<br />~~~
<br />81--U1J3480 BENEFICIARY
<br />'f''1? ,'f:st ~_.}~ St_ eel
<br />-ZS'ti dress
<br />
<br />- AGRis'BD R6T€ f1F G7IARGE~4N+l FROMt3SORY NOTE EXF.ft7`TED CONCURR€NTLY HF.REWiTH: 2w per month on that part of the unpaid balatsce of
<br />-tiw Aunt Futmced trot ~ 3I,D00: 1 pct month art any part thereof exceeding SI,QtlO but trot exceeding 55,000; t 4n~+per month on the remainder.
<br />THtS DEED OF TRtiST. blade tbis._s: 5~~.~y tt~! T..._..~.~___ , 19 °^ befwern T 3<d BriCL~ :,3 ^c cT ~, ,'. ttn't»ra~
<br />`F!}; , :_-, '"~ cs * Sf >_nd x~l <zt~T, , ~ t.o"0 and '~la~ "offers
<br />ieteina[ta nDed TRU51YlR, wine address is -_...._____. ,n~~sLs "C,^~,Ct~ r '! ^ 'ESS~tHa~ "' ER^Sfa
<br />- . Itareimtfwr wlkd TRUSTf.E, whale address is ~ ~ ~S% =_~_s~ ~:
<br />sad A4,YGO FINrISVCI-,ATLy SERRVICES tNT€RNATIONAL, tNC., a Nebraska s»rporatian, heteinaRer tnlled BENEFICIARY, whors address is
<br />i~~i~ ~$8~ G3iLF 4~16Tt:~4 - ~.~_ r4 .. vf~ ~~`'1
<br />tYfTNESSE77i: Tint Trtrscot GRANTS, CONVEYS, SELLS AND WARRANT'S TO 7RUSTEF„ IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE, the following described
<br />prop:rtq, sitmted ist_____,~==?. _..-----_~_._ County. Nebraska:
<br />?at =ert;;_-.S:x {2~) `n : t: . _- _t- ~, . ,,r~'_ar .~, -. .. ., ~d ~'_rx~ o~.a~='.a
<br />_ .. _ , , .
<br />-qnr..
<br />E?1a~ k..^ctr.? vr~ ~~:,~: .-,ems ''o:~-r: ..
<br />togeihar with alt 6ud$ittgs xnd 'smprc ements Haw or 6rrrafisr errcixd thereon and sli scrrens, twnirtg<_, s?tades, storm sash and blinds, and heating, Lighting,
<br />plum gas, electric, vpttilatiugt, retrgteratiag and xir~Yynditioning egttipraeat used in coatttctmn ttrerewith, all of whseh, tot the purpose of tt' '}rsd of
<br />m1' :t~~itta9. 6e t>t tfattures out subjr°~ to t{u~Um , - -ata7 ilw lrsrediumeats arm appnrtenantass pertatnirtg to tF~ psaperty above described. and eti..
<br />streets, rases, atteys,"pttwapea. ~waye •sntsts: ~ai€# - ~- rights, titsr~[ks aruf ~risiieges, whatsoevrr thtreu»to betaiigisx or in anywise appertaining and the
<br />revertlana asd re _ -.,~_ !3f=ir4isiPelLMrtln - ftrr as thr "pmru"tses .
<br />TO HAVE A;+tD the ~ - "ill thr appurtrrancra arsd ttxturrs. unto t;x sag! Bettcfi:.ar,. its suueswrs and assigns. forever, for
<br />the pstrpaaes xnd '~stl~Y! -a std beextits utsder and 6Y vtrtrre of any Hamrstrad Ezmtptian I..aws of the -State of Nebraska
<br />wirkh Lary tr its _ satd Truster does l~reby ezpsxxdy r°.lcasr and waiees,
<br />Tntst~, also asai*aes to Benelssiasy atf teaix, isatet and profits at card premiss. rrscrrnts itrr rust tti caBrr:t amt use the same, with ur without taking
<br />pos[riois. of the peomires, ctcrbtg canttnwnce of 6efauh hcteundes. and durirr[ ~anrmitutar of such default autfrorizistg [IetreC~darY to enter uppon said
<br />premises xad,Tat to caJlect and tnfor+x the same ws[haaz regard ro adtgrracr of any iec°uritp far the indebtetirt¢ss hereby secured try aaY lawPot means including
<br />appaiatmeat of a receiver in the name of any party hereto, aM1 to xPpty hr satnr tell tests and ezpettrrs of npeeation attd colirction, including reawnalrte
<br />atiolmy`s fees, anon snY indeotedness tenrred trereby, io. stu'h order as [frrrei'iriarY may determit~-
<br />FC3R T4it:=_ PURPOSE Ok SfSCURt-NG: Ill Perferrnaer i» esr:h agts~rrte-ne ,±-t 7rwtor carrrrsi~t! he:cir.: t2! Paymrnt of the pnncipat sum whit
<br />initttg, as pravideA in datroe wsih tttr trans and provisions of a Pramsssory Note ! Loan .Agreement thrreiaaftet referces: to. as "promissory
<br />~ ' -r `--'°~ ''~'' M' Ttvatot asd paYabk. to tfit
<br />ttots:3 ~tadr...~.;, °`~ - 1. ..._ ~._._.w. ~__ ~ herewirfi eareattdi
<br />` 1_. r and havrtsg. tlw rfase of its tmxi paymrnt dm on -
<br />uadaa of BtrsefietarY, in the principal wm at b - ^~ ,` ' ~ -' r
<br />-,s
<br />of as exrgided, defrtted t.r rear~dttled M rrmwxl ar refinance; {3) Payment of any addttwn$~`ta " ..':`wire interest
<br />ttwtrwn; H trsay hranfta 6e maned try Bmertciary to T'russot in a rnaxhnttm sum of S?,Ot10.00 within t0 Yeats from dse date of this Dced of
<br />T'sest; (4T Tat paytttant ~ any ntattty that may be advaas~d by rite 8enertriarY to Trusror far any rrawn ar to third parries, wills itsitrest thereon: witch the
<br />a~uaaa are-edtranepd to star tie srcarity ru is xtxordrrmcc with the cavenaua of thta ITted of Trost; (S) Any renewal, rcrmarts-ing as extension of said
<br />~^ hate, or any ot~ satnetneat to pay which may be N.twiitated i2teretor.
<br />A8 ppg~mbnta irsade by Temtw an dte obliytation strrxtted by tlias Deed a€ Trost itha6 be spptied b the f'olEawug order.
<br />FIl$T: To tie paymwt of rases tad xsseamentt that may br kvie6 and assessed against said premises. insurantx premhrrns, repairs, and alt oHter charges
<br />sad ~d -to 6t train isy the Trwtor.
<br />!~"t`a~rhe payment ~ interest Que as said lass,.
<br />1Ti!ltp: To tits payment of priaeipat.
<br />Tt3 tillp'C!~ t' THE SLtiCt]ttlTY HfitEOF', TRUSTOittS) COVENANTS AND AGREES: Ill eo keep said premises iuwned against loss try rite said other
<br />ilrpalk, esfaalty and up to dit fu}I vain ~ a6 unpreweramts far the prota;iion of Rmre[iciaty is wch manntr, m sucb amwrnts, ttsd in such
<br />p 4 Beaeftciaay may (tons time to torte approve, atad that Ease Qsaceeds fleas erttpsasre at coBecliotr) stidE, ar Beriertciary's optSOn, bt aoplisd on slid
<br />iptit adactier due m not ar to ttsr testartatsan of lard aaprovrarenrs. bt went of Ems Truster wiN girt immetHata nots~ by mail ra the Bmtf&~tarY,
<br />tYlio tt+O' fnnitp prods of tow if nM made prormttty by Trmtor, sad ~ [ssottnre aattst>+rnY twas:esmd M fiereby auifiotised and directed to make payment for
<br />ant4 kw dttectiy M tks,l;a[rd5~tq t[ataad a to ilst Ttpsrar. i21 To pay aB txxes~epaelat awewmeats of any kind tsar Kaye been or may be levied m
<br />alalwad opaq mid premres. and to deY•srtr to iiettefSciary• t~ regttecr at the tf~" °-nrY, tit offhisl rece}pt stsowtng psYmmr of all wcfi tazn anA
<br />atlaleapnstt:{31~.-bl dte,rwaat o! defadi b5 Trtaaor wader hzagrap~ E er 'above, BasrfteurY, ai its option, may Sa) ptuc aAtk keep rich ituuraetce absrrr
<br />~{d[tt tirt ~ texas t tie Iife of tlms t~ of Tnw sad p+y fhe rrxsaruttie preaaums sad charges theretar: {b3 pay at! said rszes attd ssseamteates
<br />tai®twt t#twatodgg s6t r~`ty ffifistmt`: aed {.1 Pay saeh ffittts assd aR snch das4arwratsu shah ttt deemod s part of tht lndrststadmrs tes:ured by this Dtai bt
<br />Trot nod ~- ba ~ and payable by Trosmt to 8ea[tknq. {al Tn ketts tie brtitdings sad other knprovamsats now czistaog or tureafter
<br />atsNxd us ~~poqoQ~ sna~tiar and tapnir sot taFaamit ar aafter any waste of any use of sad premises rtxttrarY to restricttmrs of retard or canuxrY to bor. and
<br />16 plaaa 'fdsr~i[ty IQ eeita at ~,raasttetble titxa tar Lisa pstepstae ut iaapertiat tie premixs: sot to removt or densotish aaY buRdiug thaean: to itatsue
<br />praetipttf stsd ks a peed trod ~ -mtmnet any witci may ku dattagsd or dtanuYed duxedn, xnd m-pay, whin doe, aq claims for boor
<br />razfatraad ahd u4taWtis ~. 4ksst+ttar tSt 'that he arEB Ps9`, tie Endeitednw sectued hrretty and perform xB drier aisti[BStsoas nt fuii
<br />GO[I+Mstas tepy the kaWtt of sai6 lammissnsy Nato sad Dtis Deed --a~(~) Tint the time aC payment of the iat~btedncx hereby feraread, m of arty
<br />itaetwh rasrar<, stay m extv»dad tit rtssatned, sad arty poraotta of tie prratiares eeaetn dest3ihed tray, sritiattt notice, bt tekassd- from the Lisa hereof,
<br />witb+mt tsi~a~t~ ur sffaeOYtd tie ptxjtntwl Ba7 03 say ac tie priorsty of Liu Decd of Trot. {'il That he dada hertby foeevar wsrtant and wtll
<br />foraset AsfiMtd. t6a tf tk Ltd poWaricri- ~_ Wacof MW4tat ~c 3,nts of astY sn4 -s6t persons .~iassaevta_
<br />tT tR 1[{31'LtALLY ACa1Cil4f '1'IiAT:
<br />!S? ',ISteatd 'trasttx 'ad trs rpatc ssty pagxcrt a; do any net u tta[sra of #S-say act# w euctedisg ~ ~ntnsatced witici ~ affatt
<br />i'in.waax s ishrrsl in :io :. ~ a S~ts'-~r or ttaarae, bes ~~scty~ :o d,a aa. artd withttttt imiitc taw 3eosand utton Ttststur.:ad
<br />riMari ria[[rss Tnaar Gash amt otnyetim+ ieraa[d+rr, sal' ,Hake ar rb tit wtaa, sad inaY Pay. pssrriat, eamsrst sr craotsramtae any eacuastteaaw,
<br />ar 1lan. taldcY ill Sla }ntBweat of at+kar rsptrae w iSk.:r sad property ,sad 6t +~tWY atsei pawara, etwt atgr p sad sfiasnvn amwsnss
<br />sr aLaatltba ,Wu+eHote of iWawfkaq or Trasrsa eiiMt tnal Jrext aaeas~y fit~fcnt. A# ~a sa its~ssad w ax@ttNei~We~4y Hay at Trwtre tss~1 bt
<br />w{t>tnvt darrsaad E3~kttalY dac snit paYakrk M TrwtUr, sttatl ttwi itfsesst at drt tare tiei~t[tad 4Y Etw, snd attsp be rnsured fierc2+Y.
<br />tIl Siteraid tbs Pnwstsa rsr s~sy pin tEtasarl ee saM.en M reason r>4 any inadsawttoa pta!cYadEy, tisns(icj[sv ~atR ie entttkd W all coaspeatxtata, swatch
<br />~d !Kbst Ssalrttpls ~+astar, aR3 tc a~t#y 4te salsa ua ttr ~_~lp;.prsd -tat[bY,
<br />tit ttY scs'a~ttisE pst!aaeat v{ dray tsita h[tsbt secrtied afM fn Iles tbta, of afrat t?as Egad of notkxe of ebefinslt amE of eNxtian la aeSl, Britat]cmty shag Hat
<br />arttsir iM r~t+ etq y~y prra~t¢t start{ ta6en Ilse at aH athar wis a suwi~, or tis daelsse datnHt flu faikate m w pay, ar in sirh the oak ernda=t
<br />tW sscls 3wtisa rrf J-lartRt srrd cQ sMssion to aaE4 Fat ids w~s3d tstlancn ot'tsrd l+dM~ttar. tf Retprd9r fssaay addt sr~~tsttY trtr aaY ubtfttsti,tn
<br />is+-aard iarrbl, tt sxq ttsfoe.~a flte ssli theramT as Eli ate. aitlta h[[ttan, - w4t#, +x a#tst tltt ate is mark tttrntndtt,
<br />tNt-aa7t tta[r aia].tai
<br />