<br />fll1ORTGAGE ~ ~ -` "~ ~''~ ~' ~ ~`
<br />TiitB ;ND€li7'UrRg. mach this. 13th dap of __ ~Uly - t9 $] by and between
<br />_Dennis.~ieiQhbQrs and Darlene Neighbors>_husband. and wi.fe_-- _ -_--
<br />of ____.Hall__.__. Ctarntg, Nebraska, as martgagtx S-._.__.-._., and Homc Ftderal Savings and Loan .4csociatiun nCC;rand [stand, a corporation
<br />organised and existing under the taws of ffie !)ailed States of America with its prfncfpai office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />mortga~.
<br />W(TN6SSETH~ That wid msutgagur . _.$____ _..._, for and in rnnsideration of the sum of.______
<br />Three Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty-eight dollars and 54/lD~lan
<br />3 ,858.54 .!_----_- ,.
<br />the receipt of wtsich is firYet)y acknawkdged, des _ 6y these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mtxtgagee, its sfleCeasnts and assigns-
<br />forever. afi the following dtscnfxd real estate, snuated in the County of .... _..- .. _._Ha 1 l_______.______ .-- -
<br />and State of Nebraska. Co-wn- -
<br />Lots four (4) and Six (6}, in Block Thirteen (13), in Scarff's addition to the
<br />city of brand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together wtth ell heating, air condittonutg, lighting, ami ptumbvtg eyurpment and hzwms, inrludmK screens, awnutgs, storm windows and
<br />dn2rs, artd winnow shter~ or blinds, ussd nn ur in conneriron with said property, whether the .arnr err now tucaterl on said property or hereafter
<br />plsoed thereon.
<br />l'O HAVR. AN!? TQ HOLU 1'NE SAME, weather wrth alt and senguiar the trnementa. hereduaments and appurtenance.. thereunto he-
<br />3anging, or m anywise appertaining. forever, acrd warrant the title m the same. Sard morgngu§- hereby covenant _..- .with said
<br />mortgagee tlu:t they. dY~- - -. . et the de;iven~ frereuf, the fawfli rweeer $ ~ f the premises strove cunvey+xi and dess:rilsed,
<br />and -___ dl's seized of a good and indafeasrble estate u€ :vheritanre therein, free and deer of all encumbrances. and that - t. he _y_ will
<br />warrant and dotard the tide thereto forever agamat the ciauns and demands aC all persona whom_.+vever.
<br />~iiCTYif)E!) A;,W AYS, ecru t: ~= iastrurr~nt is exccutr-d and dafiverasi to secure the payrrsent of the sum a€ _ _. - - -
<br />tCrx~~7h~.u~~n-d Eight Hundred. FifSx-eight and_S~dIQQ t~nltar~is 3,8.5.8._54_ _ __ ,.
<br />will[ interest thezeon, together with suc3t charges seed advances as may ire due and payable t!> sard nmrtgagtr under the terms and renditions
<br />of the prumiaaory [tote of even date teerawith and ssxeurxl hereby, ex!>.t'uted by .+ard rarrtgagrir _$_ to said mortgagee, tsnyalste as exprasseeri
<br />in sard tiote, aattl to seuiro the periorrmace of eU the tervss and renditions cuntamnd therein. "f he ter[nc of said note sue hereby mcurpruated
<br />herein by Skis rr~a~.
<br />;tie the iatmiion and agreement of the parties ttareto that this mortgage shah aLsu sectire any future advrirues made to said mortgagor _.~..
<br />by rK~ mortgagee, end any and alt iodebtedneas rn nddrteon w the- umnunt xtwva stated whist, yard mortgagors, ur any of [teem, may uwc to
<br />said tnortgagae, howavar evidenced. whether by note, creek account :u rnther+ise. 'fhu nwrtgage shelf samara in ful: force end effect betws;en
<br />the pai•4iea berate and [heir heirs, personal rrp;esvntatsvrs. -+ucceasnn and assigru., earl! all smounts secured hereunder. including future
<br />advances, ace paid iii lair with iniarest.
<br />Ttte mortgagor-$..._. hereby assign w said mortgagee ail n:nts and tneume mixing at any and all times Irom said property and
<br />hereby authorirx said mortgagee ur its agent, at i.ts upturn, upon default, w take .:barge of said property and c-uflett sd1 ront_s and irx:nne
<br />rltem.resan and apply the same w the payment of interest, principal, insurance premiums. taxes, nisessrnerrts. repairs or improvement.
<br />tiecaaeary.tu keep_said propetty in to traatab~ candttaon. w w ether charges ur payments provided for herein or m the rresW hereby secursd. "fhrs
<br />rent asaigtuneat steal{ continue in force uatit ciao unpnut lu+larse ut sard rwte :s tu71y pa:J. 7-he taking of pussessinn hereunder shu7: in no incomes
<br />prsweut as retard said mortgagee in the coitection of said sums h}' foredoaure rw otherwiae-
<br />'Flre failure of the mortgages w assert any of its rights hereunder at say retie steal! not tx coastruod as a waiver of iiq right w risen. the
<br />satires at any fester time, aitd to insist upon sad eatoree sir K vmpiiancr- weth ali the ez-rrn+ and proviswns of sard note ar"!t ut this nrurtKaKe.
<br />I(said tttt>t<tgagor S sites!! cattle w be pans w said mortgagee the retire amount due ±t hereunder, sad under the canes and pros-i-ions
<br />of said note hevefiy secured. incltiditsg futtere advances, and arry ex taruuans oc renewals rhercpf in accordance with [he canes and pmvesunan
<br />tlasswtf, ttr,d g said mazLgagor S_... she(} ctsmr~~ with aL' ifre prut•i3:uas of sa:cf n:xe ar.J ui the mortgage, then these presents shall be yard.
<br />otherwfae to remain in full farce and effect. and said mortgagor shall Ire enriched to the poaaession ut all of said property. and may, at tG o(stwn.
<br />datiate tlae srhos of acid taste and sA mss represented tixreby to fse immediately Joe and payab~, and may fnrc,clasa thin martgarte
<br />or tape arty oUxe }egei urine to protnet ice right. Appraisenaent waived.
<br />1`hia mori{;ags aMli ha 6indiag upim acrd shall ersscre to the benefit ut the hairs, eatruuus, admimstratrsrs. successtrrs amt assigns ;;t fir.:
<br />reapcx,-tr.-e'pa€tieu teasels..
<br />IN Lh`i'i'Ni~S,4 t4'HkftHGF'. sard Martgagar S. tut u@ hereaoro 's .t132i1'.-. band Sf~~ day and year lust .d.o~,
<br />x7ittan. _~ l 'f
<br />beon;s Neic~lirs
<br />_. ,. .. _..,... .. -. ..._ _. -.._. _.. .... 1::~-a. ry;..y ~ -` y,~`' ~1---a:-r=es..---
<br />Darlene N`etoTtbar~
<br />