-.- ~ f _ . .
<br />$1--~.iU397~
<br />tlta learns saweed by ttds [?sett of Trust sleaH contirtue unimprured. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower, this Deed of
<br />Trust stx! the obliEittions iieeutcd hitalfy shaH'retnain in fu6 force and effect as if no ecteleration had ocrurred.
<br />~. ~ si 16stalsy A~ a[ IteeNrer;' I.eNtr is Pawlsaiarr. As additional strurity hereunckr, 8orrowcr
<br />~[' hcraby W Lender ttde'rems of the Property, provi~d that Harrower shall, prior to acceleration under paragraph I g
<br />t t~sessf ~iukwttr~ttt of the Rtss~~rty, ttat+e r.~ right to efltleet and rettiin sucA rents ss tlxy become due -and payable.
<br />1 ertdieat under pattt~apit tg hatsepf or abturdanment of the Propery, Lender, in person, by agent'or by
<br />appvitBad ttttxirer, shaitbetpntttkd to enter upon; take of and manage tlx Property and to cdlect the
<br />rents of dte isrOperty irtetndatg those pas ttttt. AB rents collected Lender br the rdxiver shalt be apQlied first to payment
<br />-~ of the cab of mttttsgr~e~ o th+e Fitvpeny and cdlection of rents, including, but not limited to, receivers fees, premiums
<br />on reixiverrs-bonds atttT rearahablE attorney's recs. arid-then to the sums secured by this Deed of Tivsf. Lender and- the
<br />reretver shall lrr 1iaMe to xeitttnt Only for Nnxe-rents xtualty received,
<br />31. FMate`Airatteaw Upnrt t~f~st d ~cttrower, Lender, at Leader s option, prior to fdt rtcanveyance of ttte Property
<br />by Trwt~ to Horroirer, tatty make FFtu,tz Advanexs to Botro~r. Such Future wdvancea, with interest thereon, shall be
<br />setnared by this Deed tsf Trust wtICR evidertced by prorriissory notes stating that said notes are secured hereby. At no time shall
<br />rite prtncipat atnounrt of -the f~eidelx~itess secured by this Decd of Trust, not including wms advanced in accordance Herewith
<br />to pralect ttie aecurdy at this Dead- of Trust, exceed tHc onginat amount of the lvou plus US S -0-.
<br />- 2L ~: Upon payment of aH sums secured by this Deed of Trtist, Lender shall request Trustee [o reconvty
<br />the 1?Yopt:tty :shah strcrenckr [his Deed of Trust and .Id noes evidenci indebtedness secured by tfiis Deed aP Trust
<br />to Tniatet. Trtatee shah recotivey the Property without warranty and wk charge to the person or persons legally
<br />' eMitted thereto. Such perstm or ptnsona shalt pay all costs of recordation, if any.
<br />23. lrittdMe'1"snsloe. te•...t. , at Lender's option, msy from tune to time remove Trustee and. appoint a suceessor
<br />tttutec to aegrTrttusa appointed 'neteunder by an ittstttiiment morded in the county in which this Deed of Trust is recorded.
<br />Without cmtveyanrx of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to alt the title, power and dutiKS conferred upon
<br />' N..-Tww.r tr..:w n...t.tm smnticaAte Isa.. - -
<br />}A. !ar Netleea. Borrower requests that copies of the notice of default and notice of sale be xnt to Borrower's
<br />address wh~es the Property Addres.
<br />Ix Wetwtss WHEaEOF, Iltmower has executed this,Dleed of Trust.
<br />. t' , r .. .~'~'s'J'~ ............... .
<br />atidall 'a ~ s -9orrowt+
<br />t:t1L'yit G. USVit4.......... -.6orrowar
<br />STATE os:• NElittestcx, ...... ball ............ . ..................County ss:
<br />Ott this , , . , . , , 2lsd, , , , . ,may ~, ... Julq, .. _ , ..., 19...`x} before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly ettm.~tissimted and gttatified for said count , personally came... 4ane3s11, D.. Davis, and...... .
<br />........
<br />Rath4'yn_ L. Aatvia t huabaad stud w- ga , , , . _ , , , , „ to me known to be the
<br />...... ............................
<br />identical persmits) whose natt~(sl are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />thereof to be ...... their. , vottuttary set arnl deed.
<br />~, -Grand Island ....in said county, the
<br />Witness hams and notarial seat at ...................................... .
<br />date aftxesaid. q
<br />My cantmission expires; z~ t i`t$'3 ` '
<br />tt1N~.°flatl ~taWlata eSdary r'u41et
<br />tttfttl'
<br />rrt#as.t4t`.taysRtaq ttEt?USST F4t2 RECONVEYANCE
<br />To TBttsTt~:
<br />The tutd¢t5igued is the holder of the Holt: or notes scoured by this Deed of Trust. Said note or notes, together
<br />with ad! other itttkbtcdt~ss sabred by this Dead of Trust, Hare been paid in furl. You are hereby directed to cancel
<br />sad ttptc a ttpte5 and this Deed of Trust, whicH are delivered Hereby, and to reconvey, without warranty, all the
<br />et9tatC ttaw tteki hY you under this Deed of Trust to the person or persons legally entittai thereto."
<br />hats :............................ .......-- •_.........................................
<br />t`:O+~e.ISltow TAiz lint Rsasrv~0 Fw Lender anG RarRrtlarf
<br />