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<br />~. - "l..r~...~.~ 81 ~) 0 ~ 9 4 .~ <br />81,t}(-35~~ S <br />(6) To use the loan evidenced by the note softly for purposes authorized 6y the Government. <br />{Z) Ta pay when due all texts, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and auessmrnts lawfally attaching to or asseued <br />agsinse the property, including all herpes and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and water stock <br />pertaining to or rcasartably necesaary'to the use of thr real property described above, and all taxes and assessments levied <br />upon this mortgage or flit note ar any indebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holder hereof of of the note or of <br />said indebtedness under the laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing <br />match paymeata. <br />($) To keep the property insured as requued by and under insurance policies approved by the Government and, at its <br />request, to deliver such policies to the Government. <br />(4) To maintain impravtmtnts in gaol repair and make repairs required by the Government operate the property in a <br />gaud 6rtd husbaadmanlike manner, comply with such farm conservation practices and farm and home management plans as <br />the Government from time to time may ~rescribt; and not to abandon the property, or cause or permit waste, lessening or <br />impaftnstnY oft ~' " shout the written consent of the Government, cut remove, or Rase any <br />timbeq gravel, ga a , tu' ~~~ t as may be necerary far ordinary domestic purposes. <br />{lU) Ta c eguiations affecting the property. <br />{1 li To pay oz reimbtust r e :o expenses rraaonably aectasary or inridtntal to the protection of the lien <br />and priority hereof and to the enforcement of or the compliance with the provisions hereof and of the note and any svppie- <br />rnentarq agreement %whether before or after default), including but not limited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of <br />the property, costs of recording this and other :nsrrurntnts, axarnev s' fees, trustees' fees, court costs, and expenses of <br />advertising, selling, and conveying the property. <br />(1:j Neither the property nor any portion thereof or interest therein shall be leased, assigned, sold, transferred, or <br />ertctrmbered, volunta ' y or otherwise, without the written consent of the Government, The Government shaII have [he sole <br />. ,. _ _ <br />- .. rt~,~t.'. ~.`. ... ~...est~a .,s.. u,...~a. __i. ..-. ~:.s. .. .. sr~, a I [CTCa3~5, <br />subordinatians, and satist`action, anJ no insured holder shall have any rght title or interest in or to the lien or env benefiu <br />hereof. <br />13;. At alt reasonable times the Government asad its agtnzs may inspect the property to ascertain whether Cho covenants <br />and agreements conrairrtJ itttcm or rn any suppicmtnrary agreemen: art btin~ performed. <br />14} The Government may +a: extend or defer the maturity o£ and renew and mscheduie the oayments on, the debt <br />rvidenctd by the race x env indebtedness to zht Government secured by this instrument, ib) release env party who is <br />liable under the note nr for the debt frarrt italrility to the Governmert. 'c' release portions of the propert}° acrd subordinate <br />its {ion, and id2 waive any other of its rights under this instrument. Any and al! this can and will be Jone without affecting <br />the litre ar the priority of Nis instrument of Bu:rowtr's ar env writer eartt''s liability to the Government 'r'oe payment of the <br />ssott ar debt secured l3v this instrument toeless the G.rvemmrnt s..vs :;ri:rru•;sc ire writing. HOWEtiER, am forbearance by <br />the GovernmenE-whether nnct ar ,.>ftrn--in rxercisin~ any ri¢ht or remedy uadrr this instrumtni. or othtrudse afforded by <br />applicable few, shall not ire a wasver of or preclude the cxe: else of env ,,;ch right or remedy. <br />f15': 1. at env time it shat appear :a the Gaveznn;ent that Borr<rwtr rnav be able to obtain a ?wan from a production <br />credit assoeiatitrn, a Federal laxrd'oank, ur other responsible cooperative az private credit source, ai rtasnnable rates and tortes <br />far loans far similar purposes anJ ptrioeis of time. Bnrrowrr utiit, rrpon ;hr :;ovrrnment's reyutsc, app.p for and accept sue-. <br />hran in snflit~srnt amaurrt m may rht nett°and any is;drUttdrtsss secured Hereby anJ to pay far any stack necessary to be <br />purchastd in a raoprrative iersdtni; a~•encv rn connection with strclz loan. <br />(IS' 1}cfault Iserevnur, shall tanstitute dcfauSt ender any ether real r°state, or under any personal property or other, <br />stcurtty instrument ire}J 4r ensured try the i~avtrnment and rxecurtrl E-+r z~sumtd by Borrower. and default under any such <br />other srcatin° :nstrumtnt shall c•~nscitute default hereunder, <br />.. I?1 SHEX?tp L}EFRt_~LT .rctur in the periarnsasrec- +>r dischugt *.,f any obligation ir, this instrument or securtJ by [his <br />insttumerrt..,e sh v:.•id the }~art.r, r.:.rue~ ..: L:;,rr„veer .: ~ ..r ,.~ xt~i ~ .r,~..rn }.ezcr;t, ,. sl,oui.i 3nv :*ne <,f rlae parties <br />Honed as Br~crsvwer be ,sccAarrsi a bank^,rpi, 2t an nuulvent ut rnaie air assigrvnxcnt fur the benefit ai creditor.,, the Govetn- <br />nsent, at its e.ptian° with or w:zhouc notice, may: a` declare flee entire amsivnt unpaid under the note and any indebtedness <br />za the t.:overnnrentt;ceeby x~vrru rxnrnedsa[e!v due and pava6lr. -b fc3r the account cf Borraw•er inem- and pay reasonable <br />exptnars t,sx repau ur mau+eenar:cr ~.rt anti take 1>usarssion r~i, olreraer .~r rent c''^.e praprrty, ec7 upon application by it and <br />psod~;;ts~v: ~f tests rnstrusz:rni. •~:thcnut other rvsdzncr ae:J wtehnut i..tite of i:rarsng at said application, leave a rcteivcr <br />appuvitcd tea rite proprrey, with r't:r usue3 posvets of rctravers in like cases, =d-: foreclose this instrument as provided 6rrcin <br />:rr by law, and =,r ~ esttoe<e any ant; a!i o[iter ngttts a.,d reme.iirs provtdcd herein ur by present or fut:ere law, <br />' I6'~ The tttacrtas ul iozrclosurt sale shall br applied in elrc tailvwirsg uxdrr to the payment of: a; costs and expenses <br />isrcident u.; entronirxg or tornpplvinK with ta< pruti~isians hereof, i_U! as?y prier Bens required by law ur a rumpttent court to <br />be sa past, c,: the debt rvidrssccJ by the note asxd al; indebtedness w the Goverzsrncm secured hcrrbv.:tl: inferior lithe <br />of record sts}uittd by law ar a ccunprtrnr crux to ire sa patJ. tci :sc the Guvrrmnen['s option, any other indebttdneu of <br />Hoaxt.srtr owspR to ur insured by the Gav°trnmtnt, and -,_f; env balance to Borrower. Ai foreclosure err other salt of all ar any <br />part of the ptwptrty, else Govrrtuiaent anti its a~tsents may bid ar.3 purchase as a sttangex and may pap olio Gmernmtnt's sltarr <br />at flea pun pru.e Izy ere: iturg >uci; a:naun[ an any debts oI Fsurrcewer owing to ar irrwred by ti,e C;overnmrut, in ti:t <br />cmdsx pstscx~cd alwvt. <br />;141 Barrvvrx agrees chat the Gurtrnmcat will no[ be bound b} :np present oz future Suit law, a; providing far <br />vastsatisn, a ai:ae, hextrtatcad at tzcmjxian of tae property :h prohibiting nsainttnance tan anion for a deficiency <br />jctd~i.4ai of A€in[[iai~{, the rntoun[ ti3ezevi .?r :~!t time wiil:lrt whiL}i su[ir ar[iuri must bt broug}tt, ci Rresc(ibing any utlrti <br />wart'ute of lisnitattotss, (d; ailawinLt u:p rsplst of ttdentption or possession Eollnwing any foreclosure sate, Ur ie; limiting the <br />cotsdtrsotss which ;he Govrrsuncnt rna}' uy :_buluinn urrpast. including chi irtetest rate it mak° charge, as a condition of <br />,rpyarortsrg « txansftr of the pn,pcrry t=, a new Burrower. Borxawtr expressly waives the benetrt of any such State laws. <br />8arssnser larrcb} zelinqusahts, ~~ves..nd c,5nvtys al. rights, inchoate ar carzsuntmatt, cf dess.ent, d,"wet, and curtest'. <br />1~ <br /> <br /> <br />