. ....+-5, i.
<br />81-'oU336U
<br />:,mot
<br />THIS-DEED OF TRUST is made this.........26th ........ . ....day of ....Saute _..:......::..... .
<br />19..$7. amixtg the Truster,.: Joint, Hobert. Mi211;o>ase. atui .Corey. Atut .IAi:111x>atse, .Htssbatut .aud. Wtte
<br />, .:.. .. ......: ............. (herein "13orrower"}; ........... .. , . .: .. .
<br />... ..+T~08. Sr. Red .... ................................. (herein "Trustee°); and-the 13cnefieitt[q;
<br />... r~~6;$Oi: D1~C4~96~. ~R. ...........................:............ a corparatiotr organizetf and`--
<br />exutirta undtr the laws of...........1~Fig41Ca ....................... whose address is..... , .. - ..: ,:.
<br />.. ?3,1.13.. ebb .Rd... Si:~~ .~06... ~Fart4 .~slf>nd:..N£ .. 6d6A~:1 ....: (herein "I:entler"}
<br />IIoRROWER, in catsideration of the indebtedness herein recitM and the trust herein created, irrevocably ~granEs-
<br />and conveys [o Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property located in.thc Cotraty of
<br />......~.~ ............................... State of Nebraska: -
<br />- --~~ 7 T?,~,~.,.~, ~.+a,+ /71 f~T nasan (Y~auftLV Vic.V lldditirRl
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall Cotmty, Nebraska
<br />which has the address ot_ .....919. South. Yitrs . .....................Grand .Tt~laud........... .
<br />tst'eeri Sc,tr1
<br />..Iipr...fi8801........... { hrzein "Property Address" 1;
<br />{ttau an0 Z•o carol
<br />TtX:ETrtE$ witfi alt ttn: impro1cmcnts now or hereafter cr.etrd cut the property, and ail eaxmenta. rights.
<br />appurtenances, rents {subject however to the rights and authorities given herein to !..ender to wlket and apply such
<br />rents}, rayaltics, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, taater rights, anti water stock, and all fi><tures now or
<br />hcrcatter attached to the property, aU of which, including riplacetnents and additions thereto, shall be deemed to lx
<br />and tetirxin a part of the property crovercd bt this Deed of Trust; and all of the foregoing, together with said property
<br />{or the itaschoki estate if ibis Deed of Trust is on a teasehaki j are herein seferroil to as the "Property'";
<br />To SECllR€ to 1.cttdes (a) the repa<yrueai or the indcbredncss ev;denced by Borrower's Wort dated _Jtane. 25, .1981
<br />..... , , , .... (herein "Nate" 3 in the principal sum of ...1'ortY- slat .thousand .five. haandred. attd Not:l00ths
<br />. . .. . . . . .:.. . ....................--.... ,Dollars. witfi interest thereon, providing far monthly installments
<br />+~ }arlnclpalatts! interest, with-the balance at the indebtedness, if net snorter paid, due and payable on....... - ... .
<br />... , , ty}f .la.. 2A.k1 . ...... . ........ . ..... :the pa}•tm:nt of alt other sums. with interest thereon, udvrncLd
<br />ie >ic~rdsrtcc huravgiElt co protect the seewity rrf this Deed of Trust: and the performance of the covenant, and
<br />tt~reeczcnts rs! 13wtpvrer hrrrein contained, and t b) the repayment of any future advanczs. with interest iharcnn, made
<br />hi BartaW~f bgier~et' pntrsiiant to paragraph 3 i hen-af therein "Future Adv~necs"1.
<br />xter GtrvetTaat~tt tltttt iltarttrwcr is lawfully seised of the ;-state hereby canreycd anti has the eight to grunt and
<br />aoatt+ t~¢.PMriy, that t#rc Fctp is ttnencnmtrcred. and that 8orratwer will warrrnt and defend genirtlty tIn
<br />t {a the Witty sjgiietst all a arnl darnands. subjer:t ict ;trey declarations. easeiitents or restrpetums hstcd in a
<br />~¢ ~ c5tatitplti itt ciavera~ in any ti31~ insurance poticy insuring l.cttdcr's tntcztst in G'ti: prx~x.rty_
<br />~--t ra+tfh._t;7S~•Errlk/ttlttli YIrIpWM 1fltZtlgllltit
<br />