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8I--0(i340i <br />MORTGAGE. v _~ _-__-- <br />MOR'fC.AGE LOAN NO. L 23,96') <br />KNOW ALL MF.N BY THESE PRESENTS: That ,7~s D. Croodwin and Colleen M. Goodwin, each in his <br />and 1)Qr CRVt1 right and as Spotase of each other, Mortgagor, whetfter one or more, in oostadentitm of Nsa met of <br />~t•v}v 'P7vn3c.3n[3 3rtri_ N~t/~00--.~--~~-_=~-------- - -- IYN-t .are <br />ktarted to said mortgagor by The Fquitabk 9uitding and t-uatt Aswttiati[xt of Grand la)and, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 2~~ - alauae rsf ttOtsct of _ <br />Sid ASSOCIATION. Certifi[zte Nn. 1. 23x967 , do hereby grant, convey and rtnrrtgage unto the aid ASSOCIATION-the fo8owr~ <br />describsd real estate, situated in Hatl Cmmly, Nebrasks~ , <br />IfJT ONE HUPIDRED FIF'PSt ONE (151) IN BUI.3QP.VISTA <br />Si)BDIVZSIONr 1\N ADDITION 'IC? TII>/' CITY OF ~2AND ISLAND, <br />FIAI,L t~Cltl'1"!, NEEiRA.SKA. <br />together weth aU the tcxteruertts. ttereditarrtrnu and appureenanm ttterrtmm Mlemgtng, tttcludiag atttreived floor rxtveritrgs, >n tviodor (tame, <br />wistdow sltatta. ttlirds, stoma wirtdttvrs, awnrttRs. hgitrgt. au cundsttonu[g, and piumbvtg aril wattr equipment a~ atteaones thereio,pettya,stosea, <br />refrigentrsrs. and outer fixtures aad equtpnxnt Hour str hereafter attached to ue used m conrrectivn with aid real estate. <br />Ant tvttexcu the said mtxigagor has agreed and d[tca hereby aYSee that the :rtaftY,attor s#eati and will pay all taxes aril attae>meeata ktrsd or <br />saacased upon said premkss and upon rhis rnortgyge aril ,itc txrnd secured themby hrfore the Sartx shall btmme tfelingrrtytt; to firmi8t approsed <br />itrsunrux upon the buiidu[gs on sett! prerrrtSes situated m the sum of 3 20 r 000.00 ~ ayabk tv said ASSOCIATION a~ to delissr to aid <br />ASStCIATION the poticxs for sad irtawan[:e: and rwi to comma or fterrmt any waste on or atwut saki pretrtises. <br />In case ul default to the perftxvtance a,. my of ibe-trrttn urd aasditiona at this rtwrtgage ur the hoed secured hereby, the trtgagee sinfl, <br />on demand, Ire rntdled to inmtediale t»n .:1 tttc rrrartpgni prrntrars amt the ;ttuctgvgor hereby assipts, [ranafets aril sets over to ttte <br />mwtgsgc aV the rents, revcntres and watrrte tv ter derived from the rmrtpagetl prenssus dwtrq sus;h trots u the mattgage utdebtednea shall remain <br />unpaid: and ttte tw[xt}spee shalt have six power to appoutt my ate¢nt w aY,cttts it may desuc f[u the pterpwe of :epavin; sad preetisea attd retsti»a <br />the carte aril [xritnmirtg tt¢ rents. revaruea atri iac[xoc, and ri may pay cnet of sad itttxtme ail s:ptnaes of re}tairirtg said premises and Y <br />usmrtnswnts aril expenses nxurred m rentutg and rtsutaprryt the wree art[i +Q wncct[rt6 rrntats iherelrom; the baiana rert»ining, J arty, to be <br />apptiert towed the discharge of sari ntwit~ ntdebtnlnras, these reghts =:r rhr =tratxaY,et stay tx exerrase[i at any tittn dnrirtg ttte existence of ss[ctt <br />detattk, urespectrve vi any tempr.ra[y wove of the curse <br />'ftecss Presents, Ftvwea<t, err upon the 1'.> rdrtax., l~ha[ tt ttrt can! MortY~gur :~hsit repay vw~ I+:tan un nr txfure the tnatur[ty u( sad iltates by <br />payrrsent: pay nrutdilY to sad .gy501'IATION +,t rite sum specrfied to the (fund severed heeby as interest and prutcipal on seal keen, on or before <br />the Twentieth day of each and every nwn[h, until sad turn a f uHY peel, pay art taxn utd assesunxnts ierte[i against sad prettsian and on this Mo[lgtree <br />aril the tkxd steered tteereby, ttefe[e delwquenc:y: twnsstt apqured rrtsw ur-s np.ur the httridrrrgs thereon m the sum of 3 20 r 000, 00 payable <br />to txid ?+5£+Ot~'lAT1tNi: repay tv aari AS.SiIi'I_ATK?ti upon du[uart alt :rtw~Y by +t pain tvr wilt taxes, xssesarttents aril ttrauranee with iutereat at <br />the ntaxinrrun kttai rate thernnt trout lots of payntcnt ail of whteft Mortgagor (keel(} stem tv irdy, perm[( no waste un sad ptentisex; keep and WrnPIY <br />with alt the agreements aril u:ndrteata of the (toed to[ 5 ZO 0~0 . QQ ~ tus tray gtwen :ry the sad Mortgagow to said ASS(X:lAT10N, aril txtmpty <br />with all rite requuemencs of the i"rxraiuutrtn card h'Y-tswa .z~ sail AS'sCJI'!A fit}Y, rhea tfxac prescrits atuU be rtrue null atad v[rid, txhuwis they <br />shaft mmato rt tun force ant twy be lwscktved at the .epirrn of tine aawi -ii4tK'tA it0N after fadws for thrr.~ months to nuke say u[ said <br />payrrenls u[ be ihrsn rtwnths w arrears to ntaks:ttt seal r[rrtihiv paYrnnts, or to keep aril wmpiy wuh ttte atreerrtents ud arrditrons of said Mond; <br />eat lforip~-v sates to hays a re~tvet appexnta,i forihwuh w rtw:tr t"crreci,sstrrs lxuceedutgs- <br />If these is any' clangs ut <twaershtp of the real csLtc nrurtY~ged treretn, try sale ur otberw[se, then tits mitre revuatsig i[rkbtedneat hereby <br />stxwed stall, at the arption of TYte Fgtdtabk ftttddntg and Loan Asrxutwn ut (;curd iala+ad, Ncbnska, hec[trrte immediately due and pyabk without <br />imttser twtis.r, sail the anatmt rrttasiniag dtrs reefer sad boat, nil ar•Y otbea 6[tod fur arty sddttwrtal advart[xs ttnrie thercttttder, shill, Fran the <br />dale of sxetcise tsf raid option, hear mtueu at the ntaxuutuu tc~d race. seer tt[ts nrrtgage (nay then M fweelrased to atisfy (rte smuunt due on ad <br />ttoad,and any other hood for adddkt»ai advattrta, t[tgtthe[ wdh ail soon part b}' sad The I;gwtabk tiuitdrng ant Wan Aseatcittlioo of Grstd 1sLnd, <br />Nebasska Ftr ittwtattx, tattle u+d assesutsents. anxt abura:twg rxtensum charges, wdh wtnard ihcrurr, fram date of payrrtent at tM rruximum <br />kpi rate. <br />Aa Horded m the Ruud starred Fxreby, while etas nwrtY,agr +=(resets m rttn:[ the rnxtgagu utay here.-afte[ adva[t[z additpna/ awns to ttte <br />makes at Sod Baad, ticn asstgus=x sua'eswn in interest, wttx:ft sums sttai7 tee wtthm rite .secwuy vt thss rarrtgagr: the .state as the frtaia urigiruliy <br />tecured the:eby, rite total acrtirunt ui p+trtctpat detx net ro extx~d at auy tm>< tyre urtgrrtat axw,w=t of rhea tnurtgsga. <br />ihted this 25 ~ ~^.day of Jiltie ;s, f)..:v &1 <br />/+t,J c . <br />.C~oc~.rup-- ~1 _.~~___~ iro c >__. <br />Collette M. Goodwin <br />ST`ATt's OF NI?.tiRASY:A, <br />C#3lgTY OF ttA£.i_ ~ ~ (hs thta 25th ~!ay of .itlftE: !9 gl . bettaa me, <br />tFs attdrrxigttcd, a Notary lhsbfic to anti for anti (: ormty, ptuauwl(y came <br />Jaales Dx Gstin atui Colleen ?~i. Crocxhrirt, each in his and her chin right and as slxxise of <br />t:aeh Lrt2'a~r, wit[( al'f; puaanstly k,town to <br />ens to bt rive Mica! ptraurs g wkwae ato_te S c?.r~ affrstd to the abcwt u.sirutnent ss ttasrtgagur S and tYttdj+ st:vesalty <br />~ the atiei eatrumeai ko be iI wEuet[auy wt sail dace(. <br />Y/fIN>'~ [rvi teat air? tfutarrat 5eai tts date ataesad- f: F . <br />kY C+xnanasavn rxpva; ~ ~ ,~ l +f „`~~_~ry , <br />"iotary Pudlic <br />~raatr as , <br />(~ <br />