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r <br />8~"'.jlur~~~? <br />8. If he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at <br />its option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum <br />owing on the above note, sha}1 be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />far ie the principal indebtedness. <br />7. Upon-request of the lortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and de}leer a supplemental note or notes <br />for the sum or sums advanced by biortgag~ee for the alteration, modernization, or improtement made at <br />the Mortgagar'a retluest; ar for maintenance of said premises, ar for taxes or assessmentq against the <br />same, and for any other purpose elsewhere authorised hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured <br />hereby an a parity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were ineiirded in the note first <br />described above. Said supplements} Hate ar notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin- <br />cipai indebtedness and shat} be payable in appmtcimately equal monthly payrnenta for sdch period as may <br />- be agreed upon by the 4iartgagee and Mortgagor. h'ailinq Ut agree vn the maturity, the whole of the sum <br />or sums so advanced sha}! be clue and payable thirty (g0I days after demand by the Mortgagee. In no <br />event aha}I the maturity extend beynnd th? ultimate maturity of the note first described shave. <br />t~. lie hereby aseigns, transfers and acts veer to the Mortgagee, to he applied toward the payment of <br />_ the Wort and a!1 earns secured hereby incase of a default in the perfnrmanee of any of the terms and rnndi- <br />tsnns of this mortgage or the said nvtc~, ail the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mort- <br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and the lortgagee <br />strait have power tv appoint any agent nr agen tt may aet2lre ar a purpose a yen tng a sour co - <br />lecting tilt' rents, t`et't•nURa an21 tncrtme, and !t may pay out of said 2nCa2tlPS Ail neCeSAaC}' eamm29alOtta and <br />expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of colleaciing rentals therefrom; the balance <br />remaining, if any, to tze applied lost^ard the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness. <br />9. Fie will continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type ar t pea and amounts as Mortgagee <br />may from time to time rewire, on the improvements now ar hereafter on said premises and except when <br />payment for all-such premiums }tae theretofore tx-en made under (nl of paragraphL hereof, tt°itl P$Y <br />promptly when idue any premiums therefor. I`pon de#auit thereof. 33ortgaizee may pay the same. All <br />insurance altars tre carrit^r+_ in companies appravrtd by the 1lartgagee and t}te pviicit:s rend renewals thereof <br />shat] be hrid by the 3tortgaRCe and have attach€~rl themty loss paI•able taauses in favor of and in foem <br />acceptable to the Stvrtgageve. In event of iras3 liaKgagar n-ilI gzce immt•diats? nrztice bp- mail to the Mort- <br />- gagtte, who tzzay maiic prrx,f vt lass if not made promptly h,y 33vrtgaytor, r.,} each Insurance company rvn• <br />corned is hereby autltorsxcei trod directed iv make paymr•t2t tar such },,,,s d:nriio to the t4artgagee Instead <br />of to t}lc ~isirt~f~ar auci- ~+t~ ~ ;oini}y, :and the insuranc= } r,r any pat•t thercrof, <br />Wray be apt'}itt~•t;~t~~ag4~_at t vptian either to thc: rerluctivn of the it:c}r~F~ka~+in„ss hr_rc:by sr~urcd <br />yr to the r+•stpxrit~`itn at' M'S`pSIZ .r(t~t„ arty damagrrl. In e•t~nt aC f rtrc tr.sure .:f this mortgage, or ether <br />trxntcf$r of tiil> laA,e iztuetgitgwl t3` to extingu2.;hment aE the ,ut ;t+^cit:::s ecuced }tereby, .tit <br />risr<ht, title arul ittteax-st .,f thr ~iartgagvr !n arisi iv az2y insurance pulic,:~:. t}_,•n :n t,u'ce ?;hall pass to the <br />pure'haser ur Krantz. <br />l4. ~ additivnai 2ir,u : „llateral ~erurtty for t }2y Flap2neot r.f the rtt=te~ «l. ~, r;'.a rl, a22tri all sztms to t;~nlne <br />due tender this zttt~rigaeK.•, thr• jinrigagor }2rrrity at.•~yiitn~ ter itir ~ivrtgage•t• :tl} iea4e lxlnuses, profits, rev.a- <br />uzn~4 toys}ties. eighlzs, ett,d utlzer ixrt2etits acet^tting tti then :43ortgugttr under stn; anel ail ml anti gas }ea3es <br />Harr, rr during the hfe of th2s tnorigage, rtie=utrel cn wed pretni, a 2Lh thr right t3 r~_~r.•it=v ante receipt <br />fnt• the same an.i apps: them to raid utdebtr,~.Int~: xb sac}! t!~•fure- aA zzEtr•r r,c3fau;t in the cuttditions oC this <br />mortgage, and the ~Ivrtgyg=rr Wray detnani, :rue f€tr and r~uaer say such papist=.nts tthen <}ue anek pay- <br />able, trot shat! lH3t bi rc-tµtare.i act to du, This ausi,ig:utwnt 2S to terrnu2ate at2,i bc-cutrtez 22uii and v~nid upon <br />release of this mat•tgage. <br />I i. He shall awe commit ~+r hermit rtasix; seed s}call tztaitttaizt Lhe property ;n as gtxxl eonditivn as at <br />preuw;t, reasirttatric crest a2xl tear exceptec}. I`pvn any failure to sa ntaintai72, wivrtgagee, at its option, <br />Wray exuae reasvltab}€• ntair2it-22ance mark to lee lrerfal-med at the c«ist ut Stvrtgagor. :iny amvwttx paid <br />therefor bt i~trl'tgai;ee xl2ali L~atr intarrst :;t the rate pruvideei for in tFre principal indebG;dness, shall <br />the reupon beeante a Frart of Etta indebtedness secured by this instrument, l•atai,ly and on a parity tsith all <br />other indebtedness x~;urcKi }zez~eb>, and s3tall izr payable thirty 43t3} days <ifinr demand. <br />12. 1f the Irz•emises, ar any part thererf, be coltdemned u2tder the Irntte2• erf r=minent domain, nr <br />acyuircd foe a pul,hc use, the tlamagc+s awarded, the pruceeris far the takir2g af, s7r the cvnsideratian fur <br />8UC"tY a~gUt=4lt2aT4 Ln tttl• PAtE+nt t+T the full antnUnt at t.lte Cemaining U72paid mdetttedttess k'ei:Ui'ad tr,V thla <br />mvrtgatge, ar hereby assigned tv the 14For'_gag~, aztd shag}1 ire paid fartha ith to said ~•fvrtgagee, tv be <br />applied va a+:cuunt ul the }out ntatuz•ing installments of such indebtedness. <br />i3. If the 93vt•tgagvr fat}s to retake an} lwynzent_s syhen due, ar ter ccrnfve2n to and comply with any <br />of the cvaditiutts ar agreema<nts cnntained izt this 2nvrtgage, yr the notes tzllich it setiurer, then the <br />entice pri3uipsl s~lan at2d ae~;rzzeti interest shall st ,rnre t;~ma duc• anti Frapabie, at the elt?<aian of the <br />aiartgagete; and this atvrtgage tttay' thereupon be foreclosed irntnt;Kiiately for the tyhnle of the inclehted- <br />lxxs hereby attiu.-tKl, =ncIu«fittg the cost of extruding tktQ abstrata of title front the date of this mtrrC- <br />gaga tat the time rrf evtnmr:z2,:irtgauch suit, a reasonable attorney's fz~e, and anti sums paid by the t'eterazts <br />~idtaiaiskrativn ors, account of flee guaranty or h2.~urance of the indelrtednc•as uecurcKl hereby, alit rrf which <br />shall-be it+clude<l in the eiecreze of folcclosure. <br />34. it-the ittdei~asincas s4~ure~ri hereby bQ gttaratttearrl ar insured under Titre ;18, i_'nrted States t;nr}e, <br />sacs-'f` ahd Ltiatiurts ia~ut*d tttereundvr and is e(tQet on the bate harr~of :shall govt rr. thu rights, r#uties <br />at~i iiatbi6ities €tf parties hereto. told any pravisiolzs of t}tie ar other instruments 4~xr=1:tttetl in rrinns~ Linn <br />tv"lth said i;tedtx~ ~vhieh arse inrvtlsiaient with said 'title ar Regulakiunts are hrz°eby altzended to <br />~tnft~xtt Ito, <br />1'~e coos*natt#,~ he!^ain cents#uea! shall biztd, suet the benefits and a;lvantages shall inure: to, tht~ <br />