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I <br />' 31- ~~l(-;'6 tak <br />81=-t~[i3541 r <br />(6) To test tfie loan evidenced by ...,;note solely for purposes authorized by the L ..~rnment: <br />(7) To pay when due all axes, Liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or a9sessed <br />against the property, including all charges and assessments in connection with water, water righu, and water stock <br />percair°tirrg to or reasonably necessary to the use of rht real greperty described above, and sll taxes and assessments levied <br />upon this mortgage or the note or any indebtedness hereby secuzed ar agains[ any Legal balder hereof or of tfre note or of <br />said indebtedness under chc laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing <br />such payments. <br />~8) To keep the property insured as required by and under insurance polecies approved by the Government and, at its <br />request, to deliver such policies to the Gavstaatsnt:- <br />(9,`. To maintain improvements in "good- repair seed retake repairs required by the Government, operate rhr property in a <br />good ant'. husbandmanlilte rtranttsr: comply with such fat~tt conservation radices and farm and home management plans as <br />tht Government from tithe,.t4 euitta=oitaT pr"escttbP? and'nat Yo abandon t~e property, or cause or permit waste, lessening or <br />vnpairmtnt of tat security covered hereby, or, without the vnitten consent of the Government, cut remove, or lease any <br />tirnbtr, grout!, oil, gas, coal, or other minerals except as may he necessary for ordinary domestic purposes. <br />:14j Tq comply with all laws. ordinances, and regulations affecting the property. <br />i Tj To pay or reimburse cht Government for expenses reasonably necessary or inridental to the protection of the lien <br />and priority htrtof and to the tnforctmrnt of or the wmpliance with the provisions hereof and of the note and any supple- <br />mentary agreement twhexher before or after defaul[1, induding burnot limited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of <br />the property, costs of recording this and other instnrmems, atwrneys' fees, trustees' fees, court costs, and expenses of <br />3dverfisng, xlling. ut~cirnveputg, the property. <br />(12; Neither the property nor any portion thereof or interest therein shall be leased, assigned, sold. transferred, or <br />encumbered, voltirtarily ar otherwise, withouz the written consent of the Government. The Government shall have the sole <br />anu exdusire righu as mortgagee irerevn.ier, incIudin¢, but not limited tq tie power ca grant consents, partial releases, <br />snbordinarions, and satisfaction, and nq 'ensured holder shall have am right, rule or interest in or [o the lien ar any benefits <br />hereof. <br />x133 At all reasonable times the Ggvernmcn[ and its agents may inspect tl:e property to ascertain whether the covenants <br />and agFrements contained herein ar :n any supplemrntazy agreement are being performed. <br />i ldj The i~cvemment may -,ai extend ar defer the maturity of. and renew and ttschedulr the paytents on, the debt <br />evidenced by tote note or any indebtedness [o the r;;~veznmenr scc.ued by this instrument, ;;6; release any party who is <br />liable under ihr note ar tar the debt frgm lability to ace Gacenrmen:. ;c; release portions of the property and subordinate <br />its lien, and 'd t. waive any other +,f its ri¢ltts under this instrument. Any and all *..i:is can and will be done without affecting <br />the lien at the priority of this :nstrument or R+,rrower's +>r any ~at'trer party's liability co rht fovernment for paymen[ of the <br />note or debt secured by this mstrumtnt ao}esy the C:+n~emmcut >a... nth erwite ir. ;vncink_ ii~)1'E~iFR. any forbearance by <br />the Government-whether ones car often--.n exerusmg anp rigid ar ;erredy under this ins[rumtnr, ;;r otherwise afforded by <br />applicable faw. shall rut be a waiver of car pzcclu+ie nc~ exercise :,f ans- sac{: rtghi :;r r.:nedv, <br />i15`: If a[ any time it shad appear to the 4~uvcrnnsrnt that Borrower •nay be able to !=beiin a !r>att from a praduc[ion <br />credit association, a Federal land bank, .~r ,flier responsible cvcrptrat x car private credit sourer, ,re rs ascrable z-arts and terms <br />for Igaas for simelar purposes anu peri+xis caf cinte, Ey.uruwer wiil, upon the t~vernmenr's rryuest, appiy for and accept such <br />loam in svfftieui anrourrt o pay rise note seed ..nv indebtedness secured hereby ami to pay t„r any stack necessary [a be <br />purchased in a ccwperativt lending aeencr in ccmnccuon with such loan. <br />16) Dtfauli hereunder shall _onstitutr 3etauit under say otter real esta[e, ~r under any personal prupert}' or other, <br />security itrstxumcnt held +,r tnsuted bw =.he t;iavernmene .sod executed ,,: assurrred by liovawer, anal default under any such <br />other secunty instranttnt sts all cen4titucc drtau}i i;errcus tier. <br />1?? SHGULD JEFRUI-T tour in the i:erfazrzta3acr or drscha•r;_~ of sup o}:Itgation i:: rl:is t:ssu~unsenz car secuzed 6y this <br />instrument, or sireuld the eartses Warned as Itarrs~wrt se =-~r .. ~. i3red ..n ir,ci=mpetent, ~:;r shoal.} avy c!ne •sf the parties <br />named rs Rocruwer Ee drularrd a v.,rwr:a:c. ~:r ar: ;nae.wrut „c ,.::.e~aigen=rent i:,r the ben_tiz ,,;i creditors, the Govcrn- <br />rnent, ac its option, with or without nuri~t, quay: -a, declare tht• entire amount unpaid under the trace anti any indebtedness <br />eo the Gavcnmrtnt hereby secured immediatciv due and i:aysbie, -6': tut t`sit ar:cattnt of Raxrgwer it:cur and pay reasonable <br />expenses fitr repair ~,r maintenance of a=:.{ take possrssiuzr .;f, .~ltrrate car rent ese praptrtr , ?c} upon application by it and <br />praduetion .,f thts tnsuumem, v:ithc,ut *tttr evsden,r ant{ w-tthnut r:Mice of h.earng of said applicaciau. I:ace a tectiver <br />ap inttd Eor the Dropertg', will -nr - suai -wets c;t e :Livers it t kr casts -d` roreuose this instrument as provided he~eur <br />qr by law, and `,,e rnfarcz +nt an r d .tree n,,nts arai eme.fies i• -ttSeu hereu car by present or Future Vaw. <br />(18} Thr proceeds of fgxtclusu[c save shall! be rppliec :n the fgiiawrng order tc: the payment of: -;.r; .casts and expenses <br />inc'i ni to to vxcing or can;pfyi:og wilt :'tit pavviaians :,:reef, r 1 ae,y peirsr tiers zeq:zizrd by !aw or a competent court to <br />be so pa1d, fc; the debt tr enccd by the Wore and al! u-rdebtednrss ra the Gavtrnnrenr secured hereby, •di itiferioc }ions <br />of retard raquiccd by law ar a competent court to bt so paid. e; ar the Government s uptton. any ocher utdcbtednrss ui` <br />Borrower gwitt};, to car ins.ued'oy the Govcrtiment, and ftj any .-alancc to Borrower. At foreciusttrc car cat}ter sail of all or an} <br />part of flit pproperty, the Governxneat an.1 its agents quay Uid and purchase as a stranger and may pay [he Govensment's share <br />of flit puKhast price by crt,'ieing such amount on any debts +>i Rorzuwec awing to or insured by the Government, in the <br />grder greseribed above. <br />(19) Bonowtt ogees teat the Government wall not be botmd by arty present cartutucr State caw, :a prgvarling far <br />valuaaga, appraisal, homestead or exzmp nor. ~i tfte property, obi pmhibirng marnxenance of an actiwr for a deficiency <br />judguteat or limiting rte antoc:nt tlrettvf or the tune w;tfrht whact such aecign must be brought.. c, prestribia any othec <br />statute of limitations, ;d} allowing uty z t of rtdeznpticrn or p sscssior. oligwing any furecsusvrr sa t, + r '-'; ~irnit~:a il:e <br />conditions which the Governrtrnt ma,' b} regulation impost, nt}uding ne interest ntr .t may ~barytr, e : cundiiton t.: <br />apptovittg a transfer of the ptoperiy ro a new Bacrowrr. Borrower rsprrssly waives the txnciic of any such ;~tacr Laws. <br />$grrawcr hereby relinquishes, waives, and conveys alI nigh u, inchoate or consurntnate, of descent, dowse; and cartes}. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />