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t <br />~, ~ .. <br />;; STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of ........................................................: <br />Filed for record and entered in Numerical Index <br />on ............................................................ at ................ o'clock ................ bI„ <br />and recorded in )'Teed Record ............................. Page ............................ <br />............................................................ By .......................................,.................... <br />County Clerk or Deputy County ~~erk or <br />Registar of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds <br />S7ATEM~IYT. ATTACHED <br />STAMP TAX <br />JUL 10 9981 <br />~~~ <br />$1--[119 3 5 ~ ~ JQ~T.NT TENANCY WARRANTY DEED <br />Richard J. Wsitl and Ruth Ann Weitl, Husband and Wife, <br />herein called the grantor whether aae or more, <br />in consideration of - - - -Slaty Dive Thousand and No/100 - - - - - ($65,000.00) Dollars <br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell, ennrec and confirm unto <br />Donald H. Wagner and Jopce L. Wagner, Husband and Wife, <br />as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, the following described real property in G.~XY...R~..CaFgl0.4( Island, <br />..................Hal~..._............................... t'ouuty, \ebra~rka: <br />Lot One (1) in ECnickrehm Seventh Addltion to the Citp <br />of Grand Zalaad. Ha11 Countq, Nebraska <br />Subject to restrictions and easements of record, <br />To bare and to hold the above +ler;i:ribt•~! l.refnisa~~ together :+•Sth all tenements., hereditamenta <br />and appurtenauees tliareta belonging uuh, the grantees as quint teriants. <br />And grantor does; hereby eosenant with the _rantre, that gmntor iS lawfully seised of said <br />premises; that they are free £rom encumbrance: <br />that grantor has good right aml lawful authority Lo convec the saoie; and that grantor warrants and will <br />dofond tho Lille to said premises against the lawful claimk of all ltersuais whaniscever. <br />Dated f 19 81 ~ <br />`y ~ ~ y <br />~ ~ ~' ~- t f ° t~ <br />STATE OF tiEBRASKA. County nt .................. Ha12...........,.......................... <br />Before :ne. a notacy public qualified for said county, peraonalip came <br />Richard J. W&itl and Ruth Ann Weitl, Huabaad and Wife, <br />' knQii'ti tb 1At t0 ]7e the iil6IttlCal person or pEC1GYiJ Who a:gTied the <br />foregoing instrucucnt and acknowledge the esecuti+in thereof to tie. his, <br />her ar their rolnntury act and deed. <br />iiasrd and Fiotarial seal ail ~ !. <br />. _ , .....:_,~.~... '~:~.3r' ~p ~td'a,t'>'.~~ ~.. ?:otary Public <br />_, ,, _. <br />~v PGiii 3nL4NigA PSlhi res :'.4.... .^.' ........... .......... tQ ,~.„j.... <br />Earzn ~.~ A{iprv>•aEt tsy ?gubsaaiCa ~3Latr }3ur Anidnrixtiarr r a n,it.a... ,.ce~,a..:~.~. <br />