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<br />M®RrTGAGE 8~.... uo3375 <br />This mortgage made and entered into this 24th _ day at June , <br />19__.4i~, by and between J s R Enterprises <br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Commercial National Bank and Trust Company <br />(harefnaftrrtefttrsd to as: <br />mortgagee), who main[ains an office and place of business at 424 W. Third street its Crfaed Island,.' <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />W tTtVE33ETH, that for cite consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acktrowfedged„the mortgagor <br />does hereby mortgage, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors arut assigns, aU of the fol- <br />lsawirtg described property situated and being in the County of Hall <br />State of Nebraska. <br />A tract of land in part of the NW4 of the SEAS of Section 13, T11H, R.9is of <br />_ the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as folloarsr <br />The point of beginning being the Southeast corner of the NWT of the SE of <br />Section 13, T11N. R9W of tite 6th P.M. and said point also being tfte North- <br />east corner of Eaglewood Acres Subdivision as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br />in HaI2 County, Nebraska; thence N 4°06'36" W far 599.86 feet along the East.' -- <br />line of the said NF1~SErr of said Section 13; thence S 89°56`07" W for 699.48 <br />feet; thence S 0°04'55" E far 35D.D0 feet; thence N 26°29'1Z" 8 for 223.38 - <br />feet; thence N 89°56'07" E for 273.68 feet; thence 5 0°46'36" E far 449. Z5 - <br />feet to a paint on the Northerly line said Englewood Acres 8abdivisiaaif <br />thence N 84057'10" E for 325.87 feet along the Northerly line of said <br />Eagleyrood Acres Subdivision to the point of beginning. <br />together with all the tenements and appurtcnartsxs thereto belonging, aU the rears, issues acrd profits thereof, and atl ' <br />gsemetris, rights, raga/ties, miturai, ail octal gas rights atMl profits, water, water rights, and water sttl:t:It,and'ittctgdittg <br />all heating, plumbing, rcfrigcration, lighting, equipment and elf fixtum of every description belrurg~ttg to the <br />mangagar now or hereafter attached thereto at used in conncctisxr with the prttniscs heron dtscribed sad fn atklitirxt <br />thereto the following described propenies which arc and shall be deemed to be fixtum and a part o€ the realty, and <br />arc a portion of the security tar the indebtedness herein stated, flf noire, state "mare") Norte <br />To have oral to hard the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided: <br />the mortgagor r5 IawfuUy Seized and possessed of and has the right to ssU arm cs>avep said property; that. tf~ <br />same is free from a!l ertetrmbrances except as hemnabowe recited; aril that Mortgagor cove~ats to warrant atxl <br />dsferrd the titk a(aresaid thereto and every pan thereof against the claims of all perverts whomsoever. <br />This insvtrment is given to secure the payment of a promissory Hate dated Jug 22, 1483 <br />in the principal sum of 3 '{lLJ6.38 ___.__ ,signed by William R. Camabel2 and Hob Wheeler <br />in behalf of S s R Enterrr~ses _ <br />also. as such Hate or traces stay from ritrrc to time be modified, rrnewed or extended in writing. <br />In the ranerrt the title to said real cststt i3 transferred, ar cantractcd to be trarrsierred, from the ttndersigtred far any <br />reason or by nay ttrsthod whatscxvcr, the rntirc prirxipal sum and accrues! interest she!! at Dace becsurre due arui <br />papabk at the election of the Bolder hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfef of title as above stated <br />is erne instance shall trot constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of any subsafuent vattsirr, <br />Tim rrrprt#tyor covenants ate agrees as faIlaws: <br />a. To promptly pay the indcbnedness evidenced by said Promissory note at the times and in the manner <br />tAsrein prasitfsd, <br />b. Ta pay elf toss, asssssmcnts, water rates, and ether governmental car municipal charges. tines, car <br />itnpc:S{tiofts, far whkh prpvis~t has n<at hero made hcretnbeforc, and will promptly drtivrr the ,~fficia( receipts <br />therrfar to the raid mtxtgagse. <br />c. "fia pay such ettaenrgs and fger xs may Fag incurred in the prsherttean arts! mainrenancg of said prcat+crtr~, <br />rtseltraffrtg the fens cal' arty attorney emphryed by the morrgaggc ftar the rotlectian .:( am <x ail of rhg indehtcdnrss <br />lttsrctsy ~v:vrgd, ar (ortrttt~;ure hp rcu:Ktgagee's Bale, nt ccyurt prcrtitgdint€s, tar ~n stnu Ether iitiftation c,r prcxreclitt~ <br />tlffect,rag sssrl rurapgn.r <br />