~ ~ ---U t4 3 61 ~ fllSQfiTGAGE
<br />THIS IAIDI3NTURE, made this_.---._-lOth_-_---_---day °f----3uly.___.._.-_.._.__...-. 19 &1__. by and between
<br />Robert W. Kettainger and Susan Kensinger, husband and wife, each in his and her own
<br />right and as spouse of the other,
<br />~ A811 _ County, Netxaska, as mortgagor 9 ,and Homt Federal Savings and Loan Assoctation of Grand Island, a mrporatian
<br />orpaalsd std existing under the laws of the Unlfed States of Attxaica with its principal office and place of business at Grand !gland, Nebraska, as
<br />>:
<br />W rt'NFSSEI'H: That said mongaga< 9 ____.., , for std inconsideration of the sum of,_
<br />Three Thousand Hiaety-five and Noj_100ths---__---____ _......g,.gy~p8,. i
<br />- ° .3.y
<br />[he receipt of whia$ is hereby aatnorrkdged, do . ~___._..______ trr thex prcxcrtts mortgage and war s ~ - assigns,
<br />ftxeva, all the fallowing described real estate, situated in tht• County of -_--Hall _. -~^ -_...._. _. _ - . ......... ..,..... -_ - - +
<br />and State of Nebra ka, to-wic
<br />c...=rt. TvnT~v_cix an ctY TAnrtia f~h,E,l_xeet of Lot Eight (8) a_nd North Thirty-_
<br />nine and Six Tenths (39,b) Feet of Lot Nine (9), Block Eleven (il}, West Park
<br />Addition, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Togs[tter with alt treating, alt c. 'ttioning, bghtsng, amt p7umbtng r tutpmmt a,~al fi<turee. itxludutg screens, awnings, storm wrndows and
<br />doors, std window ahsdes ar blinds, used nn ar m cannectmn wnh sold properly, whether the same am Haw fasted on said property ar hereafter
<br />Placed thereon.
<br />TU HAi"lr AND "N.J HUGI1 'I'Hl; SAA3H. tastttisher with nil atsl +eryPtlar the tencnxrnts, "rre.dilatnrnt> anal appurtennncc~ thereunW br~
<br />~gmg, or in anywise a~erteining, Eorrvor, and warrant she title u: t:-xe satnr .~atd m:ugagor`~ herelty covenant `" with caul
<br />mortgagee tf»t_ -. tftr _y__ are as the dairvsrY barest. the fawfa! owner ? erf the premeyse atx>ve conveyed and dexrited,
<br />and are _ mad ~ a good aad isdefsasible estate aP initeritana-x sr~m, Irrv srai clear of all encutnbrarues, and that ..t. he y._ wtli
<br />warrant and dsferai Sire title tfasretar forever agninnt the claims a ~ demaruis of all fursuna whtxn-Seaver.
<br />PROVfDEII ALWAYS, and lair utsttunseust as exaruted sird dehverav: its secure the payrnent of tip sum.-,f _ _ __ _ _ _ _ .
<br />Three Thousand Ninety-five and oo/IOOths----------- 3,095.00
<br />with itttats6t tllsreon, tugetaer wtth such chatrgea and advanaea as may he due and pn}able w seal mr.ngngee elder she terra, and cotedrtions
<br />er{ th0 ptaetissory note ttf even date ltnrewrth erui trmstred hereby, exeavted by }:uu nmrigngrx b ,<: said [nurtgagat. Peyatde as expreaea~d
<br />!3 aaKS nat~ std to seeiarrihs pnrSaratattcs of el3 the Forms and n~nditu ua cr Maned thsrctn. The ternez of said mN.c are hrrnby inetrrparat~t
<br />haflic ay tAis rahtexa:e.
<br />Et m-the intsstwa gad egtvamaot of tae parties hereto that ties mongrge also!! slso svavre any future advances toads w said murtgs~or_S.
<br />by etad swrtgagaa. and aaY std all rattabtedmss m nfdetion to xhe amount err v_e stated whtcL sntd mnrtgah+urs. or any of tlirm. may ewe w
<br />aid attxtgayse. howavar evdenaxd, whntiter by ma.e. !souk acrtu nt v: ,.tharwtse. I'ht._: m+nigage Shall reowut m sups force and effect Fsetwrxn
<br />tae patties hatrto and Chair ttmrtr, pnrauuai nyresentattvee, sixxesaura and aestgns. anti) n!1 entoetnta scurtd hereunder, tcetudittg fuWrr
<br />advances. err pod in EuL` with intcrrat.
<br />The awsrttpfpu ., S hetatay aasyTn u> gaud mungagae ail rents and trrcatne arming at any oral alI ttm~ farm said property and
<br />kserBbY suthoriae card tressgagan ur its aga>F.t. at its upti+m, upon default, so take atsrge of sacd property and sx>Ilect alt erase ntd iarume
<br />tharefaom and apply lha same to the paymaaa of mterrat. pnnctysai, ir_.uranre pretaitmte. taxer. assesattten[s, te{taim or tmpnrven;ent-
<br />nsutara[y to kaap grid lsY in tamata43tt cnnd+tau=.:u to uWar rhu~ ar paymmta pruva~kd for 6arrur ur m the uMe hereby srctucd. '1'hra
<br />rest asatitatgaet shell twatanun in lotrx mW site untHeat bstanty ut sard rnue to telly paid The taking of prraaeaawn ttettvnder shalt ir. mt manrnr
<br />Prsvaat or rtRattf gad mrrtgagra m the t-aikreasa of egad sums ity inn,ciusure ur otherwese.
<br />Tlae !adore of the asertgtsges tar ataatt ens at its rights harsstMfet st any time she}[ slat tee cartstrwal as a waiver of it; right to assert the
<br />soma ^t anY later Lima. std w inatst upon std enforce strx: rompitarlLe wtta alt the sertns and Proviaiuns of seal Harr end uF this mortgage.
<br />l3 and aatrtgagwa R aha"si tawaa to be paid to sad raantgages ttx eaters atneatnt dug .t fux¢una',ar, and elder the trrnw and peavinwna
<br />of ssd outs haeaby seated, indutitpg future advances, std sn} extensans ur rr-r~wata thereat to accaninns~ with tab ternxs and. provistans
<br />tFtansf, gad i[ sgld _.s .. shat) asaipi3 wKh alt stye pruvtanxcs u! sttd netts ores of fhrs xnortgage. than theea Prrsnnta shag he yogi.
<br />srltararita b gaaaei ieltt~ twos and •fhri. gad spelt! ma+rtga~s shaft to atr+vtled to the pasaessum uG ail M sold profst+ty, end tray. at its option.
<br />~ ts~s oaf ~: ~s std a[i rr.,uearatsd t.4arshy to tn± tz-uaadiatefy dt~ art: paYsisk, r~if trey farici:;ae t8ts martpaae
<br />a tats say etia~ Sags! aetira to pnatatt its ran. Appraraataen4 waived.
<br />Th» t shat! iss ttiading ut?utt asd goat! tpptta to rite Irerastit trf the !stye, nsernksrs. admtniatratars, surAxabors nrd assigns of Nr
<br />roagwaxlvs pat!tias bargee
<br />tPi 4k!'fN~+fi Wk1$BEkCyF: said Mortgagor ~ lss ''~_ hereunirs aai,, /`~F.~__ h,m~.,s.~~,ttat Say end near first shove
<br />s.ritMSa.
<br />
<br />