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' _ . . <br /> - _ , _�,= i _ ,N _ <br /> - ' : - - . - - _ . -_ ;�_.. <br /> ° ��, .� -- --__-- -- -----y- - <br /> - -; . — -- -- . . . _ _ . . ... _ - <br /> _ -- -_�.��� - � . � � : = 4� . _ �2--1±00�99� � �. .: <br /> _ . - ;`. . . . _ . . � <br /> ` �.,.�P�f►W s4 Wau,a d.n�:4�d��M f�.«,.opfbn.,tn Ns tol..nd.b.oWl.d�era�o�b.�„�wd,P{oo..d�. �. <br /> ° �drduetkg tl�Nran aH coW and e�P�nNS inc�rred b!I n in sonr�don witA aucA Proc�.upon+ny Ind�M�dr�a�rb <br /> , . . �.- h�nbY artd in such OrdM is�r maY dsl�rmirrs.ot 10 ipply ait such P[ccNda.a[Mr fueh d�duCtlon�b itN nMowYort d 1!� <br /> vroo•�►w�+�+coi�a��on•.s�.na.�mn►a.�+�Mr wv��a aroc.eas a��a.era�...s���.�a«a a vaivao• <br /> �n.awa�f.ot ang parm.ea ondar a�e Nou.«curs.fir d�hu�c thareund.r or n�r«ma.►A�r�navv++.d fubs�au a.oatd b .: <br /> , Tru�lOr. • <br /> _ .�.�bY!,#nd�r.Upon thEa�urrence ot an Event ot OetaulttNreundir.or it ury act is taken a t�1 prac�sdinp <br /> comm�nC�d whkh matsrWly aifsch Lsr�det's i�0erestin the Prcp�rlY.l.eri�t msjt in Rf own di�id�6,n wiUiotit k��tD� <br /> sor.and irithout notics to or demand upon Tn�.stor and widra:�t rai�atin�Trus�trom ury obli�atia6 �Y <br /> - a��sed but fafts to Qo and may atso do am►olher sct it deams necesssry to prats�t the�acurity hereoL�rustor shW.imm�di�Nty <br /> uppn danan0lnenta Ey Lender.PaY to Lendar ali cosband expenles incurtsQ�nd aums e�P���Lnfdet lp Connecfion with <br /> ihe eacercis�by L�nde�of tAe 1oreQain�ripf�b.toaelher wiFh in�satthereon attde deh�it rsteprovidsd�n the Nais.�wl�ich shaUDR <br /> iddsd b 1M Ind�6bdneas ae.ure4�ebS►Len9K stall not incur any Gability bec�uss ot drtythinp it micy dn ar omk 1D do <br /> fiareundsr. . <br /> 9.Hazada�Ma�tlsM.Trustor shatl keep the Prope�ty in eamptianca with atl epplicabb taw�.ordinances and resutat(ans <br /> relaGnQ to indasbial hy�iene or erniroamemal protecdon(co�lectivaty refened to herein as"Environmealst 1-aws"!.7rustor�1 <br /> keepths?ropgrtyireeframatisuhshancesdeemedtobe�azardouawloxicnrtderanyEmironmentalLaws(calter.tivalyceteRedto . <br /> herain as"Hasardous Msteria(s'1.Trustor hereby warrd►►b and represents to Lende►that there are no Hazardous Materials ors or <br /> undetlhsFwl�etty.Trustorherabyapree.�ta�ndemnif�and ho!d darmfeaslsnder,itaCirectors.oi8cers,employeesandagents.and <br /> any succesaors to Lei�dela interas�from and ag2inst�ry and all ctaims.damages,losses and liabilittes arising In carsrsection wflh <br /> fhe pre�ence.use,dispqse!er transport ot any Hazardqus Mateciats ort,under.hom or about the Progerry.THE 60REtiO1Nt; <br /> - yy�pAANT(ESANp pEppESENTATiONS,AND TRUSTOR'S OBLIGA7fONS PURS!lANTTO THE FOREG0ING tN09WNRY.SHALL <br /> � StJAYNE fl�CONVEYA�QE 7ttIS QEEOOF'I�iUST. • <br /> t0.AMi�M�t aE�ii=Trustor fiereby assipnS��ender the re�t9.tssues and profits of fie Prope�ty:pior"ded 1h3t Trustor <br /> yhalb ur�it![ieoccurrence6fan Event ot 0elault hereunder.havethe�Qhtto caitectand retain such��rtts.9ssu�andDrafitsas tl�eY <br /> __ � trecpme clr.�e�and�iaya6t�tfpon the occurrence ot a�Event oi Defaulf,Lender may.either in person or by agenk witt►or without <br /> bringitp a�r ac�ar�arpraceeding.or 6y a receiver appolnted by a court and without rega�d to tne adequacy oE itssacurIty,enteF . <br /> c�pon and ffike possessTan afthe Rroperty,orany paKthereof,in its own name or in 1heRame of the Tnistee,and do�►ry acts whicA H _ <br /> *�eemsneeosaaryordesirabtetopreservethevalue,marketabilityor�entabitiryolthePraperry.oranypaRthereotorinterestMerein. _ <br /> � :rrciease the irtcome therefrom ar protect the securiry horeut anQ with ar+vithout faking pcgs,ession of the PropeRy.sue for or - <br /> atherwise coltect the rents,issues and pronts thereot,including[hose past due and unpaid,and apply the same,less cosfs aas•d_� __. <br /> expenses of operationand collectifln inctuding attomeys'tees,upoaa.►r�irtdebtedness secured hereby,aI)in such orderas Lender. <br /> �nay determtne.The enierirtg upon and�king pclssessioa.of the Property,the eoltectian of such cerns,issues andprofits and the <br /> � ' application thereof as atoresaid,shalt not cure or waive any defauft or notice ot deta�lt hereunder or invali�?'s�?i act done in _ <br /> ; responsetasuchdefauftorpursuantWS��chnoGceotdetauftan�,notwithstandingihecontinuance;�s�ossess�a?.atsi�ePrapeAyor _ <br /> , � the collecnon,receipt and appl�cation o!�rents,issues or prafits,and T�usiee and Lender shall la�e°t��d'���se every right <br />_ ` provided for ln any of the loan Inst►urrerrts or by law upon accunence a.f sny Event oi Default,i�c�,�i�g veilhCeit 1'smitation the right <br /> to ex2rcisethe power oteale.Further.Lender's rlghts and remediea ua�c�*.his paragraph shall ba«fu,r,ulative wittl,and in no way a <br /> �I+mitation an,tende�s riglttsand remedies under any assignment ot le�s 2nA rents record�dagairt§t the Property.Lender,Trustee <br /> and the receiver sfiatl be ra�'e to account onty for thosa rerKS actuafsy re"ceive0.� ;. <br /> �� 1f. Ewnb of ONa�dt.�t"�tollowing shal:censtitute an Event ot Qe�uit under'�r;s Deed o1 Trust = <br /> .`,; (a) Faiture to pay any instaltment of principal or iMerest of ac�,41her sun'sesured hereby when due; _ <br /> (p}A breach of or defautt under a�y provision wntained in th�irate,this Oeed ot'frust,any ot the Loan Instruments,or any � <br /> other tien or encumbrance upon the Pr�perty: <br /> �• � (c�A writ of execution or attachmEnt or ar�y similar process shall be e�tered againstTrustor which shal{became a lien on _ <br /> �,' the i'roperty or any portion thereaf cr interest th�re n; _ <br /> •� •� (d)There Shall be filed by ot a�alnst t►ustae ar�8orrower an action un0er any present ur future tederal,atate or other , <br /> ' r � statute,taw o�regutatlon retating ta bank� or other reliet for debtors;or there shall be appolnted any trustee, _ <br /> �r; receiier or liquidator oi Trastar or Barrower or ot atl or any part o1 the Property;or the renta,issues or profitathereof,or Trustor - <br />- - or Borrowet shall make any gener�i sssignment toe the beaeiit oi creditars: - <br /> - (e�The sate,tranater,lease,assignmeM,conveyance or further encumbrance oi atl or any paR ot or any interest ia tEse = <br /> �'�.��. - , properdy,either votuntarity or lnvoluntarity,without the express�vrftten consent ot Lender,provideG that Trustor sha?� _ <br /> ' �• ���,�, � permittedtoexec�teaFease olthePropertythatdoeAnotcontainanopiiontoourchaseandthetermolwhichd�esnotexcPed - <br /> ;:.'•'„' one year. - _ <br /> : .� (q Abandonment of the Propeny:or � ° <br />`�'r ��: • �EtTrustorunotanindlvldua�,theissuance,sale,transfer.assignmenl,conveyanceo�ercumbranceG`•cnorathana*�:.�f _ <br /> -'�'. �) percent of(it a corposation)its issued and outatanding stock or(ita paRnersh:��a�.atat a!` percent of � <br /> • paRnershlp interesls Quring the perlod tfiis�eed ol Trust remains a Ilen an the Properry. _ <br /> � - 12. R�dNs:Aeett�►atbn(lpon ON�ulf.In thg event of any Event of Default Lender may,withodt noUCe ez�3pt as required b�r <br /> law.deC�aro al!indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall there;�pon became due an0 payabte e <br /> •� ';a . , wlthou!24:��resentment.demand,prm�9'�t or notice of any kind.Thereaftsr Lender may: F <br /> (a)Demand that Truatee ex�e"�50 the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustp��d��thereafter caus9 Tru�tor's % <br /> ` �+- . . Interest ln the Properly to be sold a�a the ptoceeds to be distributed.all in the manner pro�r�'ed In tho Plebraska Trust Oe�ds � <br /> ` Acx � <br /> .,. (b) Exerclse artp and a,l�ighte provided for ln any of ihe Loan Instruments ar by law upon occurrence of any Event ot ; <br /> Oelauit and , j; <br /> �;... (Cl �mmenceanaottontofare�sosethisDeedofTrustasamo�tgage.appaintarecen��:.arspeciticallyeMOrceanya°#!�e � <br /> ' covenanie he►eoL � F <br /> � � No remedy fterein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee ar Lender is,ntended to be exctus;:`?a`.Gny Other remedy hereln,i*�r,e � <br /> Loan tnsbumenta or by Iaw provided or permitted,but each sha116e cumutaflve,sha�l be in�:::rtan tc every ather remedy��v:n ; <br /> hereunder,tn the loan tnsVUments or now or hereafter exlsting a!law ar in eqwty or,by atatute,and May be exerc(sed conCUrrently, ; <br /> indepnndently or successlvely. <br /> �'�F.�:. 13. Tru�ts�.7he 7rustee may resign at any time wishaut cause,and tar�er ma�at 8ny t���9 and without C8ua9 appcirst g <br /> "r '"�' successo�ot substituteTrustee.Trustee shal{�ot be Hable to any part5+.i.^.cr:iC��?�withou!IimitaBOn L�ndet,6orrowar,Trustar orr�ry <br /> . purchaser ot the Property,ier any toss�r damage untess duoto rea�les3 or,N,t��u4 misconduct,anCsnall not be required totaH'a r�;r <br /> .. •,.I�� action in conaectivn with the antorcement ot this Oeed of T►ust untess indemnitled,(n writing,(ot aIl Co9ts:compensa�an �r <br /> ' d.:,r .• � . expenses whiCh m8y be associated therewith.In additlon.Trustee may 69come a purchaser at any sate ot tha Property�udic�al or <br /> • - - � under the power ot sace granted hereln};postpone the sate c1 at1 ar any portion o1 the Propertyr,as provided by law;or sell the <br /> J; �E:.:•�_�••s.� Property as a whote,o+in separate parcels or tots at Trustee's dlscretlan. <br /> ..�,-;�. • -. !4, fyy�E�cp*aa�tn the event Trustee selts the Propetry by exerclse of power of sate:Trust�e shall be entitled to apply <br /> ..ts.}.. ;. <br /> '� ,;;�},, ,... � any sate proceed�firat to payment of a0 costs and expenses of exercising power ot sata.inctuding a1 Trustea's fees,and Lender's <br /> ' • <'r= � ' gndTrustee'�attorney'atees,actuatty lncwred to e�teni perm'tted by applicable taw.In the event 8orrawer or Tr�sstor exercisesany <br /> �-��`� - righl provided by!aw to care an Ever�!of 08fan1�Lender sha�l be entitivd to r�covor irom Trustor at1 casts and expenses actualty <br /> � , �54v'4'�;s . � tncurred as a�esult of Trustor'�delault lnctuding without limlTatlon all Trust�s and attome�l's teas,to tha extent permitted by . <br /> .i_�,_._..,,. . aPP��cabtelaw. . <br /> -_-_ - -���—';-�u _ . tb. FtNUri Advarte�r.tlpoo request of•Eotraw�r.f.c;nd�r{ts opti<srs,r�aka�cld�sio�a!unQ ti,et�ue asivanasa and re- . _ <br /> � � � :Y:_- ' aQvances ta Bormwe�.Such advances and readvance�wlth interest theraon,shatl be secured by thls Oeed o!7rust At no time shall <br /> � °�~' -��� ` � th�prtrtcipal amount of the Indebtedness seeured by th1s Oeed of Trust,not Qm4�.�s advanced to pratectlhe security ot this <br /> • � - �r' ��'- = beed o!TrusL exceed the orlglnal prineipal amount state0 herein.or 5 -----whichever is greater. . <br /> -�,::y_-+,;-+*. _ ,:.,. _ _ . _ . <br /> -.. _ ,._.' . . <br /> . , ,.. <br /> - - <br /> . . <br /> . ,..,. ------ --. <br />