; and ail of the foregoing, [ogether with said property
<br />(or the leasehold esiatr d this Deed n[ Trust ~s on a leasehold) arc burro referred to as the "Property'°
<br />7/~I~ S~CURt: to Ltndet {a} the repaymem of the indebtedness evidcnred by borrower's note dated ........... .
<br />.......`. 1 (herein "NOtC"}. in the principal sum of. ~atFLY. T}?oy§u>?#t. dour .$t}m~1F~a..&tld.4P~~QQ- .. .
<br />. • .......f~~~t~~-~~ ..................Dollars, with interest !heregn, providing for monthly installmems
<br />of r'ncipa1 and in#crest, with the balance of the indebtedness, if not soorcr paid, due and payable oa... _ ....... .
<br />~s113ta~2 ... ;the paymen[ of alt other sums, with intcrrst thereon, advanced
<br />in accordance herewith tq protect the security of this Decd of Trust; and the performance at the covenants and
<br />agret:tncntsoLBorrav#rr herein contained; and (b) ;he rcpayrnru of any future advances, with interest thereon, made
<br />to BoErttwcr tsy Lender puttuan# to paragraph 21 hcregt f herein "Future Advanecs"),
<br />BiOfioWCT coyFnan-s.that Borrower is lawfulty seised of the estate hereby ronveyrd and bus the; right to grunt attd
<br />cr?R~ey the Frt~r#y, th~# eht: Property is unencumbered, and that borrower will warrant and defend grncratfy the
<br />tote to tite Prapir#y again4t all cla+ms and demands. subject to any declarations, casements oe rrstrictsons listed ;n
<br />selteduk of e>kct;ptioni to covengr in any title inwfancc policy insuring Lender's intcrrst in ehc Prgpesty.
<br />NE$Jk~l€,A~t toy {yra~tr--ifti--FlBttllrNiMC tlMtfOtM_ttttt~Atfki
<br />