V~ °~' I~ V 3 5~ V Position S `3
<br />USDA-FmHA
<br />Farnt FmHA 427-i NB
<br />(key. 12.21-80)
<br />.fH13A~R,I.GAGBismademrdemeredit,toby Wayne E. Meyer and Diane G.
<br />Meyer husband and wife
<br />residing in
<br />County, Nebraska, whose post office address is
<br />Route ~, Ravenna Ne 68869 ,Nebraska ,
<br />herein called "Borrower," and:
<br />Wi~RF.AS Borrower is indebted to the United Squa of America, acting through the Farmers Home Administration,
<br />' ilnieed Spus Department of Agticnlture, herein called the "Government; ' u evidenced by one or more promissory noce(s}
<br />a assumption agreement(s), herein called "non," which has been execuud by Borrower, is papabk to the order of the
<br />Govezmnent, authoriua aceekration of the entire indebtedness at the option of the Government upon any default by Bor-
<br />- --RtWG~ ind-IS Ziesaau2d ii-t:irv.:"fr: - --_- - -.
<br />Annual Rate Due Date of Final
<br />Date of lirstrrrtnent Princgwl Amount o Itrterest Installment
<br />July 7, 1981 533,000.00 13.25 July 7, 1997
<br />{If the interest rate is ]esa than % for farm ownership or operating loan(s) secured by this instrument, then the
<br />rate may be changed u provided in the note.)
<br />Md the non evidences a ban to Borrower, aad the Government, at any time, may assign the note and inane the pay-
<br />ment thereof pursuant w the Consolidated Farm aad Rural Development Act, or Titk V of the Housing Act of 1444 or any
<br />other aaeuee admiaistrnd by the Farmers Home Administration;
<br />And it is the purpox : ' inunt of this instrumcnt that, among other things, at all times when the note is held by the
<br />Government, or in the went the Government should assign this instrument without insurance of the note, this instrument
<br />shall xavrc payment of the note; but when the note is held by an insured holdn, this instrument shall not xcurc payment
<br />of 3s: nos; or z=tuh to the debt evidenced thereby, but as to the non and such debt shall constitute an indemnity mortgage
<br />to xcure tin Government against loss under its insurance contract by reason of any default by Borrower;
<br />Md this insaument also secures the recapture of any interest credit or subsby which may be granted to the Borrower
<br />by the Governmem pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §1490a.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the loan(s) and ;a) at all times when the notc is held by the Gorernmcnt, or
<br />is the evcne the Government should assign this instrument without insuran« of the payment of the non, to xcure prompt
<br />paymen[ of the note and any renewals and eztensioas thereof and any agreemenu contained therein, occluding any proviaon
<br />fce the paymcst of an ffisvraace or other charge, (b) at all times when the non u held by an insured holder, to secure per-
<br />formance of Bortovrei s agreement herein eo ocdencaify aad save harmless the Government against loss under iea insurance
<br />matract by reason of any default by Borrower, and (c) in any event and at all times to xcure the prompt payment of all
<br />advances and ezpendizir:es made by the Government, with inueest, as hereinafter described, aad the performance of every
<br />covenant and agreement of Borrowee contained herein or in any svppkmentary agrcemens, Harrower does hereby gtaat,
<br />bar~rin, sett, coavep and assign, with genaal wxranty, unto the Government the foDovring property situaud in the State of
<br />Nebtadca,County{ies)of Ha11 ,
<br />The Past Half of the Southwest 2uarter (E'~S[9~) of Section Twenty-
<br />eight (28), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Twelve (12) [lest of
<br />the 6th P. y., in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />FmHA 427-1 NB (Rev. 11-2150)
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