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r <br />$l~t)(1337~ <br />4. CtttsiealwNfra. The proceeds al any award nr claim for damages, dirccl nr consegttentlal, in conrtectirm with any <br />casttdcmaation or rnher taking of the Properly, or part thermt', ar for cdnveynnce in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />sad shall l+e paisf to Lenakr. <br />to the event of a rota! taking of the Property, the prroceeds shalt tle applied to the sums secured by this wed of Trust, <br />with the ucess, if any, paid en Horrower. In the event of a ponies taking of the Property, unless Borrower and<Lentkr <br />oilterwise a6tee in writing, there shalt he applied to the sums secured hl' this Deed of l'ntst such proptrnion df-the prrttxeds <br />as is ra that praportfrm which the amount of the sumssecurexf bq Ibis Deed of Trust imrnediattty prior fo the dale of <br />toting rs ro the fair market value of nc~ Property imrnediattty pour to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Harrower. <br />Ef the Properly rs afvttdoned by Bormwer, or if, attrr Tatice by I ender to Oorrower that the ctsmfeittnor offers td make <br />an award ar settle • claim tar damages, Bdrrower fails tr resparxf to Lender within JO days after the--date such nolire is <br />toasted, Ltadrr 14 atdharrad 10 Collect and apply the pre -ceds, at Lender's option, ether to restwatidn or hair of-:the <br />Properly ar to the seras secured by this t3ttct of Tnest. <br />Uakn C ender and fiorrowrr rnherwiu agm in wrihnp, any such application of proceeds to abaft trot extend <br />ar posrlsone the due dNe of the mnnrhly installments referred to in paragraphs {and 2 hereof or change-the amoum of <br />such irntafttttmts <br />lfr. B,arrewer NeN Refeaaer. Pictrnvnn of the time for payment or mrxtihcatian of amortintitm of the sums securt:d <br />by this [ked of Trust granted by I.crtdtr fo any seteceswr ;n interest of Bnrrrnrer shall mlt operate to release, in any manner, <br />the lirtbility of the original iklrmwer and~Bnrrclwer'ses#tecrssnrs in interest. Cooler shall nut Ile required to comatcace <br />pmce~aga agaimt such succesxir or refux to extend cline for paymem ar atherwue modify amortizafioa of the stuns <br />secured by this Iced of Trust by reason of any demand made by tilt angsnal Borrrnvtr and Borrower's successors-irtrntemt. <br />! 1, Por6earawre by tender Not • Waiver. Any fnrhearance by !.ender In rsercisirlg any nghF or remedy hercutttier, or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shat) not t+e a w?iiver of nr prtelude the exercise of any such right or rt:mxdy. <br />The procttrcmrnt n! insurance ar the paynecnt of tests oa-other liens nr charges by I_enrkr shalt not ile a waiver of Ltader's <br />nght to secelerare rite mautnty of the tmichreatness sccural by thfs Deed of Trust <br />ti Resrdias ('Y~alatlw. Ait rrm<dmc nrrwufed~in this Deed of Tnist are ebsunct and cumulative to env other right <br />or remedy under rh;s Drtri nt Trust ar afforded by lad r equity, and may he exerrsed concurrently, in pendea y or <br />sucassrvtty - 1 '• . <br />t3. avert Asdgwa HorrMft loins sad Ss+e aI t.tawfify; Captbm. The covenants and agreements httrein <br />comurtsd shalt hrrld, and the rights hereunder ,hall ;olive tu, she respznive xiueessars and assigns of Lender and Hotrowtt. <br />atsb~ett #a the provisrom of paragraph 17 hereof All covenants anj agrcrments n( llorrtlwer shall Ex ioint and seven!. <br />Tate eapiorss and headings of the fsaragraphs ai thes Deed of Trust are fur ennvenicnee only acrd arc not to bt used to <br />inattrptet a de6ttt the prmrsrons~hHeof <br />1t. Nstizs. Fxcept for afiY rtaxrce requurd umkr appi~+.ehte law £,~ hC grven m artmtler manner, (a) any•notir^ to <br />Borrozvet prmaded for rn the shed of Trust shall he grven ht nraileng such malice by cerufttd mail addresxd to Borrdwer a! <br />the Property Address nr ar slrrh other address as Borrrnrer nlxv designate by noucz to Lcnater ss provided herein, and <br />Ib) eay notice In Lender shall l>c grven by <erritied mad, return receipt reyirevezd, fir LenrteYs address soled herein or to <br />such other address as f.etader rosy deugnare by rrotree ro 8orrrTwer as pfovfded flerern .4ny notice provided (or in this <br />fleidd vt T[wt shat{ he slttrrltd is have httn given to Barrawrr +u ! crulrr when grven +n rhr rrsarzr~r dpigasted herein. <br />t5. tlwHeww eke! d Trask (;averwirsg Law; Serensbitkv, ihw farm of deed s:t trust cnmMrxs undcsrm covenants for <br />natiorut zru and nttn-undorm cnvenantt with Irmnrd son ahona by ltttisd;ctwn t,+ r<Tnsruute a uniform security imtrament <br />covering real property TTta Died nt Tru-! shall F,e {ravrrrled by iho law of the turfsih~uon in whicfi the Properly is located. <br />la the tweet that any prrwrsran or clause r+t the (teed r+1 T"rust or rtSc ~Nare ionthtis with applicable law. such conflict shalt <br />flat aRect ocher provesrons nl this tktd nt Trust or the ~lJote w-bleb fan tr {;~v<rt effect arniloat the cnntt+cbng provtseon. <br />sad to this end the pravrstotta of tree shed el 1'ruxt and tree tsratz xrt r5eefarrJ en ire severable <br />li, flarrrwer't Gpv. slur:ctwtr shall tic iurmshrrl a contnrmzd ropy ni the Nc rr and of thts Dstri at Trrrsl at the tithe <br />of exstuttan or after ra-ordattan hereof <br />t7. Trade of 14s Ropesty: Awrwpdaw. !t ail or arsy part of tier Property er an rntercat therein n sold or transferred <br />by 130(raTWef wiltlaa( l~ndef'% [Htur written censrni, esr{trdint £af tfie CR_trzTa ni :f I:ta n tncamt~arrce Sabtlfdiadle !a <br />the Deed of Trust, ! bl the creaeecrn rf a purchasz errancy stCTrrrtY interest far t/aersctrTtd appiiaM~t. le i a transfer by devise. <br />deseeai ar by operation cif law upon the dezth of a ;M1am renanr ter <br />i.eirder assay, at t cnrler~v oQtu.n. deei:erz ail the wins sesuresl by this Deed of Trust to tlr <br />-ira}ntdia(eiy sad payable. L.ensiti shalt have waived such aphnn ivy a-crrkratz if. prior to the srk or transfer. Lender <br />std the peruse Io whom the Properly is ro t+c said ar rranstersed reach agreement ;n venting thU the credit-pt such person <br />+s satisfactory to [.erWer sad that the intMest payable nn rhr rums vciurtsl by this (bed nl Tftht shaft be at such rats as <br />i_etdtr s_hail request. t( t~naler has waived the nprmn rn eeidrra.e prnvrehd an this paragraph !7, and if Borrower's successor <br />In r»terest lids eauuttd a wntten assum~rnn agreement aerept<d in w-in~ng ny i crldrr, i rnder shalt release Barrawtr from <br />all ohlrgatrons under iho fktd of TrTrsr and nc~ Note <br />9f f,eadtr esertises such apwn rn arreteraa, i tinier shall rrTaii ttnrt+Twrr atarcr ~ f accefetatinn in accnrdartce with <br />paragraph t4 [xrrwf. Mach nwtcr shah prrrvktz a perlad • oat !css than i+l +tavs liom the Dale the nauce is mailed. willten <br />which eantwrer may par the sums r#clarrat dos !r Bmrs .vzr Luis r,> p,is -.u. h turns pri+,r to the espirauun of such pet;od, <br />Larder rrNy, wuhsteu further XTw tee ar demand s+a tls.-.crow f inT+:it aiip reu;edics (,Cimnrrd by pate graph i8 hereof. <br />Note-tl nsrrlasr ('nvrn~nrs IMrtfw.rr anJ f rrnkr tt.. her ,,.,ven.r irt ansl agrn av rnllrTws <br />1g. Atcttrratiwt: Remedies. Earep as provided is y.uagnipb (7 hereof, rpew Aetrnwer'a brexh of any coreitanf car <br />~tsaraeM of tfartawer is this tktd n( "treat, iaritrdirR the fasrsaels to par wbea due my swan xrursd by this Deed <br />of Tract. trader prier to arrekrNiaa shah malt wTiia~e to froare«<r n prrra idsd is parrgnph l~ hereof aperUyirtR: I1) the <br />hretiett: IZf Ibs attitrw rerrued ra rYre each fxcrch, r3l a dN<, rersr Inv tttrw ,id dot. trrsm (tit dNe the aolke is malted to <br />hrrOwetc by wltirb such breach msus he roved: sad tdt that (:rdrrr to sure sairh breach xa or br(nrs the dais specified <br />is Etas works mat result is arrrfsratiew o/ the wm+ s<rrred by this thud N trYa/ and safe of the PmpeA y. 7ht notice <br />afraM fttather lNorwr tfetrrwtr n( the right !n reiratNr ether aacrhrarinrr and Ibe rich( to briatt a court aclioa to assert <br />the asiw~ealsirart of a de(ara or nay rreher delsaar si Merrrwrr w srrNerariaw sad sale. If for breach is rot cured <br />alt af:bdara the dale sprrtfzrd in the aYrter, f-rwder at Gefader's oplirrw mat dre#are aq a( eht sums aerurcd by this t}red <br />of Twat H be iramtditrtely Assn awd tmtable wuhaN (rhber drmard awd weir inaakr the power of sale and any other nmedlea <br />paf#siffri by app#ieabir law. Lewder shall Ise rntitird to cnliKt off rraaaswabts casts awd exp<rizes fitcYrred in purwiwg ihs <br />rpgedtes prarfded to Ibis paragrapt l1I, tat{adiryt. bW riots tigrrisd to, rra!iorublr attmaev'a-fees. <br />N the pewsr ai sale is iaaolaad, T'rswtse shah erxrard a wulire of de(ae{I en crab rewaly in wbkh Ike Property or seine <br />ptpf ~etrta( is latalyd axd ahat# waif ttspiea d arcs wwire a the ma4wer prntritwrl hr applicable bsv In ®errawer end to the <br />afhiar fttasaws pmrriitd by apptirabtx Iaw. After the taps ..f wah trine as sett tee r<grirrd by applcable law, Truster shah <br />ptifYBt rra#ict of sate tr vies pcnaus and fn the ma. err presrrifed hr appifcaMr law. Trrgee, wflirsN rlearaad on <br />~r. ahNl u#t Ibs Pwpsrty N prM3t atantoa to t~ ht;-iKSt tiedder N rbr rime •rrri pfarr sad uadzr rht terror dtskgtsatrd <br />fa Hie malice of" fitfr lea owe. dr mart parcslt- sad fn wrcb order as Theatre arty determias. Truster may PaI+ePYw% lust of all <br />at asztrprcd_ef the Prapsrt>, try pYtiliit aanaYaxxr6asm N Ihs rims aarF pbits ar any preriarsly sc'fudYkd sNe. l.ertttet nr <br />Lets/gr's Aes;gsta racy prrcbars the Property N wy sots. <br />[3tep:resrlpt rI pitmeM rt the peke bid, Trrstre shNl AcN.<r to the parchserr Trrsire i deed nraveyhtg the Ptaprrly <br />sakB. {see resftak is #fsr T'rrslse's deed shNi bt errata facie eridtacs u! the troth n( ifMr xeNemtats mils tltrre)a. Tt9atse <br />afNH-tgt.Pfy test Pratteds at firs sake iw tbs #oHYaa" order: (a) to sit rerwwatrk clots sad espersses Yf the sale, inctrdfag, bur <br />sat Iktrfiei ta, Tvastse's fees ai woe mats (has ~. J .L O.f 1 r of lfts ttrusa suds prier. rrwaonaMe Nterrssy's fern sad desks of <br />title eskltaicr, tit) 9a aH sloes sexYrsd by this Eked d Trnat: and irt the extras: it ary, rr the penan ar pusatss legally ewtkted <br />fftasslxtd <br />#!. Harrawr's IIfiRltl is RtiMtaBt. i`fotwvrlearartdintt !_andtr'v acezteratron irt the wu» scrn+ed by this fk+cd of Tfus[. <br />flitrrc~r shaft tsavt tfx :rgtTt to ?Tour; any prrketJm;gs t>4cguie by t.rnT#er t+, enforce obis Ikxd of Trier drscanumied at <br />an)r r:rars prr~ to the earl?tr to extol of i:} tte< lffih day future rhr .tale ul £!>r Pua^+crty paifsaant to lhz lafwet a! sale cant~lrreaf <br />+n ihi~ [aced ref `f resat ar i:e} atHr} a[ a ludh+rrzcral rnfurc£rsg itsu !k^~d id "fins! it ia! Borrower pas+ 1 roller all stmrs which waaid <br />tee thin t#rt M+adra th.a t?ztsf Td TnW, ttrx Nwe and nuie~" Kcussr>g. t~uturr ldvark rs. •£ any- ha.l no arr:etcrauan ucrurtrd. <br />ttrj tltarr~a.<er rtzrtT off isreaT:ttsa +2f itny sgtpt:r a.tebq•narrt' frf .1gCCrnrtnft ,or trarrnwl`i ¢otsrat+lrel in SIT{} f>Eed #+f it'trxt. <br />eF{ grata Cr pat`s all reaa(tM11l+#Y rstTrnsr:s fltrF+r cell by 11f3;#rf aXld i'rih3tri- ill I, 44fq•f;;anix i3§ tUri'Flanra Ind attft'<unrtSltT 4?f <br />Bat-rrawer ~4tr4ir±tita} en tbFS CJT~,I + ~ fr;rsr and Err enfr,r:~,r=g 1 rnrlrr`., „.nd T rrettee , rime=+(irv a-, prnr,J<d in paragraph i N <br />lssrxlasf. Trss;trrdirtp, hart ncr! f,mncd ii) lr3ianafT~g' dn(Xritr'{ .S'r'i AFlat twit HEN iwswr! t:si rr 35es tl ass t!i+£i av l CridcF may rraianat)ly <br />td+?e+;rr t= asasear tfTat ehr lien .'d tlziti lles9 s*f Truo+, i rr.eler , ,arrre,t ,a -£.r f`roprrti' ,af.f f4orrr+wxr"s ~t£gatiox+ to t=at <br />