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<br />~~31-~tiat~35~3~ <br />Lender's written agreement nr applicable law. Borrower shall pay [he amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereo[. <br />Any amo[mts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become addiiinnal <br />indebtedness of Harrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree in miter terms of paytnrnt, such <br />amatnts sha@ be payable upan notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall tzar interest from the <br />data of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Nnte unless payment of <br />interest at such rata would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shaii tear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur am expense or take <br />anp action hereundtn. rovided <br />>;, ttla(f6etbp. Lendtr may make nr cat[se to be made reasonable entries uaon and inspections of the Property. p <br />that Lender shag give Borrowtr nnfice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause fficrefor related in Lenders <br />intescst in the Property. <br />9. Coaiesneallon. The proceeds of any award or claim for dama¢es. direct ar consequential, in ennnection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or part thtreof. nr for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shell be paid to Leitdtr. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall hr applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. in the event tit a partial taking of the Propertc. unless Hormwer and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall tx applied to the elms scxureti by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />• as is equal to chat proportion which the amoum of the suYns +rs-.cared by ?his tinrtgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Finnerty immrd[ate}y prim to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to 8orrowtr. <br />if the Property is abandoned by Barrnwsr, nr if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />,~A ~r serslr n claim for dama¢es. Bo_rrnwer faii_s to resprmd io Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />_ _ a .~.. <br />mailed, Lrnd:r is authorized to collect and apph~ the proceeds. at l.<3e7s option-cri-a~~~rsiar's~_.-r~~i~~T^° _-__ <br />Property or to the sums secured h}' this ~{ortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Harrower otherwise agree m wrong. am~ such applic:nion of proceeds to principal shall nm extend <br />ar postpone the due date of the mnnthk instaltmentx referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such instatlmems. <br />19. Sarra'lrer !Vet Retayaed- Eztensinn of the nine for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage gtaatsd by Lender to any successor m intereu of Hnrrawer shall ern operate to release. in any manner. <br />the Gabiiity of the original Harrower and Borrower's successors in interest. i.ender half not t+e required to commentt <br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment ar othrru'ise rnndify amortization of the sums <br />soured bs this Martgagr t?y reaun of arse demand made hr the nrieinal Borctnver :md Rerrower's successors in int^rest. <br />I{, Forbsar®es by Lender !qM a Wairsr. Am fnrhearancr he I ender in esercismg arse right nr remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not he a waiver <,t r=r preclude the rsercise ref any such right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance nr the payment of tarts or oihrr Lens ,u charges he t ender hail rot he a waiver of Lender's <br />ri¢ht m aceeierate the ma[uria~ of the i :debtednrss secured he this ik,rteagc <br />it. Renedks CamalaNrre. All remedies provrded ;n thi+ 'vtunragr are distinct and ;umu;aNve to any ether right nr <br />remedy tinder this Mortgage nr atfordrd by law „r equ,te .ind n,av :+: eserc:sed ..,,•?cur.rr^.tlv. ~ndc[M'ndentiv rr successivety- <br />13. Srcesssetrs apd .`_ Hound: loins and ~ser~ f.iaMlity; {'aptios.:. ll,e _nvenants and aRrecmcnts here.., <br />cuntarrtrd shaii hind. and the rights hereunder shaii mnrr to. the re~sprcuvr susses+!*rs sad assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />utbiect to the pnx'isions of paragraph 17 hereof. Iii coverianis and agresmeris t,f Htxrr`wer shall he ioint and several. <br />The captions and htadrngs of the paragraphs c=f this '+frr[gage are f.x ~t,nvemence ,~n1v ,-,nd art not iu t*z •+srd t° <br />interpret nr dc8ne the provisions hereof. <br />ti. Nestles. Except for any notice required under appircabk tau [.= be given .n anahrr manner, ta) any notice to <br />Borrower provided for .n thin Mortgage chalS hx ;;:yen h+ ma:iink -utih n~v:ce ~,' .,rt~fied mail .,ddresscd to Hnrtnu~er at <br />[ht Property •4ddrcss r*r at .uch athcr addrrs+ .,s H=vr:~uer ma. de+~Enaie by nori~r [,+ l ender :,s provided herein. anti <br />(bt any nou:e is t_endrr shat! t?e g,vrn he• ccrttftcd ma,!, ret:,rr. ra:e:pt requexed. L= I ender's address stared herein ar to <br />such other address as i_endrr may dcsignste by nntice_ s~., Borro:vrr as provrded hereto. 'ny noose provided far in this <br />Mortgage shall be deemed to have been grvcn to Bnrmwer nr l seder when green ir, the manner drsignatcd herein. <br />iS. Un~orm Mottle; Governing i.awt SevtrabHity. T'[1s [;,`^"" rr,"`tgagr s •u*.tt>ines uniform covenants for national <br />use and non-uniform covenants +vith limited ea;ruitons by !uri+tf:ct,an t.' consutttre a uniform sctiurity instrumsn[ covering <br />real proprrn'. This Mortgage shall t?c governed f+v the iu ,, the ,~irrsdtet:nn .n uhtch the Property rs ltxated- in the <br />even[ that: say prcvisinn or clause ++f this Mnrigagr r•r the \r:te .:,nt'icts with appitcahlr iaw, such canf3ict shad not street <br />orbs[ pnn'isinns of this ?+iortgage t,r the \e,tc •-s-h:::h wn ~: ~.en ~tiecr uithnnt the canfiiciing prcvisinn, and to this <br />end the provisions of the Atnrtgagr and the `:,tr err deciarcvl t„~'rar +rverahle. <br />16. Horeo+ver's Capy. Borrower shall hr furmshrd a c~•nf.=rn,rd copy c f the '.~ntr .,nd ,,t" [his Mongage at the time <br />of ezcrution or after recordation hereof. <br />lT. Tnasfer of the P[opetfy: Assum{ation. li art ar aa} pas[ a! !hr Prnpern~ ar an interest therein is sold nr transferred <br />by Borrower wiihou[ lender's prior written <ansent secluding ::_: :he croation .=t a iron ,=r encumbrance sutwrdinate to <br />th[s Mortgage, th1 the creaunn of a pureha+e moos: ,ecurue ~ntrrest f.. ^ousehok+. appliances, rcl :. transfer h}• devise. <br />descent nr by operation of taw upon the death t=f e . not r•_nant .,. ' <br />Lender mao.~at fender-, c•po.=n. dollars sit the +trms sr.:ttred F.v this tilortgage to bs <br />immediately due sad payable. t.rndrr hail ha.e ua,vrd su..h „poon r.-~ a::celeratr if. pric*r to the <aie r+r traosfcr, t.rnder <br />and 4he person to whom the Properly i; t., he soul or transferred rea::h .,greement rn unttng that the vrrdit of such Peron <br />is satisfaetary to Lender and that the inters-t pa}=ab-'.e on the +a:n:e vr~uted hi this 4fortgagc ,hall be at such rate as !ender <br />- shall request. if 1-ender has waived the . ptron to aC.elerate prt•v,ded in th~+ p-~ragraph :'_ and if Borrower's successor in <br />interest has rxecutsd a written assumption agrrrmrnt aucnted i- meriting i,y l.endrr. i.ender shalt rriease Borrower from all <br />nbligatians under ihn Mortgage attd the Hots. <br />- if Lsrttkr exrrciscs sttclt aptiaa in atcsierate- Lendu sea i mail Bnnnwt,r not a -?f ~c.etcraunn in ac ordance with <br />p'tragr+ph id hereof. Scx~h nnticr shall provide a perrixf c -t ~'s~ that '1 „-t C ^i t!?r state th•~ , tl_ i. marled within <br />which Borrawsr reay pat ihr sums steciarrd due. it Bortt,ucr ,ails to ; sy sods .,im_s poor m the rxp,rauon . t s.,ch pried. <br />ttmfer may. wiihou[ ft[rther oat+cr or demand on ittirreuer, ,,,vnP_r an?- rertw_d+rs prrm,ttcd by paragraph It hereof. <br />*io[:-iin[t=aaut C~2rvtrvAV~s Bar=rwzr anti i.ea:7rr Further i•~vei:a+=[ and ;rgrre c. iollnws: <br />lg. Aere+xraltos; Retaadka. P-acept as prrwidsd sn paragrapb i7 hereof, upon Borrower's breach ai ant e.avenaM or <br />aHrstteaxau of Httr-osssr le tIt@ Noetg[yte. inetudiag the eosenanls M pay when due any swots secured by fbts Mortgage, <br />taOdls pt3ar to titcatrtaaion sialf taaii mtics to Herrstaser as proceddd in paragraph 13 hereof specifying: iii the hitach: <br />fE3 ttta asf{ea tgrired N emrr aueA beeas@, 13I a dace, toot less than 3tt days from [bs date the ttattrt is tpaikd !o Borrower, <br />by arts{efs aaeM bterfrA ~i he ruled: sad I~tt tba! f>~urs to ruse such t?reach ae ar hsfpre rite date specified its ihs notice <br />aaay rssattt ks ~t of Me srtass rrcored by lttis ~{exygatts, fomirxwre by jttdieial pcoceedtpk and sale a4 fire Property. <br />'iM ttttdse dull ttUNsns ieforrn Hartowu at tree rtllLiN to reitattate after acrekralion amt rite rigftr fo atsrert in Ctrs foreriasure <br />'"` petteaaNaa tlr ptstarta4tenra a{ a Aeftuls ar ant other defastac of Borrower to xcekration sad farcrfasssrt. iC the bremh <br />l+s lass rwt[d ass sir bdtxa the date specified fn ills notks-, t.e>tiisr at [cooler`s option may decides' aft of the sups secured by <br />rMs ~ ~ be itawsdtYaty dw art payattk witMswt tttttber demartd sad trey fare+c~r `sy istdbeta! praresditsg, Lender <br />xlNtt ba tatkMi W zoftuct in sorts prstresdittg aB sxy[rasea at toeeetasur:, ltrrkudiss;, but oat ftmfisd u.. s-trNts of doeumeausry <br />eridarsa, ataNtaeo, std etBtr rslaela. <br />ti/. #orwsrte's Hi~N io Rafatttate. Vaetwtih+tandrng tender's ,,c~efcra[r~+tr +~i [hr ,,,ma; sr.isrrc! Lf thi. 'y{ortett);e. <br />tiorfaswsr shelf trays ittre rig#i to barn anp grncerd:tsg.a t*:gun t+'. i ertdzr t=:, t-alox,.-t; tit-++ \-iixtgakc .ttsi antcurrlvi at arse t,:ne <br />