<br />8I-~)0~34r58
<br />- This Mort~e'isertteiediiito-betwetKi I7f9F4ID8: E. A1VI7GA aftd PHYII,IS I. ANQRINGA~
<br />I )'ik aild T~i.fe (herein "Ii3ortgag~ow') ana
<br />f ?ice "~ ) (H~ .C 3$I.7. Gravid- Islarrl; Nebraslra
<br />{herein ,.~a~Be~„~-
<br />A4ot°t~or is indebted to-MOrt77u the priricipai sprit of 5 20000.00 , evidenced bg Mortgagat's note
<br />" tptad ";~ ~, ~ iberein "Note"'j providing for payments of principal-and interest, with the balance of the-
<br />.. tudebtedaess, ifsot sooner paid, due and payable an..._____ Jtute- IA. 1984- ,
<br />Tunecta+¢ the peyttsent of fire Noti!, with interest as provided therein; the paymettt o[ all ether earns; with interest,
<br />adir~soed by #ee to protect the security otthis Mortgage, and the perforirtstscnof fire covettants andasgre8meats of
<br />tke ~oat~ eonhirfed herein, Moregagot• does hereby mortgage and convey to MosYgcgee the fotiowing ~de~di~d
<br />..- ~operty located is ~'+~ ~_.~"_ Cauaty, Nebraska:
<br />. Ivt E>7t>r {43 Foss 7heastee~x Subdivisficxt, Hall ~otatty, N~taska
<br />Together with-sit buitdinga, ittrywvemeats, ^xtures, streets, alleys, passagFways. eaxments, rights, privileges and
<br />appurtenaacea located thFVeon or in cnywisF petr.asniag thereto, and the rent, sssut~, and profits, reversions and reataindeis
<br />- thereof; ittcindi;~-but aM iitnited to, heating and coaling equipment and such personal property that is attaeitad to.tAe
<br />intpra3vemenas sa as to corsstiiute a fixture; all of rrbicit, irriludittg tepiacxatencs acdadditians thereto..is hereby declared
<br />- W.6e a-tit of the: rdd estate-secured by the lien of this MortgagF aud~ati-o€ the foregoing being referred to hensia as the
<br />«p~ryt,.,
<br />Moor ttrrther eonvenantt and agrees. with Mortgagre. a, t'oltows.
<br />1, Payasertt. To pay the indebtedness and the intert~t thrrrau as proridFd in-this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />2 T-tir, Mortgagor is the owner of the Property. ha+-the right and authanty to mortgage the Properly, and
<br />warrtaats that the lies erected hereby is a first and prier lien cru rise Pr.~ierty, except as sway otherwise be set forth berairt.
<br />[~Tbr.-P[pparty.tss4ir,"mot toe wb r' `. _.~..':X~_~~..Bd~t1k Of GLs3t1d Z~Zdlld
<br />as" L~ctatn tpr"~0°SE
<br />iathe Most, retto~d . of the Mortgagr Iteeruds of ____ Hdll__. county,
<br />- - ;de$ry3}~, ttrltich-~ is a ties-prior to the lint emated hereby. -
<br />C~t)thewpriorlkasoreacumbsaneFS:__-.__...__ .._.___ ..-_.....".___.____..__-__, _.-_
<br />$. Tazeq Aaeaementc Ta pay- whea due alt taxr4 spraial assessmrnt3 and atf other eharges.against the Property.
<br />=14d, Ypon arritten dewaad by ~, to add to the paymFRts required urlde! the Nate SQCaled hereby; 3nCb amount. as
<br />miy be sufticiettt to eaitble the MorigttgeF to pat such taxis, assessments or other charges as they become date.
<br />A. taottttaoe. Ta,keep-the imptovemrnts flow or hereafter located on .the real Fstcia descriiseA hercia insured,
<br />IaY ~t+a an$stteh"otltef hattar+~ as k7~tg~e stay require; in antGtutts sad. wiEb compautes aceept24ie tothe:_
<br />-~ iY~atc, ;ed, wi;b I~p?ayabte 14t fbF Mazctpagee. -n C35€ of Io;s under such policies the Mortgagee is authorized-ta -
<br />a'~'~, o attd eotttptc~inise, is .its diYCretian, ap ciaim5 ttserFUader at its sole optioa, authortzed tof!itTferepp{yttte
<br />. l~ tat the, resEc~ttart of lice; Property ar ups LttF ittdet}tetiaess secured hereby, but payments, h~+eundec-shpU ion-.
<br />tiaoe vrttil tlx:sunlasecsaied hereby arPpaidia full.
<br />S. ~`} ~erev: i'er T1~ vad fna>tbraaee: ~iativithstantiing sat thing coataiaed in parggnphs 3 sad 4 hereof to the
<br />contrary. Mot~agor shalt pay to tic M®tte et tiitx tiuae af, #ia} ing the asonthiy irzstatlt~tns of prinaspad snarl }pretest..
<br />ostefia'eifih of the yeasty tpsas; nge~rtatvits; brzard lnsurcacx prensiatta~ anA grauad -teats (if aayl which r~+ty atttdn a
<br />. priority uvH[ t@is biort;c{e, a}lras-raaapajahiy-e>itimatrd f€o~ tit7te to time by the Matigisgee. The amwtnta so ptstE-be
<br />AoRi by tEe hfortgirgke autrtut ihtei;aat -tad applied w the paytaeut aC theststra; in iespert- to srhtcb attcisanaounts:ware
<br />dcpt,cad. 'iSe rafts paid iu ~ (sE. tA.B«-. ~ %~viF : as sr~'.:,o^..:1_sect:.-it; cos Lhx lnslel~~dt~ss x~cu_red §y this
<br />• 7doctgisgorsiiaU pry is ~e the tunatr,t stf any deCieiency betwFea the actual -tcxes, aasrsarortits, insurance
<br />panmittnat and puvrtd rerttti acid thr oeinrs#t.hetctihdrr Kithira- ill tla}a after dempnctts autdr ttp~t Mortor regtagatia;
<br />ptysttFnt thereof:
<br />@. R~tyu. ~4bttaoaace atilt t'se. 't'ar prampyy tvpatr, ter~tvte ar:rehaitd-aHy building6orirnproveruants ~tv ur
<br />hcthaslrat ou the Property. W k4wF t-x Pnipetty in gouti corydluon stir! rrparts ivlrhuut. vsalctr, aat3 fr>?e from nrec~saaic's ar
<br />nahcr has oar exiwstity ~yba:dir+ato+t to the lien hen~of: sot to matse, ;after ar peraut atty. nsriaance to extat, nor w dimia-
<br />udt o: irgpalr tht r~istc of tine PmPrrt}- t~' iwl" rct *u sw3im~E+wt to x~, 7md-ttt a~trttrty rritb a## req/ticettreats of :taw with
<br />fvrapwt!i te, t1-v tfk~prt¢}.
<br />