<br />$~-iJt-ti355`~
<br />stiORT PORM
<br />Loan Number_____43056____ 01 ____~6
<br />FORM TTN66 o. 211 IR[v. 12f801 ~~~~••••~~aa [[te~aa
<br />~~L ~~~+~~~ ~V~~~+t~V~
<br />THAT.. iiilliam L. Bloch and 3oEllen BIx_h,~._h~Pfet1€i,?t'~,.~!}a..K~f~.i..J~?).ti~lY...AFlf1 ...........................
<br />each in their own right
<br />• One '-'houQand and 00/100
<br />lierpaatter ealtod'4tortgagors, m cwns~~ration of the sum of-----•----------------•------.-°-•----------•-•°•-°-•-•-----.-...-•--
<br />{~ iDOtt.aO } GpI,I,pRS~ ~ receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br />sad CONVEY sa ahaolate_tiile. including all the rights ofr~rnr~tuead~Rd~euta ~•tnina~ r called
<br />l ----
<br />:'-4oart~gee, its ~iccemors and assigns, the following described real estate. situated in--.-!fa~.l, ..............._......
<br />Cotmty. ate of NIs'HRABi€A, to-wit:
<br />.a4 -.ir^` `~i, ?~.ock ~ae1-:e ~~_„ .,._..._'ii -rd ubd_....on
<br />'sn zQdi°`. 6_': `G `b="' -`., L~" Oi ~iT~t::~ -~_'3 [:!', 'i31i ?~C:3Sit 7. _''ebi'3Si{3.
<br />TO HAI.'E AND TO IiC1I.Ll the zeal estate above ddcrbed. with all appurtenances thereunto
<br />be~giag unto the said Mortgagee, forever, g~ded always, and this mortgage is upon the ezpre~ eon-
<br />ditian that if the aforesaid Mortgagors. their hh executors. sdzi:inistratots or assigns shall pay or cause
<br />L~ be paid to the said &Tortitagee, its succeasor~ or assigria, ile ri~ipai s~sn hereiriahove set forth, all
<br />tti the tenor a~ effect of a certain imstallmeat rvte v~ said ~Iort{tagots bearing even date with
<br />this 1, and shall pay razes and aasesrsnents levied upon said zeal estate, and all other razes. levies
<br />acid eta levied upon this mortgage or the note which this Titortgage is given to secure, before the
<br />same or aav irwtsi~ent ther~# l-~osies delitirltieat, then the„rrtxa~;e tc l~ vcid, cther~e tee remain
<br />in full force,
<br />IT I8 !`t?ItTHER AGREETl { I) That if the said Aiortgagor shall fail to ppay such razes, the
<br />4Sort~e may pa4• the same and the suiri so advanced with interest snail be paid by said Mortgagors,
<br />acid tk~ iii stand sa secuzit for the same. (21 'I`fiat ~4ortgagor3 covenant with the Mortgagee
<br />that they~wfully seized o! said teal estate sad covenant to warrant and defend the said real estate
<br />against the lawful claims cif all persons whomsoever. 13) 11iat in rase irf a forec}osute of this mortgage
<br />the piaintilt in sttth procefriinga shall lx entitled to talcs a of the premises, protect the same an~
<br />~liect the ruts. issues and profits tlu:reof. {~) That a i to pay any c~# said fnoney or any install-
<br />*nent therrof when the same beGOraes due, or a failure to compiy with any of the faregoirig agreements,
<br />shelf cause the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and collectible at once at the option of
<br />the 4tortga~ee.
<br />'T`RANSFER OF THE PROPERTY; ASSU~IP1'ION. If all or any part of the Property or an
<br />ingest thin is sold or traruaferrr~il ley Mortgagor wita`cout Mortgagee's pr~r written eensent, ezcludmg
<br />ta) the creation of a 118;1 or erxvmbraace sulirirdlaate to this .lort-gage, {b) the rr+€"aiion of a purchase
<br />money security inteterrt for household appliances, {c) a trariafer by devise, descent or 6y operation of law
<br />upon the death of a joint tenant car t d) the grant of any leasehold interest of three years or less not con-
<br />taining aII option to purchase, :Lfortgagec+ may, at Mortgagee's option, declare all the sums secured by this
<br />Mortgage w be imiaerliately due and payable.
<br />Tf MarLgags~e ezsircissa such option. to acc.~elc+aate, \+Tortgagee shall mail 4lorLgagor notice of
<br />aratian and such notice shah provide a period of not less than 3~ days frovs the date the notice is
<br />tnaile(I within which Mortgagor stayy pay the some declan~i due. If Mortgagor fails to pay such sums prior
<br />tcx the espirat~ of such period, Martg~ee may, without further notice or demand OII Mortgagor, invoke
<br />4:ber paxer of sale and say other remedies permitted by applicable iaw.
<br />Stg~i thi~__~?"~?~ ....day of- -`'t'~`'~- - --..- ._--._..__.-•-- ---------- --- -- ------_ 19`.x.._.-..
<br />',Ti Tt -... ~ - ~Hlocli ~ L1
<br />i. j -
<br />STA'I'D t)F D78!?dtA6I41!
<br />Cia tleie __..,~tl~t,_. _. day of _-..__:~(.._.__._-,.., 1$.~~. before ins, the aidmaiicoed. a alotsry PabliG iii sad (or
<br />£~Riady, pep~aa0y p~etiiliaa L. Slxh and_J4iE,).lsn Bloelir_2U}ebanii and..?on.[.e,#__........__.._.--....
<br />ge$~aa. kswfva to see to ba the idaateoal preoa- alLoae t~ma- aie sEmed w tiie atwva sad' taceaaia; ListnmaemR w
<br />taaciie, sad eacL aekamcladiped acid iaaht~st to be Lie or her roLiatary set sad decd.
<br />VYt4peasaay Ls~i earl wr+rs}rl east-at ..............,.Grarul-..ls~u.Cetit.-.brz~€It:s_....-._.,._.._.-,........... -._.__....
<br />tiro da6r ~iai rkeMe unities. .... - .,._._.
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<br />(°''"` ... .....may. ._
<br />'HY sreo -~-:.,. V~1J~'MMf#aiieuit ~a-°°c.~ _. -..
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