<br />~~--- siti3511
<br />That 1, Edna McKee IwicCormack, of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, have made, constituted and appointed, and by
<br />these presents da make, constitute and appoint, Robert A. McKee,
<br />my son, of Danvi.lie, t"alifarnia, my true and lawful attorney for
<br />me and in my name, place and stead, and an my behalf, subject to
<br />the provisions of paragraph 13, hereof, to da and execute all or
<br />~~-t ~r c~ZS,,,..,,, ~t•rc_ deeds and Lhinrys;
<br />~ -- -
<br />l. To receive debts, payments and property. Ta ask,
<br />demand, sue far, recover and receive all sums of money, debts,
<br />dues, goads, wares, merchandise, chasteis, effects and things of
<br />whatsoever nature rr description ~xhir.h now :ire ar hereafter
<br />shall he ar kseca~re due, c7wirg, i~ayable, or belonging to me in ar
<br />by any right, titl€, ways or means howsoever, and upon receipt
<br />thereof, ar ;7f any hart thereof, to make, sign, execute and
<br />deliver such receipts, release£ ~?r <,thar E?ischarges far the same
<br />respectively as my Said ;sttnrney shall deem advisable.
<br />_. fa settl€ aecou{its. 2'~~ ~,ettlz= z:ny acounC or
<br />reek~~a~ing ==«hatsaever mob€rein new ar car ~~t .:ra time hereafter
<br />shall be in zany wisEs inter€sted ..r concerned c.~ith any person
<br />whsxs;soevcr, .snd to pay ar ree€vc r`.^.r balance thereof <,s the
<br />cas€ may rec;uire. -
<br />i. To satzsfv >ecurity .interests ;,nd arorcgages. To
<br />receive €very ~:u:u cif r^.onY4 w#tich nc:w is ~~r hereafter sha}.I he
<br />due tier helan#ing t:> me upon the security or by virtue of any
<br />security interest ar agreement, or a,artgage, and on receipt of
<br />the full amount secured thereGy to execute 3 good and sufficient
<br />release ar other discharge of such security interest, or
<br />mortgage by deed ar c:therNise.
<br />~+. To~unc, :~ubs~:it to arbitration, ar ~.ae
<br />settle ar adjust differences. To compound with or m$ alLotie-
<br />ances to any person far or in respect to any debt or Intl vhat-
<br />scev€r :which now is or shall at ar}y time hereafter bE dste
<br />and payable to me, ar by :ae, ;;r upon sny account, and ~td taste and
<br />receive, or to pay and discharge, as Che case may !s!, any ews-
<br />pasi t ion or dividend thereof ar t#~ereupon, and t€s ~~v*e ©r
<br />receive releases ar other discharges for tht~ r~lusl-~ ~i such debts
<br />car demands, nr Ca settl€, c:c*mpromfse, ar snbsxit t~ a~iCt~atian
<br />every such debt ar dee+and and every othar right, ~titt~er-~ an~#
<br />thing due to or concerning me as my attorney silllkl~.:'~£-~c best,~~
<br />;~ ,
<br />1 _. F€ ~. ~! Meads
<br />