<br />-V ~ ~-V J~C7 ~ Q
<br />This form is used in connec-
<br />tion with mortgages insured
<br />under the one- to four-family
<br />prnvisians of the National
<br />Housing Art.
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 13th day of July .A. D.
<br />I9 gl,byandbetween Rex I„ Johnson and Linda S. Johnson, Husband and Wife
<br />of the County of Ha11 ,and-State of Nebraska, party of the first part. hereinafter called
<br />the Mortgagor: and Superior i~rtgage, Inc. •
<br />at;arporatiottorgartiud and existingurtder the taws of Nebraska
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee,
<br />WITNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty eight thousand and
<br />No/1DOths-~-~------------------~__--_~-~~-~-__' attars (5 38 r 000.00 t. paid by tite Mort-
<br />gagee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and ny these presents does Grant. Bar-
<br />pin, Shc: i;onvey and Conftrnt unto the Mortgagee. its successors and assigns, forever. the fallowing-descrit>e3
<br />real esters, situated in the County of gall .and State
<br />of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />Lot Twelve (12), Block One (1), Ctutningham Subdivision, an Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall Cotanty, Nebraska.
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in all
<br />meat survey:
<br />acres according to Govern-
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with alt the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including
<br />art heating, plumbing and fighting fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to ur used in connective with said real estate
<br />ttnta the Mortgagee, and to its successors and assigns, forever. The Mortgagor represents to, and covenants with, the Monga-
<br />ga, that the Mortgagor has good right to sett and convey said premises: thaE they are fret from encumbrance: and that the
<br />Mortgagor willwarrant anddefend the sameagainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, and the said Mortgagor here-
<br />by re5ttquishes-all rights of homestead, artd atf rrcartial rights, either in Caw ur in equity. and aD other contingent interests of the
<br />Mortgagor in and to the above-described premises, the intention being to convey hereby an absolute title, in fee simple, inciud-
<br />ir~ ail rights of homestead, and other rights amt interests as aforesaid.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, attd these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to wit:
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the principal sum of Thirty eight thousand and NO/100ths
<br />~_ _r__~______w..____ Dollars {5 38, 000.00 ).
<br />with interest from date at the sett of Fifteen and One-halt per centum ( 15.50 ~.) per annum un
<br />the unpaid balance until paid. The said. principal amt interest :hall be payable at the utfiiee of
<br />Superiox 1!b a , I
<br />tn -Grst~pd IS~~id, Nebraska or at such other place as the holder of
<br />the note may designees in writing. in motuhly installments of Four hundred ninety five and 72/100ths---
<br />p__r Duitars t$ ¢95 7 ~. commending un the first day of
<br />t~~~ tv S1 , atw on t~te~nt Jay of each month thereafter until the principal znJ in-
<br />terest are u pat-d except that the final paymem of principal anJ interest, if nut ,uonrr paid. ,hall he Jue anJ
<br />payable on the first day of August, 2011 :alt according to the terms of a certain promis-
<br />sory note of teen date herewith executed by the wio Mortgagor.
<br />Tate Mortgagor in order mare fatty to proud the security of thii Mortgage, agrees:
<br />1. Thai he will pay the indebted;tss, as hereinbcfore provsded. Privilege is reserved tv pay the debt in whole, or in an
<br />amount equal to oae or more monthly payments eat the principal that are next due un the eau. vn the tint day of any munch
<br />prior to mattuity. Provided, however, That writun notice ut an inuntian to exercise such privilege is given at lean[ thirty t341
<br />days prior to prepayment,
<br />2. That, together with, and in addition w, the monttsfy payments of principal and interest payable under the terms of the
<br />note secured hsrehy,_the Mottgtgar wil9 pay to the Mortgagee, on the first day of-each month until the sai2f note is fully p:uJ. thr
<br />following slims:
<br />(a) Amauttt ruffictent to prondc the holder hereof with funds tv pay the next mortgage insurance preatium it tttu
<br />instrument and the Hate secured hereby are insured. of a monthly charge /in Irru uja rnurtggr{e in5rtrancr pre-
<br />AresrtrrJ if thry are txld by the Secretary of Housing and Urtran Development, as !"vllows:
<br />(l) Ef and so tang as said nett of ever[ date and this instrument are related ur are :einsuteJ unJe: the ;,c„
<br />vtsioeta of itu National Hausi[tg AM, an arnotmt suffwlcnt to aecumutatc m the hsnds of tree h«IJet :mc
<br />tatru?acso r a A.zte3Mt wn,rn mp er uMSt unit suPMv ~• exn.urtsd tiT~"f F: t tE' ~ #<. H K.1S ti:t
<br />HUQ-9iti3M t9.7$I
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