<br />M®RTG~-GE S1°t~t135~~
<br />THIS IND&iQ1'URE. ttsads thia___. ___~th._~____~ day of -sltfl,~ -- -__ _ -_- _-- -_ . l9 _~1. by and between
<br />,leroir Schweit~r and Judv ht Schweitzer,_h~d_and-_~i_f~.------~__ ____.__..~_~_
<br />of Nab ~ Ctw/ny. lVebruka, as mortgagor S .and dome FMeral Savings and t.oan Association of Grated talaud, a corporation
<br />orgaDdaed-aid tmiitiog ttradei she lava of the United Starts at Amerip! with its pritrcipal oFBa and place of` busirrns at Gnnd Ialatd, Nebraska, u
<br />»latfP~
<br />NTH: The! said tt[ongagor 5 .for and to consideration of the aam of
<br />T~n._7.hEDusand SfztX thn dollars and oil/IQ(~ ----------- `t'~I~T~ ° t ~ i _~.
<br />-- ,., ,,
<br />the rlctip of which is tre+thy ad[i[awledged. ~ __e...__.,._,__.,.~. by [hest presents mortgage and warraa4tntt 7r>P
<br />(stover, afl the folbwvq tktaibed real watt. sitwt[d in the County of ._.__,(~.].].__..._..___.__~.____._.~....___~~__~-._
<br />and St$e of Pkbnaka. [o-wit:
<br />- - v-..-a tt.. [...~..Ls
<br />0 ly -1 - - L - is
<br />Togetfart with aU heaautX. au coaficiuantg, itghr` .s, and plumhuyx avfutpmcnt and ti:rum. ux~Eud mtt ++'rntss. awnings. storm wietdowy and
<br />doors, and wirtdox ehtttks w hftoda, usc+d un ur m xaoneetion with eau! ProPar[Y. wtwthtr Leta ea[r!e are mw Lneietad cm satd pro{xvty ur t~rea(tr~
<br />P~ .
<br />TCS MAYS ANU'!YP HnLA THE SAME. together with alt ntd a[ogttlu the ttriateent_s, heretbtatnmta smi :ppurlemnc'ta ttrertunto tre•
<br />iattgiog, or m sns+wiaa appata[ning, frwevsr. and warrant t.lffi tttfa m the satnr- SatA tnrxgsgur - S htrehy mveaaOi _ -with as id
<br />mo[tgesae CMt .. ~ Ha y . -._a ~. , ai tht deltvtry hereof, tht Gtwful mvtwr S c:f thr premises a#wvt conveyed acrd*~describe !.
<br />and __ __ are aeiraad of a good cad iadetssstbfe tstatt ut inher[taniw thereto, fret a[r! clear n( a13 encumbrances, era! that . a!u•.~.. will
<br />waifallt wed t~ tlse trtia thereto forerer against the ctauns atwf demands of aU persaas wiwmsrara-er
<br />NR()V! DEA ALIT AYS, wad tbts wirtuswni to e:aeutod and debvtaeai to secure e!r psymant ni the sum of - _ _- _
<br />___tQn 7~ausand sixty-L~rfo__dfallars and Ot}j10Q ------------ t;elta~ts 10,_Jb2.00 ,
<br />>ri~ it[bewt tJ[eeeoa. capthat with ouch ehargsa atxf adva[rrts as may br due and papahta ur aaal rrwrtgagee undx+ t!w [ertns and mndremarr
<br />a1 Ihs petsmtaaary tsott rii ir6a dwst baresich atri secured heratsg, essruted by sauf nxsrcgagui ~-_.. co said mortgagee. payable a rxpressett
<br />- !e sfid rmW, trod W aeiwe the pstfoRasnee of alt ttw tarma wad coadreiuaa rnntaxnad thareia. The ttrtns of said note are lteteby incorfrorated
<br />hsaeio by this tst~
<br />{t r; the iauatioa wad agnameat of the pa[titm hereto tent shu mnrcgage shell also aerate any suture advancer made eo said murtgagtu. S-
<br />tgr acid ». wad way sad sL mdebtadataa m addttaat to Ltte armruat aurae stawi whrci. saws nwrtgsgors, or any of them. may nwr Ln
<br />acid morgpl;aa, hatrever wttfenaed. xhsther by :tote. tx+olt atc~wnt ur utherwut. Ti[ia mortgage shalt rttnam in fur! tutee and tffret bttweta
<br />tJSe ptvtsea beeeto wad their hairs. pesnooai raprasetttatrvw5. sucrrssorn and assrfpta, until att amounts secured trereundtr. nrciueiettg future
<br />ttdvraaas. ttn pstd in fuL wits murast.
<br />Tina mRtt~az,- c~_ hetetty - __ - to daui aeztgsrgae ski rents wad tneome arssmg at any and ati tiaw Erorn said Property and
<br />htaab9 euthaaias said more~ee ar [ta agent. et its upturn. upon default. [o take ctuirge of sa[d property and colleci at! rents ar[d i[xo[[x
<br />thaedram nod apply the seam to the pay mast of mterrst, priaeiprd, :nsuraaLt Prtmiuma, rasa, asacnmanr_s. mpaits ur improvrvrxttts
<br />_tq.fwapa[!id peaprEy in taaentsrhir aoadititu[. w to niha ehar~ea or paymante Ixaritied for heerain at dt the-note bateby sacutud. Ttua
<br />teat u~meot shaft cootiata is fsttflt uatd the uapad halaxe of said mtr is (oily Paid. The rakistg of poasesaion hanwrtder shall in m ma,~tner
<br />prsveei or retard said meetgepao in the cdkactioo of acid wows by lorecltxura nr orh>swuar-
<br />The fadv[e M the tsaxtaages m risen any of its rsgtiz,: hsrtuadtr at aqv time shill sot be taastrued as a waivt~ of ityright to ascots. the
<br />aaaaa N say iecar Lima. tu+d ta imxse upon and etiforet sinct coa[piiarxr with ei! the terta> ami Praa issias of said rpttr era! of [hi.t nwrtgage.
<br />14 ateid 5 a6att eauss to bt {wid w acid mortgagee the entire ama+rnt due A hexetentlrr, and under the corms and prcrvisiana
<br />d said mte 6Yahy [+s+vad, iaehtdie~ ![[tote advantxa, and way ezteasioas or reaewrda- ttsacra,f in arctttdessce with the itsmx and provisions
<br />tJsaRaod, wad ~ said taaFkp~ar _.5-.. aha!! damply with if! the ptoYfabona of soul sole and t[f thts , tfsen tEteBa ptesantS shall tae voal:
<br />tas4tnre to r[aeilrie iR>~ iatce and adaea, and said s[artg:gee shill ba untitled to the pweeaaloa of all of said pn[pwty, sail may, a[ its npt.iwr.
<br />,pFla!'O Nn n'~eia of w.4i lto0e wed !~ rq[rastetd tirreLy to Bxt immuditrtety due and paysbla. and Lorry foracloae thin awrtgage
<br />sr tits enr tisLt¢ Sasnl aecaae tc pltssr~ its . Apprafsaraa[[t waived.
<br />'t'Ma d eheh bt biade~ aptm and shill carte to the benaFd of the weirs, arctctttors. atimiriiatratora, sacwsaurs atxi ttisiitns u: tht
<br />- ttetgtattev~'psttteta htaesa. - - -
<br />IAt vYd'i";!tfi~8 NIDt.IfRAYtP'. raatd Mtlrtgeyrtr - 5_. hs YE_. trarastasu st[ thfl7.1°.- hrnt5.... - the day arai year first at,na r~
<br />erktae r~ r~1::.1tt .it~t:~
<br />~{ ~ p ~f-
<br />a}LLt$C ~i k1t3r <-
<br />