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<br />$1-~.~)r-~5~~ <br />P. tract of land located in tTz Northx~st 4~arter of the Southeast Quarter (Nv~SFrtd} <br />Cif Sectitxi 31, ~wriship 12 t3orth, Rant3e IO West of the 6th P. M. , described as: <br />E'>ei{'tg at the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast <br />Quarter of Sectitxt 31, and proceeding ixt a Westerly direetioat along and upcai the <br />North line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast sY)uarter a distance of 330 feet; <br />thence prig South parallel trs the West litre of Section 31, a distance of 330 <br />feet: tFt~-Hoe prc~eeding Easterly parallel with the South line of Section 31, a distance <br />of 330 feet; thent~ pirx3 North along and upon the East line of the Northwest <br />Quarter of the Southeast Qtaarter Section 31, a tiistanre of 330 feet to the point of <br />beginnirbg, Hall mtmty, Nebraska, and <br />Tk~ Ssxzthwest Quarter (Siva) and West half of the Southeast Quarter (W~SE'~) , Section <br />Thirty-aie (31) , Township Twelve (12) North, E~irtae Ten (10) , West of the 6th P.M. , <br />Hall Sxxu~ty, Nebraska, excepting therefrtsn t3ie rectangular tract of 73.5 acres de- <br />vs.sar_I _trvio,- tt~ ??i'1: ^f 3a~s ti. ,.matter, used, to t~sa Starr, which 73.5 acres <br />are mare particularly descx-ihed as a rectangular tract with the South line of the <br />SF}t and the W~ of the SE~a as its S~tth 6cxu~daxy line, said tract being o~tveyed con- <br />taining 148.5 acres, subject to highway right of. way and easements for pipeline <br />graate3 to ttar~as Nebraska Gas Catparty; also excepting a tract of land located in <br />tha Northwest Quarter of the Sout1'teast Quarter (Ni1~SF};) of Section thirty-ort2 (31} , <br />Township Twelve {12) North, t?ange Ten (10) t+;est of the 5th P. M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />mare partiG:larly t~scribad as follows <br />CYamencing at the Northeast corner of the No whwest !)carter of the Southeast Quarter <br />(»c) of Section Thirty-one (31} std pmo;~ec}ina in a 4esterly t3irection along and <br />uprn the North litre of the Narttn~st Quarter of ttte Soutrteast Quarter (NW'~SF3-} a <br />distance of Three Hundred 'Thirty {330} feet; thetttx proceeding South parallel to t)~ <br />West Tine of Sectitxt thirty-rne {31} , a distance of 'Rtree Htarx3red 't'hirty {330,) feet; <br />thence pzo~oeeding Easterly parallel with the South Line of Section Thirty-cote {31) a <br />distartee of Three Hind `flzirbf (33C) fit; thence proceeding "3~irth along ann upon <br />the East line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Qua*'ter (Nv~eSE;), Section <br />Thirty-iYte (31} , a distance of Three Hundred '.thirty (33C} feet to the point of <br />beginninq.,subject to prior mortga~g,,e~ss,~to PmFT1:1hr~E>~?uitable Elr~, & Loan ?~5stn of G,I., Cairo <br />S ~lna,~~,'fe!!ltlflnltsa*'Q'Rp~ thereunto bebngtng, the rents, issues, and <br />profits [hereof and revenues and income therefrom, all improvtmtrti at:d pexsunal prr, party now ar laitr attached ehereto or <br />reasonably nettssary to tl+e use thereof, inciudit~, btrt nut :invited to, nnyLCS, reftiyttrators, clothes washers, clothes dryers. <br />-q€ carpeting purchattd or tuianced ist whole az ur pact with roan funds, a1} water, water ri~h[s, and water scocL pertaining <br />thtrttu, acrd all pa mints at any time awing ro 13orrawrr 6y virtue of anv sale, Rase, transfer, eonverance, or condemnation <br />of any gars chezeof or interest thnsein-all of wdtich ut herein caner} "the property": <br />Td HAYS PaNIJ TO HELD tfit property unto the Government and its assigns forever in fee simple. <br />BCJRRtJWER tar Borrower's zeii, tlurruwer's Seers, rxautats, adminutratars, successors surd assigns WARRANTS THE <br />TITLE w the proptrt} to the Government aKain,t +li i..wini clatnta and <>ernaads whatsoever esecpt any {ions, encumbrances, <br />easem;:n[s, rrstr vatians, •:;r canvtyances >prcified hr: rinats.iFe. and tY3VENANTS AND AGR£F,S as failows: <br />(1; To pa} pramp[ly when due any indeltadntss to ihr <:avernment herebv secured and to indensnify and save harm- <br />less the Government against any loss undr its insurance of payment ;rf Ehe note by reason of any defauh by Borrower. <br />Rt all times when the Hate is held byy~ an insured holder, 8arruwa shall ,:ontinue to make pavmenu an the note to the Govern- <br />ment, u collecuoctut agent for the Isotdtr. <br />{2t TO pav to :ht Gt>~rnment stuh lets cad other chst~s ax may now :>r hereafter be reyairtd by rtgtelattont ©f Ehe <br />Fumers Hamt Admtrastra{ion. <br />{3j If required by the Government, to moire addit:ar:al monthly payments of tilt of the estimated annual taxis, <br />acussmenu, insurance premiums and ocher chugrs upon the msx[gaged premises. <br />(4j Whether ar twt the note is incased by the Govrr.~rtunt, chr Gaverrrnent may at any time pay any a[her arttounes <br />required herein to bt paid by Harrower and Hoc paid h}' Borrower whet. due, as wall as any costs and expenses for the pre- <br />saroatian, prucectiau, yr rrfar.antcut of this lien, as advances f:;s the .ccc+~un[ ~~: Baxrawer. All such advances shall bear <br />intartst at the rate bazne by the Wort which teas the highest in[eresz rare. <br />i_Sj AL advances by the Governtrttnt as desaibtd in this inautuntnt. with interest, shall be immediately due and payable <br />by Borrowez is the C:averament without demand a[ the plate designated in the !attar once and stall be secured hereby. No <br />such advance by the Government shalt relieve Aa:rowcr from brca.h .,f isorruwtr's cuvenan[ ra pay. Such advances, with <br />interest, t}tall be rtgaid from the first available cailtctians recci.~zd ':rani fiaauwer. [}therwtse. any payment made 6y <br />Burrower may ht applied on the rrotr ur ar.y indeatedness to nc~ Gaverrracnt sccur::d hereby in any order. the C,ovarnnteat <br />determines. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />