<br />-, t. ~ -_
<br />81-~~+.x3627
<br />'~' 3:~ The mortgagor eovenanb at.d agras that if he shall tatil to pay said indebtedness or any part thereof when
<br />of shall fail to ~rf~tratµg'cnirenant or ~mestt of iaatrttmeat or the promissory note secured liereby; the
<br />t~ i~ebtednus hereby iecureti shall immediately,bea±tt~e due, payable, and collectible without notf~ at the
<br />of the mortgagee ~; assipta, regardkm of maturity st+a~-the mortgagee or his assigns may before or after eetry
<br />a~ ase6d property wethoet.'appraiilemeat (the: mortgagor having waived and assigtted to the mortgagee cell tygltta of
<br />appeasement) : _. . ~ '
<br />(t 1 at jttdieial sale pursuant to the provisions of ~8 U.S.C. 2091(a j : or _
<br />(tt) at the option of the-mortgagee, either by auction or by eolieitatiop of aeakd bide,'for the.6igltesiaod
<br />bid oamplyin6 with the tetau of wk and manner of payment speei5ed in the published notice of saleelieat
<br />givittg four weeks' notice of the dine, terms, and place of such sale, by advertisement not less than Dace
<br />dnrfng each of said four weeks in a newspaper published or distributed in the toasty in which said property
<br />isaituated. al! ~6er notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor (and acid- moctgaget, or aaypeeaos ae
<br />• behalf:af said mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by said note). Said sale shall be
<br />held at or on the property to be sold or a the Federal, county, ar city courthouse for the county in which tix
<br />property ~ located. The mortgagee is hereby' authorized to ezecute for and on behalf of the mortgagor and to
<br />d!?iaer-to t3,a, ~aprehsser at iwslt_ a?1' a anl6rirnt-conveyancrof Paid o_rooerty. which wnvevma shill contain _,___
<br />tettitals as to the happening of the default upon which the ezecudon of the poorer of sak herein granted
<br />depends; sad trite acid mortgagor hereby cottatitutn and appoints the mortgagee or any agent oe attotacy of the
<br />mertgetgae, the agent and attorney in faM of said mortgagor to make such recits4 aa~d to eaeeote acid
<br />conveyaaoe and hereby mveaaata sad agrees that the reeitab ao msde shall 6e effectual to bar cell egaitp or
<br />right of redemption, homestead, dower, and cell other exemptions of the mortgagor, ail of which are hereby
<br />expressly waived and conveyed to the mortgagee; or
<br />fttt) take say other appropriae action pursuant to stale or Federal statute either in state or Federal
<br />court or otherwise for the disposidoa of the propertv.
<br />In the event of a sale u hercinaiwve provided, the mortgagor or any person in poeemsion under €he mortgagor shall
<br />then become and:be=tts~etertmhba~rner-and shall forthwith delivee poseeeaion to the. purchaser at each sak or be
<br />summarily ~~ id~` t[t~e" pFdfroE~:tKiW the provisions o[ law applicable to tenants holditry; over. The power
<br />and agency herelry f' ygaple0rars4:aainterest and are irrevocable by death or otherwix, and arc granted
<br />as cumnhdre to of~said indebtedness provided by law.
<br />t The pseeeeds of say sak ~ said property in accordance with the Preceding paragraphs shall be applied first
<br />to pay ills ~Ea ate. eto~ said sa>~, !1>v es:pettzs incurred by the tnortgagx €or the pearpox of protecting or main-
<br />tamiag said praipert~, sad reawnable attorneys' fees; secondly, to pay the indebtedness secured hereby; and thirdly,
<br />to, Pay sap snrphrs ar cocas to the person or-persona legally entitled thereto.
<br />S. Ice t_t±e evean said property is sold si a jadiei:i foreelasure sale or pternsaat to the power of ask hereinabove
<br />grmted, ate the preeeeds are trot stt~eient to pay the total indebtedttas secured by this instenmeat and evidenced by
<br />said prominery asote, the ttrortgagee will be entislcd to s defideney judgeaent far the amount of the dejrciettry swtkoxt
<br />regsmd to apprwisensent.
<br />b, In tht event the mortgagor faits to pay any Federal, state, or local tax asaeastnent, income tax or other [a: lien,
<br />charge, fe,~, or other expetne charged against the property, the tnorigagee is hereby authorized a! his option ro pay
<br />the saute. Any sunw so paid by the mortgagee shall be added to and bernate a part of the principal amotmt of the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by said note, subject to the same terms and conditiotre. If the mortgagor shall pay sad
<br />dischar~ the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note, and shall pay such sums and shall discharge all toes
<br />anti.lttyy aad•tlAe aML, fees, amt a:penses:af:inakisg, enforcing, and executing [his mortgage, then this mortgage
<br />shall-be_osacekd sad mitrrendexd.
<br />7, The eoaenattta herein coatai~d shall bind and t}se beneftte and advanuttea shall inure to the respective alto
<br />etnsmaa sari aati~. of the parties hereto. Xheaever used, the aingalu natttber shall include the phtul, ttae pherai the
<br />its~r, sad tfte rye o[ any shall iaehtde ail genders.
<br />fk 1Va w.af say eovenaat herein or of the obligation secured berdiy slt:il at any tfmo thereafter be held
<br />to La a waitru oftho fuses hereof or of the note seen: ed herel.
<br />9t lis eeraPlianoe with section 191.7 (d) of tbs Rules and Reguladons of the Stroll Bmiaess Administeati~ [ 13
<br />+~~j+.~4_ -~ to-bo: esastisted and eatotced in accordance xith applirabk Fedecat law.
<br />19. A jetlicial ~deateq order, or jndgmeot holding say provision or portion of thin iostrnment invalid or ttn-
<br />anteteSgble_dtatl not is any Mcay impair or preelgde the. enforcavuent of the reaaaiait~ provisiom or portiotrs of
<br />tlds t•
<br />sea r«. m ~s.rat ~.. < ao- c
<br />