<br />Thie form i. used in cnnnet•-
<br />~+~'+p tion with murtRaRrs insured
<br />~~~ 1 dIt'!~~ under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the ?dational
<br />g ~ --~)(i 35.87 HvustnR Act.
<br />r
<br />THIS MORTGAG$, made and executed this 14th day of July .A. d.
<br />l9 g3 , by sad ~twter. Z.it~a L. Ctsosic. a- single persan
<br />of tAet'-utrtttyot Hall ,and State of Nebraska. party al the first part. Itrreinafter called
<br />fhe Martgsgor, and Superior 1yorEgage, Inc.
<br />a eorpistafion txgttttized and txisring tmrkr the taws of A-ebraska
<br />party o4 the uerind part, hereinafter called the Mart~rtt.
<br />tt?(Tfy'FETH: That [he said Mortgagor. for and in consideration of the sum ut Thirty eight thousand and
<br />~rlhgw~_„._~_w-_~.__,._..~___•___~_~____ dntlars tS 38 r DO0.00 Y. paid by the A1ort-
<br />gagte, the reeei~ of which is botchy acknawkGged, has Granted and- Sold and by these presents does Grant. Bar-
<br />gnin, Sell. Canvey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee. its successors and assigns, forever. the following-described
<br />real etttate, situated in the County of Hail , seed State
<br />of lytbraska. to a•ir.
<br />Lot Four f 4 f , Jamsott Stzttdivitaion, in the City of Grand Island : Hall
<br />Caunty, Nebraska
<br />c+f the Sixth f'rincipa} Meridian, cc+ntaittirtg in all
<br />runt survey:
<br />sees according to i~u~erm
<br />TU HAYS ANd Ti3 k1ULd the premiers abitve ucs~ril+rd, a uh :+lt Fht tppurtenan.t+ thereunto irriongiug anu in4luding
<br />aU heating, plumbingandiig}ttirtg fixtures seed eyuiprnent now ur hereafter atta:hed to ur u.rd in cunnec(it+n whit said era! estate
<br />unto the Martgaget:, and to its successor amt assignY. foresee. i`he Alurtgagur represents tu. and ct+vrnants with. the ;wtortga-
<br />gM, that the Mortgagor has good right to srli and cuasty said premises. that they err free from encumbrance; and that the
<br />Mlctrigagor wilt warrant and de€rruf the same against the lawful Claim; of 31l pcnons w hotn+uceer; :;net the s;tid yfongager here-
<br />by reiingtiisbes all reghts of hurnestead, and all martial rigitr_ richer in law ur to eymt}. and ull other contingent interests of the
<br />Msrigsgor in and to theshout-<kuribeJ premises, the inientiun herng to t«+noey hereby .,n absolute title. in fee aimpte. includ-
<br />tagall r~hts of homestead, seed uthu nghes and mtetesLS a+ afexesatd
<br />t'R4V1DE,d A1,W AYS. grid these presents arc c+.etutr,} an,} drlFCered upon the t++l+uwing urnditiuns, to wit:
<br />"The Mortgagtu agrees iu pay to t}tt Mort~tgtt• ur order, the prinerpal suns of Thirty eight thousand and Na/100
<br />~..___..__..,..._.._,__r__ ~__.__,__~_ Ik+ltar>tS 38:400.40 1.
<br />with raterast feats date at the rate of Fifteen and Otte-htilf per ~enturn ( 15.50 Sr) per annum un
<br />the urtpaul btilatttt until paid. Tht said prinrpsal sad interest she}t rte peg able at the otFice of
<br />Sttpesiaat tNOrtgage, Ltsc.
<br />to ~rt~ N~s~2'"t3ka ur at such ocher place as the holder of
<br />the crate may designers in w~itittg~iet th~~s~fa-3t4nen a Patxr httrtdred ninety five and 72/100ths----
<br />dollars i3 495.72 ~. wmmending ent the tint der of
<br />. ty 91 , aruS un the lent :lay of each mottth thereafter antic the prine ipal and in-
<br />terest art y pat , exespi that she firiaY paymtat of principal and it+tereat. if nut sooner paid. shall ire due and
<br />payable un iht fuse day of August 3031 :ail a~uxding to the terms of a .retain prumts-
<br />sot"} rptHS~evetsdatt6eretvithext~utrc~b; tltt said?afrrrtgagor.
<br />"The Mortgagor in ardor more fully to protect the secrtrity of Chi, S4artgage. agrees:
<br />I- lltat he tvilt pay the itxkbtedrtess, as hertinbefart provid€+i, t'rivilege is reserved to pa} the drt±t in :*hute, ur in art
<br />at~erunt equal to Brie ct2 mart monthly payments cut the prrn.:ipal that ate next du€ en the n~>te, ort the first da} of sny month
<br />prior to niatttrity< Prowitltrf. hrttrcr~r= That t~titten ne?tict of an intentu5n tc. earrslsc sus }s prtFilag¢ it given at lean thirty c3i i
<br />days ptwr let pixpayttteat.
<br />?. 'flue. tctgtther >tith« sent itt tidditian ta, nc~ monthly payments of ptia~iprl and intert,tpayalale under the terms, f the
<br />note stctir+:d 6sr+~bY: flit hlcxtgugcx trill p:t} to the Martgagee, on the ftrat day of each tnunth until the saih note is fully pairs, the
<br />foilowittg xums:
<br />fa) Astr~trt etftti:t+tn4 tct provide-tltt hr~dsr hereof with Curds to pay the urxt uturtgage insuran.:e premium if this
<br />trtearstttttut sad tl£t reset sa€urcd hereby art ir~tred, or a trtortthly e}tar~ tin fieu fsj'n rrtcrrre insrer~rt« j~re-
<br />,t~rm} tf testy set 1teM Ix} Cleo Secretary of 4laualrtg and Urban devek3pntrnt, as fetlitrws.
<br />!f) if ttYtd act laag ar sai,3 rate of e~i date seed this imirsameni are utst:red t=r ;rt tr°urzumaa u.rler the ps=-,.
<br />~`; rsl tyre ?tiatitr~ttl lttwtting Act, an amcaxttt ttrft'snt t.. ~4vtnufate in the hands rxf rise holder r~:r=
<br />att,te ~t#w2srer, rr ~TATM; pf•' ~'i•:1~tR. ;; K,A
<br />yY Gi ca8ir4t :ar.tn wyglY H 8~rt84i1'!rr "~
<br />rt[1n$~r«tMt 19°FLt1
<br />