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<br />~1'~"{li~~e3e)~~~a <br />6 <br />:.., a.. <br />'if4L6WM/T. LYAA; <br />.< r- na i~r <br />i,ic.,,wa, n,;xasx l9fet <br />9. After the death of the first Trustor to die, if for any reason a <br />person who is a beneficiary under this Trust Agreement should thereafter be <br />serving as a Go-Trustee under this Trust Agreement, said person shall not par- <br />ticipate in any discretionary decisions involving distributions of income or <br />principal of the trust estate to himself or herself or to any person dependent <br />upon him or her for support, and the other Co-Trustee acting alone shall make <br />all discretionary decisions relating to any such distributions of income or <br />principal to or for the benefit of that person or his or her dependents. <br />C. If any person disclaims or renounces, under applicable statutes, <br />part or all of the benefits to which that person is entitled under this Trust <br />Agreement, then the benefits"so disclaimed or renounced shall pass under the <br />terms hereof in the same manner as if that person had died immediately prior <br />vs.-a~a~...~ .+ _ ,f nnze S3rj ,- at ._- <br />~~;i~-d`dZe ~r'1C' -C3e'fTC 1 i t3 PiCTe u ! Vic: ! a~arlcv ~r ~"c%~vv°~a"--c~nr. _ , <br />such earlier date or immediately prior to such earlier event as may be neces- <br />sary in order that the disclaimed or renounced benefits will not for any <br />Federal tax purposes be includable in the gross estate of, or deemed to be a <br />gift or transfer by, the person so renouncing or disclaiming even if that <br />person dies immediately after disclaiming or renouncing the benefits. If <br />there are no specific provisions hereof that would control or pass the dis- <br />claimed or renounced benefits, those benefits shall 6e sprinkled among the <br />persons and said persons` issue named in Paragraph I(2} of ARTICLE VII above, <br />or accumulated, or a combination of both, as determined in the sole discretion <br />of the Trustee from time to time until termination of the Family Trust, at <br />which time any then remaining accumulation of the disclaimed or renounced <br />benefits shall be distributed under the provisions of Paragraph I of ARTICLE <br />VII dealing with distributions upon termination of the Family Trust. <br />d. Principal and income payable or to become payable to any benefici- <br />ary pursuant to the provisions hereof shall not be subject to anticipation or <br />assigmnent by any beneficiary nor to the interference or control of any cred- <br />itor of any beneficiary, nor may any such principal or income be taken or <br />reached by any legal or equitable process in the satisfaction of any debt or <br />liability of beneficiary prior to its receipt by the beneficiary. <br />E. Any property distributed from the trust estate pursuant to the fore- <br />going provisions, shat] be distributed outright and Free of trust, and the <br />Trustee shall have no duty to see to the application or use thereof. <br />- 14 - <br /> <br />