i~+~O~TCiAG~ g 1 _ c~ c~ ~3 ~ s $
<br />This mortgage made and entered into this .~~~,~_._ day of _,____ June ,
<br />t9 81 ; by and txtween James A. Sullivan, A Single Person
<br />(htreirmafter referred to as mortgagor) and Commercial National Sank and Trust Company
<br />(hereinafter referred to as
<br />m~tgagee); who maintains an office and peace of bnsiness at ~ W mhtra street in-Grand island,
<br />i•ialt County, Nebraska.
<br />W#Ti,e"'Sm?'t'H, that for-the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of whtsh is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />tbea hereby mortgagt, sett, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all of the fol-
<br />lowing dtiscr(btd propem situated and Ming in the County of ball
<br />State a£ Nebraska.
<br />Lot Seven (7}, in Island Acres No. 7, a Subdivision of part of
<br />- - - -
<br />Fractianai SectiEt=t Seven (7}; part of the West Half of the
<br />West Half (WStNtrT of Section Eight (8}; and part of Lot Twenty-
<br />Foltz (74}, Island Acres, all in Township Eleven (11} North,
<br />Range Nine (9} West of the 6th P.M., iA the City of Gzand Islartd,
<br />Hall Cotatty, Nebraska
<br />togtitttr with alt the tenetrtents and appttrtenanees thereto belonging, alt the rents, issues and profits thereof, and all
<br />casements, rights, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water sttxk, and including
<br />atf heating, plumbing, refrigeration, lighting, rs}uipment and zit fixtures cat rvrry description belonging to the
<br />mortgagor now or hereafter attached themo ar used in cannrction with the premises herein described and in addition
<br />thereto the fpibwing described properties which are and stall hr deemed to he fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a portiott of the security for the indebtcdteess herein stared. (lf none, steer "nonr") Nave
<br />To have and to bald the same unto the Mortgagee. as herein provided:
<br />Tlx smmYga;str is lawft[(ty srized and pt~srssed of and has the right to sail and convey said property; that the
<br />same is free from alt trtcttmbrances except as htrrinabovc recited; and that Mongagor covenants !o warrant and
<br />tkfettd the title aforesaitt thereto and rvrry part ihereot against the claims of all persons whotnsoever,
<br />?'leis instrument is given ro secure the payment of a promissory note datrd ~J-une_3t)~ 2981, ____
<br />itt-the pri[icipal stun of 5,_.~r~~4-~ v------~__.--~. signrd by James A. Svllivan --,_,---
<br />in bttttalf of -~ himself _,---------._----,--------_---
<br />atsn, as stmt volt a testes rtwty from time to tune be modified, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />to-tom et«~tt the tide to said real tstate is transferred, or contracted to be transferred, from [he undersigned for any
<br />r-ot b}t tiny rtaethod wtsatsoever, the enfirt prir~ipal stun and accrued interest shalt at ons~ become due and
<br />pgyttt4k at the eltactian of the hotda hereof. Failure to exercise this option bes~usq of transfer of tint as above stated
<br />iarrnec:ittstaasx tif+salt not constitu[c a waivtc of the right to exercise the same in the even[ oC any subsequent uansfer.
<br />t. The murty{agot i-ovtttants and agrees as follows:
<br />a. 'f`o gsumptty pay else itsd~edness evidetttxst t>y said promissory note at iht times erect to the mant';r
<br />ilfsrein tom.
<br />b, To f~ty alt ttWxes, asxssmcnts, water rates, -and other gavtrnirtentat or mtinlitipa! charges, Fines, tar
<br />impositioats: for which prevision has not been ntadc tttrtittbrfore, and wilt ptamptiy deliver the official rrcrtptti
<br />thettfor W the said mortee.
<br />c, To peaty iUth rspensrs aru! tars as may be itte-urrrd in lire pratr;rtian and snaintrnancr of said {?roprrt~.
<br />itir~ tl~ fees crf any attortsey rtnpioytd by the mortgagor fezr t#te c,atttctitan of any or alt of the indrbirdttas~
<br />trettby rccuret}, ter for_rs-laiurc bi rnatty([ra`s salt, ~~: ,rntn pttactszdint;F. s?r set any- ¢xhrr titit€ati.ut of prc*,:.~-drri~
<br />affecsing «atd isrots~rrtp.
<br />