1 r-
<br />g~-- OQ3367
<br />M~It'~GAGE
<br />8~'HIS MORTGAGE is tasde this......... 26th ... ....day of ..........June, . .... .. . ,
<br />ifl...., bdwe~theMorcgagor,JOHN .T.. WtIYTE,. JR..AND. ROSIE. Wl...WHYTE.,..husband .and. Mite....
<br />........................... (herein ..Borrower"), aad the Mortgages, Hoene Federal
<br />Savings and Low Asaociati~, a o~poration orgnniaed ate eaistitig under the laws of The Uts3ted States of
<br />Artasriea, whose address is 222 Sautlt Lacteal Street. Grant! islar~, Nebraska llterefn "I,ender,•)
<br />~j Borrower is indebted to t ender in the principal sum of. TWENTY ONE TNOUSAkf3 .FIDE, H11ND#IED.
<br />ANO~ -^---------_^----_ -------------.cellars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrowers note
<br />dated ....June .'Lti, ~ ~ 98t~ .. ~.. ~... ~. (herein "Note'"}, providing for monthly installments of principal anal ntere~,-
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if trot sooner paid, dtu and payable on.........~4tjY. 1.• 2Q~4........
<br />To Sectrae to Lender (a) the repayTttent of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note; with interest thereon, the
<br />~ymenE of aU ocher sums, wilt[ interest thereon, aavancett m accar ,.. - .. - " .,- " _"'` `
<br />Mortgage, and [he performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, seed (b) tl~ repayment
<br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 2] hereof (hetzSn
<br />"Future Advaaces"), Borrower does hereby mortgage. grant and rnmey to Lender the following descdbtxi ptvptrty
<br />located in the Cotmty af..........HALL ............................. Stage of Nebtaska~
<br />408 West I6th . .......... .. ~rand.IsJand.............,
<br />which has the addrrxs o#..... ........................... .
<br />tscnuit [cart
<br />Nebr'aSka 5$$Ol........ (herein "Property Address"):
<br />....... k6t~t+ xed 2W Catlrt
<br />'Tant'tttatt wiRh all the improvements now or Fureaftrr erected on the property, and all easements, rights,
<br />apfwt'taaatt+.~e;, re;ettt, royalties. mineral, oil arMl gas rigtus and proftts, water, voter rights, and water stix:k, and all
<br />fixtures xxrvr of hereafter attacltecl tr+ the prap-rty, alt cxf which. ine:lttding replacements and additions thereto, shall be
<br />darstxxi to lac and r€mairt a part of flee property covered by this Mortgage, and all of the fort:going, together with said
<br />prupex#y (ut t6c lhold t~statc .f thix Mott~tge is ,,,n a kasahcsld }are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br />Btxrr~sr rsttvesaatts that Bprsrrvrrr in larx'fu0y seised of ells esLtte Itareby conveyed and hoc tees right to mortgage,
<br />grans; soul y the f'rvnperty, that tltc Pnspcrty rs ttrtenc+rrrthcred, seed that Eiorrcxwce wsll warrant sad defend
<br />- the: title i.: the Property at;aitnt alf claim[; atsl deutartds, subject trs any <tectaratiotxt, rasen~nts or restrietinns
<br />lei in s ts+ehafialt of espti~ to tovcragc in arty tttk inaurAnce pnlicy insuring l.cnder`s interest in the Property.
<br />--t t twwtf-~-At?3-.-.tWM/6a1ME NtNi~(il altNlpffflllii
<br />