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<br />~~ . <br />-sue t~35~0 a <br />usnA-~~ta~A >~>r~Y,t S $ I _. i) 0 2 9 41 <br />t~ti;rrn'ta~t-' ids <br />(tteti; 5`-15-79) REAi ES?'A7`F.14lUR`I'GAGE FOR NE$RASKA <br />1'HFS M4R`fGAGE is made-and tutored-into by ---AS®NTY J. Tir'iflENFELI)T AAiD PSAt~Y C . <br />Fi14t)iiA1Fl~'LT husband and wife, and EIrERETT AADENFELDT ANA MINNIE <br />Eli[D~NF`I~ID'I`, husband and -wife <br />ra is ...,.~......... _.._... . FIaI l -.--- Cauntp, Nebraska, whose post office address is <br />,1~oute lt.: E#Oxw25r<<=a],ro.,-- .... telebtas6ca _68824 <br />hat~t' caikd "$utta+ver;,, aad: <br />WHEiiEAS sortusver it indebted to the United Slates of America, acting through the Farmers dome Adminisnation, <br />Unittd States Dspartment of Agriculture, herein eaUed the "Government," as evidenced by one or more promissory note(s) <br />or au~xption sgrttment{sj, hrrein caElyd "note," which has been exeeutrd by flotrower, is payable. to the order of tote <br />Gr+ittttxtent, authorizes acceleration of thr entire irtdelatedness at the option of the Government upon any default by <br />' $ntrawet, and is descr~rd as faliows: <br />.inmc~ Ratc Due Bats of Fbtal <br />AattvfXastrsctnant Eiircripal.4mOtrret ujlnrererr Insialltntnt <br />~~ay--s4r--;.~- -~.3->°-r-nnn nn 4a n^.au: 12 1989 <br />May 1Z, 1.981. SI0,000.00 12.25$ Mdp~12, 1989 <br />This. instrtuztent has previously been recorded as Document #81-002941 <br />dud i.s being re-recorded to correct the due date of the final installment <br />due hereunder frown January i, 1989 to May l2, 1989 and January 1, 1989 <br />to r+iay 12, 1989. <br />fif t}tt ittttrrst rue is Itss than ...______._._.:": for farm ownership err operating loan,si iecured by zl:is instrument. [htn the <br />tact may be Cban~d as provided in tie nott.p <br />Acrd the Hutt rruienus a loan io Borrow=r- anti the <;ovnnmeat, a: any tm:r, ntav .:ssiyn tic note and insure the pap- <br />tttetu cizereof ptrtsuaat to :ie i:anaviidated Farm: and Rural I7rvciopmrn[ Act, ±;: T"itlr `: of the Housing Act of 1949 at any <br />other statntt adatittiattrcd by tit Farmers Hwtte Admtni~rauon. <br />A~ it is the purpose and insP~~ t.f this tttsrnsmenx that, among +ethrr things, at ail tinscs wiscn the Horn is held by the <br />t~eavernrrttnt. or ire tF.t evenx the Gavcrtunent slsould arsign skis instrument v~tthnuz irsunnn• of fire note, ts`tis instrument <br />mall secure paymcnz cal tht nu:e: but wiien titr note is hcisi by an utaurd hnie:tr. [his iaasruntent snail not stooge paymsni <br />:nf t~ note r;r attach to thr debt evidenced t icrnhy, :;uz a; to t'ttx note a,... .:rbz shad! canszi<utc an indemnity mortga~ <br />to suture the Government against lt,sa under etc insiuancr contract by grown u# any do#auit by BUnower: <br />Arid Ykis tnttrt#mrn{ 31ii3 ar;Utet iitC reLapltlr4 Ui any inCtttSf ctrdii s=' 5ilUSSdy ~'hiGYi n1aY DC grantcd tU Che fl6rrgwt[ by <br />t#tL Government pursuant tr, a2 11.5 t", 3I-tt#{?a. <br />- ?tiCi1i~, THE.REFY)ItE, ist considtrazwn cf tit i.~atiis) and ta; at ail times when tht Hatt is held b~° tizt i=overnmcnt, or in <br />the ewrnt fist Governmtnt should assign this inse.^izmcat without uuwraner of the patrmtnt of the note, to secure prompt <br />pprasyaxnt of tht note and any renewals and sate:tsu,r=s tlterruf and any agreemanrs contained tlaetcin, includittg any provision <br />frsr the paymirnx of an insurancr ar triter chat gr, ::bS at ail runts whrn thr n:au u pets by an mswtd holder, to secwe per- <br />fnix~ncc of Borrower's as;te€-menx here:#s t~ =^ci~mni3: auy saR i:ar:n;e~ .lit t:~eermtuersi egau:st i~,ss und.~: its fnsurarue <br />titnsrast by reason of any drfaiux by #3~rrcrwer, acrd ;c, in any rrcnt asui at alt cuaea to sector the prompt payrtxnx of aU <br />adragcts anti ritpcaedturta tita..t i+y t?ie i;c;vernznent, wit:: inirrest, as hetrittaEter urttstbe.,, anti ti.e periorntance <>f e;sry <br />tovnnaat and a~ceemtnt ui Bc-:scrxtr cunuunrzi hrrrius or to .np >uppler.:rntsry atret:nent, Btsrrowcr does iitreby grant, <br />bstgain, srli, convey anti assigai. with general warruiry, unw the t,avernntrat thr fallowing praprrty situated in thr State of <br />~bebraslta,:-'ottntyfies)e>t .~.._.._._. ..~=~~-1 - ..._.._... - _ <br />Tits Narthtrest Quarter tNW~c) of Section Eleven (11) in Township Twelve (12) <br />!North. Range Twelve (12) Best of the brit P.M. <br />This morttage is for eorreetzve purposes only; the mortgage recorded <br />as Doe.#81-042464 referred to the ?1W~ of the N~ of 11-12-12, when in fact, <br />the intent o£ the parties as evidenced Yterein is tp aortgage the ?dfa~t of <br />12-12-12. <br />FmHA d2? ? Ns (Rev. S-IS-79} <br /> <br /> <br />