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<br />81-t~tiz353~' <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />C. The identity of each successor Trustee or Co-Trustee shall be <br />established in the following manner: <br />1. Except for the original Trustee or Co-Trustees of this <br />trust, the identity of any person or bank serving as a successor <br />Trustee or co-Trustee hereunder shall be set forth in an affidavit <br />that shall be duly subscribed and sworn to before a notary public <br />by the person or bank claiming to serve as Trustee or Co-Trustee <br />of this trust, and shall state that all other persons having a <br />prior right to serve as Trustee hereunder have died or resigned, <br />or are not willing or not able, in the opinion of the affiant or <br />affiants, to serve as Trustee hereof. Third persons dealing with <br />the Trustee may rely upon the contents of such an affidavit as <br />conclusive evidence of the authority of the affiant to act as <br />g j~ 2. For purposes of this Trust Agreement, a person shall be <br />,~ "able" to serve as Trustee hereof if such person's physical, <br />10 ?} mental and enotional condition is such that service as a Trustee <br />~j hereunder is reasonably possible and practical, and would not <br />12 ~ unduly jeopardize either ;a} the physical, mental or emotional <br />well being of such person, or (b} the reasonable discharge of <br />12 (~ the duties of the Trustee hereunder consistent with the judg- <br />;~ meet of a reasonable prudent person. Inability to serve as a <br />13 i~ Trustee hereunder is not restricted to incompetence, but exists <br />if a person is not "able" to serve as a Trustee hereunder in <br />14 ;~ keeping with the definitions as set forth in the foregoing sen- <br />ii tense. the inability of any person to serve as Trustee or Co- <br />i5 ~' Trustee `flreunder may be conclusively established by a written <br />notice signed by that persons principal physician and by the <br />1~ ~ oldest adult beneficiary under the trust who is then living and <br />I whu is not under legal disability, stating that, in their unani- <br />17 j moos opinion, the person whose ability to serve as Trustee or <br />~` as Co-Trustee is in question is, by reason of mental illness, <br />18 '~ mental deficiency, physical illness or disability, advanced age, <br />or other cause, unable to effectively manage or take care of the <br />14 j trust estate without assistance. If the person whose ability to <br />+~ serve is in question objects to the aforedescribed written notice, <br />20 ' he or she shall have the right to bring an action in a court of <br />taw for the purpose of seeking a judicial determination as to <br />21 his or her ability to serve. those serving as Trustee ar as Co- <br />(i Trustees hereunder during the pendency of such legal proceedings <br />22 ~ shall incur tto liability for any actions done in good faith dur- <br />;~ ing that period. <br />D. Any person or bank serving as Trustee ow as Co-Trustee hereunder <br />may resign at any time by giving thirty (30} days' written notice to each adult <br />beneficiary then entitled to receive income from the trust. In the event of <br />such a resignation, a successor Trustee shall be selected by a majority of the <br />adult beneficiaries then entitled to receive income from the trust, unless <br />outer provisions exist for the selection of a successor Trustee, in which <br />case said other provisions shall prevai3. If the selection of a successor <br />Trustee has not been made ny the effective date of the resignation, the resign- <br />ing Trustee may petition for the appointment of Trustee in any appropriate <br />Court. <br />24 E. If any bank should serve as Trustee hereunder, and if the trust <br />estate contains any property as to which said bank cannot take legal title <br />3Q j(as, far exaarple, real property located in certain other states}, then said <br />bank maY appoint, through an affidavit of appointment, a Trustee ar Co-Trustee <br />31 is of its choosing, for the purpose of taking title to said property and assist- <br />jing in carrying out the provisions of this Trust Agreement. Any trustee or <br />~ ~ Go-i'rustee sa appointed shall be subject to all of the provisions of this <br />~~ ~,~£ ~ Trust Agreement. <br />ritsauarsr. cv+*s ~ <br />a AtlR f6 <br />r a •D~ „ ~ - 3 ° <br />a,,.g.~,.,,,,.er.ceeaa ~; <br />i <br /> <br />