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<br />'t is
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<br />--61C,b€~ti9 (QH/[L EE1T'AY$ MORTCiMBE Wi~N Tix CIiY00 Th< }{ut}m.n Gm<rnl SuDn}r Honn<, I.iuenin^n<hr.
<br />S Ifd~TflW A,LI+ MEIY BY 7~SF: FR~iENTS:
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<br />r T'K.4TIarWB, DkLE R. SALLANS and NANCY A. SALLANS, ht't~ba'~.c~,~o~ ~~'~~:a~fd
<br />spouse of each other, ~ "'
<br />of fIALI~ Cauxty a+td Slats of NEBRASKA ~,aK~ox~a>~~sH`~b~`Yttt• sum:. oj';
<br />,I
<br />~' i» pond paid, do ltera6y SELL and CL}Nf~F.Y lento DA~I.Y REALTY & INSURANCE INC. , DBA
<br />~~ (mortgagee),
<br />" of HALL Caunq~, and Slate of NEBRASKA , !hs foltocving described ¢remises
<br />`} actuated in HALL Couxt~•, arul Slate of NEBRASKA to-~trit
<br />f:
<br />6A
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<br />2"tu intention bsixy to cora~ey hsrepy an abaelgte title in lea simple including .:1i the rights of F.omestead and dn7rrer.
<br />i O HAVE AeVD 7`O HUI_IJ the premises aLoch described, ztntr, ail the ap¢urtanaxces lhersuxta _hclvnging unto
<br />the said mortgagee ar mvrtgagsss and to leis, i>er nr their heirs and assir7ns, +or_rt=er. ;"rr ~zdcd aluaays, and !here pres-
<br />ants are upon the express conditwn that if the said nwrtgayor ar mortgagors, his, her ar thrir heirs, eseaators, adtttht-
<br />i~afors or assigns shall pay cr carne to be paid tv 11€e .;aid tncrtgag€e ;;r mortgagees and to his, her ar their heirs, ex-
<br />srutors, adtninistratars or assigns, the sum vj r^OUR THO'JSAPID DOLLARS AND NO/CEP7TS
<br />{$4,000,00 } L'vliars, payabls as follorses, to-over
<br />Beginning on the First day of August, 19$1, the sum of $tOb.27 and
<br />a like amount on the first day of each sueeeding Month, for 59
<br />consecutive months, or until the mortgage amount, Plus interest at
<br />~~ rate of 20.ib% is Paid in full,
<br />;,
<br />`; =with itatsrest iJterevx at 20. 1}~+' c~'~ par annum, ¢ayabia monthly annually, accordt»g to the tenor and eject of
<br />~F
<br />eJae promissory nets stritp ia3er.•st coupons attach:d cj said 3tortgayara, beanng tvE°» date uvttt iltese pros-
<br />- tets_ awd shall po-y adl texas and any txtsresi on, yr maturing instailmaxts of ¢rinclpal, due on any prior tnartgage and
<br />asaassrtaswts lsvisd open said real estate and alt csttttr taxes, !aeries and assassxaants levied upon this retartgage ar the
<br />gc?t4 rich tills mortgage is given to secwre, cafose the rams becomes delixpuant a»d keep the buildings o» said
<br />psetatites iaturad }ar the sx»s .~ ,loss, i and°, paya6l£ as sack rnrst mvrtgag, as yr :his rnortyagae, or Loot,
<br />j theta chess ¢rsssaats ba z-airt, othae-t«se to Le and re»taix i» fullr.srce.
<br />1T IS Ft1RTHI:R AGRI:F,I1 %r;~ ?"hat if the said +rt vrt~ragor shalt: rail to pay suck taxes and such intewest an,
<br />=3 .tat ~}atwritag instadltasnts of principal, due ax may prior tnortyaye end Prvcura suttt Insurance, then t1tK mortgages t»ay
<br />z> : pad ~a€k taxes azd awc'dt-itttarest an, yr taaturitty instalimc»ts aj princi; al, due on sirs is prier mortgage and ¢racura
<br />sus'1F itesuranes; wed- the sum so adsata+:.°d w~itlc intErast at »lnc psr r€xt shall ba pail by said v:wrtgagvr, and this xaart-
<br />gaffe shtl#i sta+ut us security jor tl~x soma. t~j ?'knee a failure to ¢ayax# of said money, ct'ihsr principal ar interest an
<br />eltu ter te~y praar mtxrtgagc, :rhrn the sz bacatxes dtte or a jaihtre to ca»tplz xz:ith any of t;ta farsgaing agresmants,
<br />t+t~i eaarsa tlaa ultala ,tr€;.; of r+sou,:y ttsrrriae sdtursd t~ 5eva:ue drt* a :`vltscta6la at atsce at the npticrn of the mart-
<br />±t ~ ~a9gc,
<br />1T' 1~ t{G{RTHAK RG'I~FRD 1'hst said tnat'igagas, petadixg fareclasura rf tkis raartgstys vnd after dscraa ate$
<br />prs3e~ at~y tlbereaei as eppsal thsrefrona and petading sale of hrsmtsss otlorigaged, may pay suctt taxes and m4hatsny
<br />itatestst or.itxtturittlt itt,ttati»I.`nts of pry-ipais art. prior rnartgagss, pr~cure.srcGh insurance attd such roues sha11 Ls
<br />' a~tts tu- tiK ttnaatnat dots as da:ree a~ stp~n can~rsnatsv-a of saga by tlrs enure order€d t::.h~t .?ut s( prt3eeads of .tale;
<br />~. ter -t`adeettxed dtariag sWy; s:ppeal Errs .ouch amautats shalt lrs rt{`lected-tits aante at thnus7k It ^x+c"rs a ;art vj such
<br />dKraa, (,fir
<br />~s{t~td '~ day a! - ~ 6/
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