<br />MORTG/~GE
<br />THIS IIVAEN'i'UR.E, tsssde 4hia-- ---$th _.__.... _. _.. dey of __.__.. _,_July _ _.._- _. _ _ 19 81. _., by and between
<br />1<8~ L. Rimb le and ~eborah_L._Kimble~ hua3and_and-wife~_,each__in his and her own right
<br />sad as spouse o£ the other T. _ _
<br />of Hall ~ Courtly, Nehraaks, m mrrctgagor .v__g_...__.r, and Herne federal Savings and Loan Asaceiatioa of Grettd Iskttd, a tnrporaUon
<br />orgttalzed and uisting under the taws of the UniteA States of America wleh its prin.^ipal office and plea of busirxss at 6rend tslartd, Nehraska, as
<br />tt[artg[tgx;
<br />tYtYNE55F.TH: That said ttrongsgor_~____. for and inconsideration of the sum of
<br />j7jQ~p -~lln+.egn.l fpf.r }s~rnd n nor ~,f-iyp ,~-71 I76^` - ^-«wo---.(S it _G45.7i ),
<br />the recdpt ofiwhieh is hereby aticttawkdged, der __~__-___~. by tttesr pmcnts morcBa`e.ard wsrtem tutu said martga~t, i4-ttaasors and assigns,
<br />ftrrrrer, eU tht fofbwitg dtsttfbed real eaau, sntsated in the Courtly of ,_ Hall __ --__ _ _
<br />end State of Pkbratka, to-wit:
<br />Lot Tweniy (20}, in Block Two (2}, in Bel-Air Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Totset.her with a!i herttng, air ce'aditioniag. tighttrett, and p{ttmbmtl e.tutpnx rtt and fszturrs.:nclud:nR unvnx, nwntrtgs, sicam windows end
<br />doors, erred windoar atradea err trlittda, uttad un err en catrner[asn xtth son: Property°. wbriher [fs..anme ere rnaw incased nn said property or hereafter
<br />piat>ed therpan
<br />TO HAVE: AIrU Tf3 H(SLU Tti 6` SAA1 i5. tuKa thser wtth all and ^rtrtgulu eha tsmement_w. hrrrditatrxn[s and appurtetta.~c therrunto be-
<br />4xsgtng, or u attywtat appertatntt[g, t[ererrr, and warrant the istlr w the sattw Ssrd mart[agar 9 hereby cmetunt _. with said
<br />nlortgagaa rhos ... G far ~[... , :t the de-s'raery hrreaef, city :awful uwttrr S :.l [Irv premises above wnveyed and described,
<br />and . _ $=e. amnid nt a gund and tetdefawaiWe ttldate n( mkwrttax[cr ttaoean, free and clMr r.t all encumberortces, std that _t __ he,y__-will
<br />wsrratai sad dehad the tilts tlurpto forever agatnat the c!etuna and drtxaands cf n31 pws,.rss whaimsanvrr.
<br />Yt{C3YIUE:DAL4YAY9, and this inatrvmra[wnxauted and dr!tvered wseaure !hr pay ntarti of tt:r .um of _ -_.._. .. __
<br />~l~~a_t~ta~td_fauc- huu~~±d._nine~y £i•:e S ?lLl4Q--__-- ral;arxtf 11,.44~...Z1. ---.____!.
<br />Mith intaeaK tlteraoa, togathnt with sveh charges and ads-ancex as mar tr: due and paynGie 4, aaxl ttw,tgngee undty the tnrr[sa antf rneditionx
<br />of the pnomiaamy taWS oC ores date hettwith and aacwed hrra?t,y. executed by xasd auxtgagoc _S._. x<r .aid rwrtgat~re. pai~nbtr ns esptaw.xd
<br />in laid pots, apd W aecttre the perfawtpesoe of ail [hr terms and cottdiWna tantatnad thrteitt. Thr termx of said note ere hem6y incorporated
<br />keseip b7' thin rataasetca.
<br />fi ~ sks sad aatsemant of the ps~tiM hsrKO that the awrcga{}e atte!1 also aea:utro ary h:ture adv~aucex nude to said ttuut{(agot ~.
<br />by astLd~taestgttgsa, teed say and ail it 'wabtedaasa m edditiao to tie amwrunt abase stetrd whirl. ,wa{ mortgagv+-s. yr any of them. nay owe to
<br />Mid nwrttptgaa, however twklencad, whether by note, boost account eu ot.hrrwaase. This ettongage shall rrmam :n lull fartr and effect between
<br />fbs parties taeruo std thper Ames, paraow[! rapn>aentatn~es. succrasrus attd assypu. anti: all amounts secured tsrreunder. inc!udittt{ fuu:m
<br />ttdvr»aea., arc paid en fuL' wnp itsUarst-
<br />1'ke mortgagor _.e~ . haseEy assign -. trt said rrx~regagea a!! center and utcor[ee anau[g at any and all tinua from said praparty and
<br />hereby attthoriae sed nsoregagae s !ts agent, at e<s apUCa. aeon default, to loos charge of said pnrprsty and ca4ect a!! rents anal income
<br />therefrom sad apply ttae acme to the >m}':neat of interest. pcitxipa!, irrwrance pteanwms, razes. assoavmentx, trpntrx or improvrtrscnts
<br />6ett>s-Y to kaayr trod ysYppty of tswanttthia wmlttwn, or 4u nth s charges err payttrati[s provided for #asew ur is the torte htQrhy sacurad. This
<br />teat aas;gttauat shall mntitttae is totes unU! tbe unpad taalance of said note sx fully paid- Thr. [eking of pnasrasian hecaundnr shall m nn manner
<br />p[avffit err :w.srd +si[t saerstfagee to the cdiactaoa of serGl sums by foracla>ure nr o[hrrv.ae.
<br />Tate b:ilun[ ad tke to asatXt soy of its eights hustender at wy time shall tart tte constrtsetf ae a waiver of i[s fight to assert the
<br />arenas a[ say later lisps, erred tco iastat upon ettd erdt;ra eintt eosnpisa[ser with a!! the Germs and Ixrovasu>tu of said torte amt of th6 mortgage.
<br />ft Mitt g shaft nusa w ha paid to said tarerei{taltee tlm entire amwent due it haretandrr, a[d under the tetmx anil provacums
<br />of said Mite kseQy awts[ad, ttseitetfLg suture advaaras, and any rstensnens err rroev,-alx rttenwf in attvrdnttcr with rtes terms and pruvistanx
<br />tffaa[Y af, std g as/d motf~agx . a. shah tarapiy arNh ell the t+nsvtsiwu of wtd torte am! o{ Chia nroregege. then throe Presenter shaft be vasd:
<br />otiterwrs to tlmaia m lattl starer sad a/faet, erred said mortgagor sftaii be entitled to the pnxsexa;ott ai all of aid property, and nay, at its option.
<br />delJats tlM wkeie et a~ uo[e std erg ipdshbsieap re~aentad t.hnreJry u be itnmedtatriy due and paynbk. and may foterkrar thtc tmrtgage
<br />of take serer esker flips action to pmMet its t~gN.. Apptaitement waved,
<br />Tisq ttaorfgags skalt he 9ladisti upo^s attd ahpll pawn to the hpitcfit a1 the hats. e: orate, satmirsrtrators, xur.cesson std ossiKua of the
<br />lLtvs'paRiavl Maseru.
<br />IAi N'fTAiF~ WHk'.ltExSF'. twos MoiF:aagoc S here. hereunur ant their hand. ~__ the day end rear titer nlnne
<br />wftt+ta. /
<br />~ L iC. i ..ref .
<br />,_ ~ f
<br />_..
<br />Borah L. Kitable
<br />