<br />USDA-E'mHA
<br />~~ ~'tttHA ~2ti:1 rtes ~.
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<br />$~~3E3541
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<br />
<br />7MiSA~9YtTGRGE is made and entered info by _--,Mi.chael 13.^ PanOwicz and PatrlCla M.
<br />_~~11t314fOZ7C---1'lU$~YBIld -and-, W].f@ __- ._._._- ~- .-._
<br />retldLtg 'n '-_--°------_HAll_-^---------------_------ ---------------_-.--- County, Nebraska, whose post office address is
<br />..~.Z~.Z.~3~ale .L--atTt6~---G~`~Etd Island _ Nebrntka 68801
<br />tSas cglfad •'so?rowtr,•' a,td:
<br />t"f~i$REdt-S fEorttnvet is indebted to the United Scaees of America- acting chroupJt Got Farmers i-lome Administration,
<br />United Stotts [7eparttnent o{Agriculture, herein called the "Government," as evidenced by one or more promissory note(sj
<br />or aast:mptioti agreetrtent{s}, herein called "note," which has been executed by Borrower, is payable to the order of the
<br />Go-trnmEnt, authorizes aCCflEr3r5t)n of the entire indtbtadntss at the option of the Government upon any default by
<br />B`ocrawer, and is dtsctibed as follows:
<br />_ _ __~. _ -----rnae Guie of F~tiiaT-- _.
<br />a rrstrumem IRittcipal Amount n Inttrert /nstallmertt
<br />May 25, 1981 $19Q,OOfl.00 58 M~.y 26#, -1989
<br />This instrument has previously bean recorded as Doctustent #81-002678 and
<br />is being re-recorded to correct the due date of the final installment due
<br />hereunder fraan January 1, 1989 to May 26, 1989.
<br />{i£ fist iatetes[ rate is less than ._.__-._--_-, v¢ for farm ownership nr operating lean s ~ccured by th;s instrument, then the
<br />rate rnsy be changed as provided in the nocr.
<br />Attd the note evidences a loan to Harrower, and the Governmenr. ,; ay rim», tttxY assi~ the note and insure the pay-
<br />moni thereof pursuant t<r the t:onsolidated Fartn.ancl hural tJeveiopnrert Act, yr Tit1e~Y of the Housing Act of 199 or any -
<br />cSther statute adminiatertd l,y cite rarmers Home Administration;
<br />And is is tF.e purpose and intent of this instrument chat, among r>thrr things, at ail simcs cvntrs the note is lttid by the
<br />Govertuaent, or in the cxtnr the {-ovtrnment should assign t;-.is instnrmen€ without msurart.r i,i the note, rho iratrument
<br />shall secure payment o£ rht note; but evhrn tier nou ix 'r;rld by an irsurrd holder, this instrunsent shall nos secure payment
<br />o{ the note or ateaei: to the dtbt evidenced rltcreby. out as to rite ne?r anti suer+. JeE>t shall constitute a.t indemnity mortgage
<br />to secure fire Government against loss wader its insurance contract by ran.=,=r= !~t any drfaukt o~ ~o:rcrwer;
<br />'.And tiers instrument also secures the trcapture «f any interest credit or subsidy which enat hr trotted to rate fiorrawer by
<br />thtGovtnament pursuant ro #2 IJ.S.C. y14y6a.
<br />!`IOW. THEkt£FOtitl:-.. in coreuieratiun ui the In,rns~ and (a~; at ail tirnrs wt,»rz chi n._,te a head h~y ti:e (iovermnent, or in
<br />the event the Governanent shtwld assigt; this instrument without insuran.e of ?±rt gaymrnt of the note, to secure grotngt
<br />QQaayment o{ the ^oce and any reertwals and e.tensii•ns :iaere: and any a~rrements con€arntd rhrrein, including any provision
<br />fo€ fire paytnent uF an insurauee „: ather charge. ,b at all rune; wirer: the note is held by an insurtd holder. €o secure per-
<br />formance of Borrower's agrecrnent herein ?u indemnify and save hornless rise c:;avcnrmrtat ai;ainse lass under its insurance
<br />contract ley reasota of any default by Bt:stewtr, and ici in any c-vent nerd at xil times to secure dre prornpt payment of alI
<br />advances and expenditures ma..c :>y tree Gove:r,nrent, wits= interest, a, i?ervvralter .iexrbed, and tic p»riormance ut every
<br />tx»-saant and agreement of Borrower .unt::ined herein yet to any supplementary a~rerment. Borrower does hereby grant,
<br />bargain, sail, cixrvey a,-.d as3st;n, with general warranty, unw tits Gavrrnrnrnt tE,e ioltowing grtaperty arcuated in the State of
<br />`Itbsaska,County{iesfof ..-.._.._. -H.ail..._... ,
<br />1. I,ot 29ranty Six (26} Western Heights Third Subdivision, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, subject to prior mortgage to House Federal Savings and Loan
<br />and mcsrtgage to F'mHA.
<br />2. Tine South Half of the Northwest t~uarter (S~NW'~} and the Nor-th Half
<br />of the Southwest Quarter (N~SW~iy of Section Eleven (11} in Township
<br />'At+elve {1?) North, Range Eleven (11} =nest of the 6th P. M„ Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, subject to prior mortgage to FmHA.
<br />FmHA 427-1 N8 (Rev. S-IS-79j
<br />L_
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