<br />
<br />This made and entered into this ___.~h day of .T,+a ~
<br />19 ~~ ; by atxt berfiectt IJeVi21s Efomtas, Inc.
<br />fhereint~tin' refertecl' to as mortgagct~ and Commercial National Bank and Trust Company
<br />(hereinafter referral to as
<br />mtrrtga~. who niaitttains an aff9cr and plsex of business at a~a tae,a± stti rn street in Grand Island,
<br />FIJI c~uy, Nebraaca.
<br />WtTt'ttt, that f~ the aot~ideratiat hereinafter stated. receipt of which is hereby ackttawled$ed, the mortgagor
<br />dOCi herehs, tnvttpge, seU, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, ita successors and assigns. aH of the fol-
<br />des~t'bed property situated and being in the Ccwniy of tta12
<br />Starr of lgelxadta.
<br />Lot Lyit~ (9!, Potash Subdivision, Ha12 Caunty, :~tehraska,
<br />together with aU the teneeaettta and appurtenances thereto belottssttg, all the rents, issues and profits thereof, and all
<br />esserase~s, rights, royalties, tuirteral, oil and gas rights ate profits, water, water rights. and water stock, and including
<br />aft htaat~, phtwbing. refrigeration, lighting, equipment attd all fixtures of every description belonging to the
<br />murtgaggt now or hereafter attached thereto or used in connection with the premises herein described and in atlditivn
<br />thereto the folbowing des~-ribed properties which axe aril shad be dremeG to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />ate a potion o€ the security for the indebiedttess heron stated. flf none, ssatr "ttot~")
<br />1fo taut aad to hvkt the samr veto the 4tiortgagee. as hsrcin provided:
<br />The mwttgMgor is lawfuify seized attd possessed of and has the tight to ssli ate Canvey said property; that the
<br />setae is free ft~t aU ettcombtances ettsept as hereitrrbvvc r~ited; attd that MortYagor covenants to warrant and
<br />dtfettd the title aforesaid thersto and every part tfxrrmf altaittst the claims of air persons whomsoever.
<br />iBStrtimtnt iY gi~€at t© 3i'i7ttr ih! payment flf a protrtissvey tttttc dstrd - 3tzly 6; 2481
<br />Gt the pritscipat stun of 3 3Q1Q[~~t~t A_ , sighed by =3almesg SF Ii~~*
<br />is behalf of nsVille F> Trtc. --
<br />ttlsct, et& note ~ notes ratty frasn titac to time bt ttwdiCted, renewed or emended in writing.
<br />ibt the evettc the title to said real estate u transferred, or cortuarted tv ~ transferral, from ttte undersigned for any
<br />rgaseati. tx by aAS' method whatsoever, tht entire principal sttm and accrued interest shall at once become due and
<br />pttysb,Fe aE cht n Of the Holder hrreof. Failure to exatdse this optioa because of transfer of tick as ab¢ve staged
<br />is iaatattac ahal3 trot constitute a waiver of tht tight to etcerc3x the satru in the.tveat of any subsequent amts€er.
<br />1. 'ln+ae ttgargcr eo~enaats sad awes as foiictvr9t:
<br />To ~ Stay iz~ ~ by saliti promissory ante at the tithes and in the rnantter
<br />~avld2d.
<br />. b: Tv pwy ttll taa~ts. asteBantattts, water rates, and outer gcnTrntndntal or metnicspal charges, fines., or
<br />irnpositl~s: fat which p~t?y1t~tHa has n~ laet4t rrtade herfsirthcftate, atul will promptly deliver the official rec~igts
<br />tbere€¢r w the said trxartgs~te,
<br />c. Iu pay tvrtt rxpen~ srxt fees as may be itt;=ttrrcd in the protection and maintenan+~ et said prvpert+,
<br />a.~vrltttg tl+at fees a#` any ttt7t4atrttty eatplttytxl by the nags#p~ett for tl~ tt~ie~-tcut of tiny car all of the indetrtedness
<br />itereEty ssctrre,#„ of fc'a'cclgstitr by ttttattgaget`s sale, eat ctsit€t ptocdfngs, ttt i» ane t?ti+cr litigatisan err t±rca+~ceeirng
<br />rtffrt~titsg Baal property.
<br />