<br />MOI~TGAG~
<br />
<br />
<br />This mortgage made and entered into this 29th day of June
<br />}9__$1., by and between S & R Entergrises
<br />(hertitrafttt re€etged to as mortgagor} artd Cmnetertiat Atatiotm#-Bank and-Trust Companq
<br />i•~ei•red taae
<br />mat2gagtt}, who maintains an offitx and place of busitxss at 424 W. Third stt~t;in-Grand Island,--
<br />Hall c'_ounty, Nebraska.
<br />WtTTfHSSEStf, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowltdgect,, the mortgpgpr
<br />does hereby mortgage, sett, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, iu successors at-t1 tt:ssig>!q, aU Qf the fd4
<br />towing described protxrty situated and being in the County of Hali
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast-
<br />Quarter (NW$SEta) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Eleven (11} North, itatage
<br />Nine t9) West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly-
<br />' aescr=nee as rat ows.
<br />Beginning at a point on the taozth line of said Southeast Quarter (SE>i}, said
<br />point being Forty-nine and Five Tenths (49.5) feet East of the Northwest corner
<br />of said Southeast Quarter tSE#C): thence Easterly along the North line. of said
<br />Southeast Quarter (SE4), a distance of One Thousand Two Htmdred Eighty-three
<br />and Ninety-eight Hundredths t1.283_98) feet to the Nort)teast co..ne>c.of the.
<br />Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NWStSEta); thence Southerly along
<br />the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NDItx.SE4), a
<br />distance cf Seven Hundred Eighteen and Three Tenths (718.3) feet thence
<br />cteflectitxg right 9(?o OS' and running Westerly a distance of Six Hundred Ninety-
<br />nine arxrt Fifty-six Hundredths (699.56) feet: thence deflecting left 9t?o01'24"
<br />and running Southerly, a distance of rr^ive Hundred tdinety-nitre and Sixty-six
<br />Hundredths 1599.66) feet to the South line cf said tvcrth~est Quarter of the
<br />Southeast Quarte- (NLt45E~); thence Westerly along the South line of said
<br />Northwest Quarter of the Saurheasr. Quarter (NWtiSEts), a distance of Five Hundred
<br />Eighty-seven and Party-six Hundredths (587.46} feet to a point Forty-nine attd
<br />Five Tenths (89.5) feet ;vast ;: *^e rest amine of said Southeast Quarter (SEMI:
<br />thence Northerly pexrallel to the Nest line of sofa Southeast. ~uarrot (SP.~t), a
<br />distance of One Ttousand Three Hundred 5eventeer. and Five Hundredths (Z,317.OS)
<br />feet to the piece of beginrinq; and, La* Ten (10) Eagle Subdivision, Hail
<br />County Nebras)tn
<br />together with alt the tencmeau and appurtenartres themo txlvnging, a(i the rents, issues and profits thttcaf, and aU
<br />easettterrts, rights, royalties, tninttal, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and including
<br />alt tKAtirrg, plumbing, refrigttauon, fighting, equipment and all fixtures of cvcrp description belonging [o the
<br />mortgagor now ar hereafter attached thtteto ar used in rrmncctian with the premises heron described and in addition
<br />t#temo the following described prapenies which arc and shall be deemed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, aril
<br />are a portion of the security for the indebtedness he:ein stated. tit rtane, state "Wane") Nane
<br />To have and to hoW the same unto the lv#ortgagee, as hcre~n pravtded:
<br />The mortgagor is lawfully sciztd and possessed of and has the right to sett atgi catrvey said property; [hat the
<br />sattx is free from all encumbrances except as hereinat>ove rtt,itext; and that Ahongagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defend the tick aforesaid thereto and every part [hereof against the :laimz of a!i persons whomsoever.
<br />'Phis iltsttumcnt is given to secure ttte payment of a promissory Wort dated Jitnp ~a, 1 oat
<br />in ttx priacipa! sum of S 1~t,189-?S ___ _~-, signed by Wii}iara R, Camobe2l and Bob Wheeler
<br />in behalf of J s R Enterprises_~_____.. ___
<br />a1us, as stx^tt note or txtux may from tittle to time be tnodifted, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />Ira the evMtt the tint to ~ teal estatt is transferred, or coatractod to tx transferred, from the undersigned Far any
<br />rta#on m by say ttttxhod whatsoFVer, the entire priruapa( sum and accrued inierest shat! at ante become due and
<br />payabit at the e#eesion of the ht;lder hereof. Failure to exttcise this option because of transfer of rifle as above stated
<br />in tmt itrstanoe xbtt!# not constitute a waiver of fix right to exertxae the same in the event of any subseyucnt transfer.
<br />I. The ~ cavetaartts attd agrees as folbws:
<br />a. Tts pr~mptfy pay rtx ittdtblidMSS evidenced by said promissory Wolf st the tints and in the rtxanner
<br />ttttrtin prawidad.
<br />b. T;t pay all taxes, ataessments, wttiet rafts, atxd ottttr govrrntnmtai c:r munix;ipal charges, fine, or
<br />intpctsittaas. Etta which provitttou tray not bean made tttreinbeftm, and wilt promptly deliver the offieiut reccspt,
<br />ttusefer to the said m€trtgag,~.
<br />°. '#fl pity , txpcnses and Efts as msty ~ ituurxcxf fn tlxe pratcYtian and maintenan:e <?f said ftr:rperty.
<br />tag t}x fksrs r,*t airy attortxy ~ hY the ittart€(;-gte far the sutkcttaxa cf any- ar alt of the indetstcdntss
<br />t?iay sst`3atta3. c>r fxxexaruurc t?y n~rtce`? s#te, nrtostrt'pttxcvtitt 7r iri ang e3ttltt iitt5;atiarr c=; trrcnc+cdin,tt
<br />offiCtlei~( 39tid tYtx(1EIrt-
<br />