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<br />,~ <br />N40RT'CaAGE $ ~ -' f.) u 3 4 l ~ - <br />TFtiB IT}D?LE19't7R$, uuds tfW __.. _...25t12_...-_....._d.y of~.__.1un~._..___.--.----.___.._~... 198L, by-sea hetsten <br />J.inda_M Rookstoo'[__att~_lSent~iftok~t~l, ~~.:tuid~llti~and <br />of _1'~7 a 1 county. raet+ruka a, mongegw s axtd Hntne R~darst s¢vit,ga ¢ta co.n Aspduioe ot<Trand-}~loa...etirponfioe <br />orgenlotd attd erhtfng under tltt fawn of the Untied 3tatts of Attterfca wiM iu prittcipai offiioe std piaoe of buaitteas at ftgied ialaaE, ~1Nsbretfiiii'aa <br />mortis/ee: <br />W17'WES§E7'{{: That safd mortgagor _ e __, for and in cotnitkntion of the aura of - ~ - - -- - <br />Three Thousand four Hundred Seventy-Six dollars and 61/100 ~ 3,46.61 ,, <br />the receirya of wMdt is hereby adttttawicdgad, do .--. by tttae presents naxtgaga and warrant aMO s~d~~ss~d>lud~[t :. <br />t7 - - ~. .u. <br />forever, aft fete tofiowing descritxd reef estate, siruased in the Cnunty of __.,__. Hay„~_ - . . <br />and Staee of Nebrarta. to-wit: <br />The Westerly One- <br />in Windoiphts Addition to the City of brand island, Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br />Togetluv with sU lu~tmg. etc caxWtitonmg. lighttng, and Pfumbituz eyurpment arai E-ixcures. ,:xJudtnt_t scrxcna. awnings. storm windows and <br />dson, and window ahadsa w bhmis, used oa w to ennractttm wrth sad ptnpertv, v.frether she saute am cow frxae.~ an arid. property or harenfcer <br />placed tfteraon. <br />TO }{A V F, ANU TU 1{OI.U T}fE SAME:, tngether wrth sit am} stnguier chr tenements, hernttu.nmenta and appurtenancrs thenuntu i>e- <br />looilrtR, or w aayFiae Rppertauting, twavver. and warrant the ti4Ja w the same. ?ad rnrrrgagor $ henrby <nvermttt .. with sad <br />martgaRae tbu . t }ra,y_ dTe. . ak the ddrvery hsrtuf, the Lawful owners. of [he prtsrstsea ximve conveyed and deatribed, <br />attd __..are aeircd td • goad oral tm{etrauubfa rstxte „i enltertantr• ti,esxm. trc» aart <Jwr ui a!i encurnbrartcvs. anti that t. he,~,_. will <br />wtt[eaot esd ddsod the title tturato foreer a}tatnat ihr riauns and detna.rds of ali persrtna .. hnmmrevar. <br />k'NOVii)EL} AGW AY3, and this utturument u exacutrd anti da}rverad W e«curc the peymrnt of she sum of <br />Thr_T,Hoce~and Four Hundred Seventy-Six dollars and ~iill~AntsraJr - x.,476.61___ ,. <br />w{LA intvast tptsaon, tngethee wtth stuh charges and advances as rrxay tr_ due neat pay si,ie w xaa3 nxxxgags°e order the ta•rnss and cnntittiorts <br />of the pw~miesoey testa of even date iaaewrih amt wcurad hera+t». ~•xaeute+i by Yaai :;u,rtgagur S .n Bait( mortgagee. pnyatrlt es expnsatd <br />Sn said Dots. sod to ara:urs k}re perfwmrece of ttit ttu ieruta and cundrtaa+. ca,nsarnad ttateetr: i'he turn of said nuts am ltrnebv mrorpta^atrd <br />barrio trg then tsira~oca. <br />!t is flan iBtaatgo sod aiPtta'aseot trf tbt parties harp-co that thw :rttutgage xnaii assn 5aavrc anY future advances rmde to said mortgagur5 -- <br />by sad tettrt[agaa. sod any and all tndebtulnms m xddxtaa: to the artawnt aJx,va surard wha-i. sad mw4gagurs. w nny of there, mny owc- u+ <br />sad ttaortgpgaa. twwtevar m-tdwoxd, whether by note, hw& aurxtnt .m +.tharw tar `.'ties nx»tgxgr shall rertwm m full twee erd eflert het w-cYa <br />tba patM1iea hereto and tftev tsars, ptwumi reprxmeuutsvrs. <uccraave xnd assytns. :.nuJ niJ amounts. aecurerf hereundur, irrciudittg future <br />dvaooex. ass paid m fuf: wttb mtewat. <br />The roortia}}ru _.5-,- hateby axa,}tn . to acrd aarrcgagar x:i rants and ua:ura,e xrrautg at any anal ntl times fnrm sxrd prup.•rty amt <br />hartby aaetiorw sad mnrtgagra ur fa agent. nt us :+ptan. •:pun .Jntauwt. to take charge of sxrd prnptrtY ¢rtd cotiect ali rants and tra~urnr <br />tbatafrom asd. apQly tltr name to the payment of ertfarrxwt. :anrurpai. insunacv pramtums. taxcc, acstalatuanLV, rr}mus or unprtrvemrnl-> <br />~at7 ta.ttasp~.asid.Qsagwety m taettwahk ta+ndtt~, ur to utha cLargxe w payrwtau prtna}ed for bnein tx in tltr Deft- iureby aw:ttrtd. 'l'ists <br />rant asngatmrot ehtdi ewttioue ie felts until tba unpad halanex ai sad earls is toile pa.d. T'he Caftirsg of puaarasara ttareurdur shall in rem manner <br />proveot nr retard said mongsiea in the, .,t sxai sums by :~xc+:i.u.uxe ur .:. esrrw tse <br />Ths!nittrot ttte thottgsgee to tsaer4 ssy of its rights bereunttta at xny tttta= sha"tI not fee con~ruett as a waiver of its right to ¢seert the <br />eaMtt aG arty faW ttme, std W insist uptw and enforce strict rnrttptancr a,th aiS the vans neat provisoes of sa.c rcty and of this rreurtKnga. <br />!t said tarot $ s{ta}y cauaa la be pant tv su.d mart$ag~ 4fte antue amw,n4 duo v. iaxunder, xral ulster flea lento and }a, <br />of said tY~b ltttsahy aaeetrd. itsrhafipi furore advaacoa. std any extanaasns ar rota>waL khenurf in accordance wttb the scents anti prnvtsons <br />4balaat, and ~ Ytd _ 5„ a}aW taraply wish ali the provxtasts at _caxl ante xsd of thix tnurtgaga, that [t,ese prtranpfa sMlf he vtrid. <br />cthetarias to rawly nslta~ twos sad t'ttrKl.. sod acid trwctga~t ayuii baanirtivd to th¢ puasesswn of ayl of aavf property, and may, e4 its upturn. <br />drLra tits raltotl~sd ttyd eWe aed a~ ~ tr¢txklatxsd tArreby to he tmnsa{iauy due and payable, artd my fnreck+a+!: tlem na.Ntgage <br />ae la~f soy ntLLar Oga} to ta'otset_its right.:lpprttiaeritattt waived. <br />`FAis shall ba yNOdlhg uflnts send a1,a1; store W ifar benefit t>t tft« Ireus, eaecuwrs. adrnuttatrattus. sucresaors and assigns ut the <br />rggersrra paR}as harexo- <br />!K 7i i•3~3}5ti tN{}ElLY.t7l. sad Mtrn.}}agur S.. itrt-y~_ Fwrauntu .wx. their' tined .g.... We day and year first at+o.,..' <br />mlaeie. - <br /> <br />