M0RTGe4GE ~ ~~-s~u35~
<br />TH€S INDSMf'f7BE, made thie_._---9th.-- ---_---_ day of__Jt?~_-_______. -. .._ t9 ~1-, by and between
<br />ArChti F. Lucas and Ellea_L._Lttcast hitaband and wife} each_in his aad her awn right
<br />at Hall County, NeMaska, as mortgagor 8 ,and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Islatal, a corporatlon
<br />orptettd aad existing under she Lws of the United States of America with its {s;ncipat otfioe and place of business u Grand Islattd, Nebraska, as
<br />W1livFSSE'f'H: Thu said matgagor,__~_, for and is consideration of tat sum of.
<br />is 6¢40b.41 ~,
<br />the reexlp of which is hereby acknowlaigad, do .~_ by these prcyents mortgage and wartaiti uatofaid matgageagits sueaxsorc and assigaa,
<br />forevo, ail the fotlowfrtg dncrfbed rest estate, situated in the County of _H811 ~ ~ ~ - - -
<br />and Stste of IVehsaaka, to-.via:
<br />iv r. gG;.c..,a~ `~~ Lu BrrvRr tfTNFTV TL7n f4?.1; IpI WFiEE_LER AIdD BENNETT'S FOIIRTK ADDITION
<br />Together with ai! heating, air m-^"nning, lighcinR, a~ p[umbiryt equipment a.~ Ficturt~s. ,nciuding scrtens, awnings, swan windows and
<br />doors, and wmdOw ahadee or btindn, used on or in rennection wrt6 said property. wta4he: the same are now located on said property or hereafter
<br />placed thereat.
<br />TO HAYS AND TV HGLD THE SAME. together witir ail and singular the tenements. hemJitamenls and appurtenattces ihereuaw be-
<br />ksngPng, or in mywiae appartaiaing, forever, and warrant the title w the same. Said margagor8 _ hereby covenant _... with said
<br />nortgagee chat -.. _, t hey--- . - - . at tlse ddrvery bvreof, the lawful owrer S _ of the premises above csmeyed and described.
<br />ard_6kZ.t<- __ seined of a good and mdefeaaibk estate of irdtenterxe therein, Free and clear of ell encumbrnacfzr, and that _t- hem, will
<br />tvarraac aad da4ead tf~ atk tlteretn torever agarasc the claims aad demands of ail persoes wbnmaoever.
<br />7rTRGVlD£D ALWAYS, and thin ueatrutasnt w executed and delivered w seeurs the payment of the sum of ___ .
<br />Sin Thousaml.Frxtr Htludred Six and 41/100-------------uauar~is 6,406.41 1
<br />. irrleraet tixtartn. wish sttrh charges an! n.#vena~} as ray b€ due a~ paysb4e w sold rortgagee ardor tare terms and mnd~twns
<br />.4f ike ptomiaeory sate of eves data herewith tad sexurad hereby. eaacured by said mortgagat B. _. to said mortgagee. payable as expressed
<br />- ~ anid pole, aad b saeure the par£ormance of all the tertna and eorditions contained therein. The terms of seal note are hereby incorporated
<br />-.,.haea~t. by this reFeppca.
<br />- Ii b ~sha itefwtiim apd a~ewomt of tlse partrea hereto that this mortgage shall also secure any future advances m~e w said mortttagar ~_
<br />by fa[d mortgagee. aad say aad all irtdabtednaes m addit out tc+ the amount abuvr stated whirl. said mortgagors. or any o[ t.tterst, may owe to
<br />saw saalgagae. however evidenced, wheihar by rote. [wok account to oeherwsee. This reurtgage shalt remain in foil force an6 effect between
<br />the parties hereto and their heirs, pertwtmt tepresatuuves, sursesscxs and asargns, until all atnaunts second hereuneler, tnctuditrg (utun~
<br />advatces, are paid is ful: with interest.
<br />The matgagor. S _. [rteby asatgn .._ w xad mortgagee all rents and irworne arising a[ any and all times from said property end
<br />Itareby authorize and mortgagee a its ague[, at iss option, upon default, w take charge of said property and mgect ell renia and income
<br />thy. aad apple the soma w the pay~tti of interest. prsnctpai, insuraa2 premiums. rases. assesstnenta. repairs or improvements
<br />paatsepry (@ kapp asid ptrrpcety is tewatehkeutdiiwn, or w other charges or paymettis pr»vided to breein ar in tlsa rote hemby secured. This
<br />rest t shat! troatitare in torte anti! the unpaid balance of said ante is fully paid. The taking of possession hmeutder shall in no manner
<br />g=eveM or rdard said mortgagee in the catiett-van of said stuns by hueclosure or at herwise.
<br />Tke tailwe of the morlgagss to aeerR my of its ~u htxetttufar at any bare shell not be wastrued as s waive of its right w assert the
<br />same at asy later time, a~ m insist upon std eatara! strisK compliance with alt thx terms end pruvtsians of sad Dote and of [his mortgage.
<br />if said moetgigora shall tattse w !w paid w sad amrtgagae the entire amount due tt hereunder, and order the teens and provisions
<br />of sniff note harahY aaeueed, includipg #uttu'c advarteee, asrd any exteasitxts nr reatroraa thereof in ncc;urdaace with the terms and prcxvisions
<br />thereof, apd d tatld t _3_ shat[ trompty with aU tke provisions of said note arxi of tltis mortgage, then these presents shall be void;
<br />o[;keatrirr to taaatdp ia.f$il forms and effppl. aad etid mortgagee shall be entitled w the posxssion at all at said property. nrd racy, d its option.
<br />dadars the w-o4 of said Hole aad all id¢eb6edt>ess reprtMtenced thrreby w lse immediacelY due seat payable, and tray foreclose this rrwrt{tage
<br />~ take any ot1lrpr 7aQai action to ptMect its right. Appreisemeat waived.
<br />This atotl,~e slat.( be biadits$ tlprw epd s~tl enure w t~ benefit of the hEitx, e:ecttwrs, adminiatrawn, suecrssors atsd assign,: of thr
<br />iegreet,tve periW heesto.
<br />iN W tTAtESS WH£REGF, said Martgagm it_ ha VQ _ hereunto set - - . E):14.~t . hand $, _ the day snd year tint ah.n r
<br />.rriei~s. ~ .~ -
<br />--.... _. _ _-- -.. ._ X l!r
<br />,.~. ..._,v_.. __~~~__~ a__..._-_._..__~_.
<br />Ellen L, Lucas
<br />